Welcome to the Mekong Fish Network!
Dear colleagues,
With this newsletter, we'd like to share with you a resource that has been developed specifically for researchers in the Mekong Basin: the Mekong Fish Network (MFN) www.mekongfishnetwork.org. The goals of the network are to improve communication, coordination, and collaboration among organizations and individuals studying fish and fisheries in the Mekong Basin.
We hope you will take advantage of this network to stay informed and share your important work. Do you have a new grant, a project update, or a new publication that you would like to share? Email us at mekong@fishbio.com to publicize your work to the broader fish community via the MFN. Sharing information about ongoing projects can benefit the scientific community by allowing researchers to build upon each other's work, further fisheries science, increase efficiency, enhance visibility, and encourage and strengthen collaboration. You can also help the network grow by encouraging your colleagues to subscribe and contribute to this newsletter (click "Send to a Colleague" in the right hand sidebar to forward this newsletter).
The MFN website can be viewed in multiple languages, and offers many resources, such as:
The MFN is open to all, and anyone working with fish or other aquatic resources in the Mekong Basin is welcome to contribute. There are many outlets to showcase your work, including the projects gallery, blog posts, and this newsletter. No commitment is required of network members, though we hope all will choose to participate actively. In an effort to enhance communication and coordination among various organizations, we recently sent out a survey to identify existing collaborative networks. You can now find the results of this survey on the MFN website.
The FISHBIO team on behalf of the Mekong Fish Network
Mekong Basin Networking Survey Results
 In November 2015, the Mekong Fish Network designed and distributed an email survey to document existing collaborative networks in the Mekong Basin. We would like to thank the many individuals who took time to complete the survey. The documented network of Mekong Basin organizations displays a high level of connectedness, demonstrating great potential for increased collaboration and information exchange. Results of the survey are now available on the MFN website. Learn more > |
Visit the MFN Data Bank
 The Mekong Fish Network Data Bank (MFN Data Bank) is provided as a free tool for data management and collaboration to people working in the Mekong River Basin. This tool has been developed through consultations with local experts working in the Lower Mekong Basin. Any data you may wish to upload is protected and private unless you select to share specific data with other users. Learn more > |
A Mekong Symposium at the American Fisheries Society

New Translations of Historical Fish Distributions Now Available The study of fish in the Mekong Basin is an endeavor that stretches back more than 100 years. Dr. Vu Ngoc Ut of Can Tho University
in Can Tho, Vietnam, uncovered several historical publications documenting early scientific encounters of fishes in southern Vietnam and Cambodia. He shared the documents, which were written in French, with colleagues... Read more >
Your Update Here! Share your recent news with the Mekong Fish Network! Send your submission to: mekong@fishbio.com
1-4 March 2016
Vientiane, Laos
14-17 April 2016 Oxford, England
7th World Fisheries Congress23-27 May 2016 Busan, Korea