Mount Pleasant 
Central School District
newsLINK  Superintendent Email
March 18, 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Throughout the State of New York, the month of April is the time when public schools assess students' understanding of the curriculum taught in classrooms. This is done through the New York State grades 3-8 assessments in math and English Language Arts. This letter serves to provide you with information regarding the assessments and to address much of the conversation in the media regarding this topic.

What are the assessment requirements?
Public schools in New York are obliged and required by State Education Department (SED) regulations to assess all students in attendance on those days when assessments and make-ups are scheduled. Math and English/Language Arts assessments are given in April to students in grades 3-8, and science is given in May/June to students in grades 4 and 8. High school and some middle school students are assessed through the New York State Regents examinations in June in accordance with their course of study. School districts do not have the authority to allow students to opt-out of assessments.  

How are the assessment results utilized in Mount Pleasant?
The Mount Pleasant Schools utilize the NYS assessment results in a number of ways. Along with classroom performance and teacher-created classroom assessments, the NYS assessments are a standardized and common test, the results of which inform teachers and administrators when making decisions or recommendations concerning curriculum and program placement. A standard and common assessment allows schools to review information regarding a cohort of students or across an entire grade level in the Mount Pleasant schools as well as in comparison to other schools in the region and across the state. The assessment results also inform the decision making process in Response to Intervention (RTI) and assist in determining the need for academic intervention services. The NYS assessments do not determine special education services. The assessment results provide a deeper understanding of students' comprehension of the curriculum and their academic skills.

Can students refuse to take the assessments?
There has been much discussion in the media regarding "opting-out" or refusing the assessments. While opinions regarding the assessments are personal and varied, assessment refusal requests from parents will be honored and the district will work with you and your child. Students who refuse the test and submit a blank answer sheet will be recorded as "refused to take entire test." If any portion of an answer sheet is completed, the test will be scored as if the student took the entire test.

Students who are absent for any portion of the testing period will be scheduled to take the missed assessment(s) during the makeup period.  Students absent for the entire testing and make up dates will be coded as "absent for entire test."

If my child refuses to take the assessments, what will he/she experience when other students are taking the tests?
Please know that during the assessment administration period, the school district is required to provide an appropriate testing environment for students. A testing protocol will be in place during the time that the tests are administered.  
Your child will be able to read silently during the testing period and is responsible to bring reading materials for 1 to 1.5 hours of sustained silent reading time.

Does the assessment "count" on my child's report card or appear on my child's permanent academic records?
The NYS grades 3-8 assessment results are not averaged into a student's report card grades, nor are they used to determine a grade point average on a student's academic record. Scores are kept with a student's record for informational purposes only. The NYS grades 3-8 assessments do not appear on a high school transcript nor influence the college application process. However, in order to receive a NYS Regents Diploma at high school graduation, students are required to pass five NYS Regents examinations (English, Mathematics, Science, American History and Global Studies).

How is my child's teacher affected by my child's assessment scores?
Teachers who teach in grades or courses with state assessments will continue to receive a State-Provided Growth score, a part of the Annual Professional Performance Review process of teacher evaluation.We believe in Mount Pleasant that the best preparation for any assessment is great teaching and learning. Great teaching and learning is our goal for everyone in all of our classrooms in our schools all the time!

How is my child's school affected by my child's assessment scores?
Under federal law, NYS public schools are required to annually assess students and meet a 95% participation rate for state assessments. As specified by the U.S. Department of Education, states and school districts that fail to comply with these regulations may be penalized through a loss of Title I funding or through the loss of other funding, such as but not limited to, funds available through the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

How can my child best prepare for the assessments?
To best support your child at this time, please ensure he/she has a good night's rest, a healthy breakfast, and much positive reinforcement.  The children are well prepared for the NYS assessments and should approach them as they would any other classroom assessment. We know our students try hard and will do their best.  

Further questions?
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the building principal in your child's school or Mary Ellis, the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

Thank you very much for you cooperation and understanding.



Dr. Susan Guiney
Superintendent of Schools 



March 22
Art Show
6 to 8 p.m.
Westlake library

March 23
Fourth Grade Celebration of Learning
6:30 p.m.

March 25-April 1
Spring Break

April 5-7 
NYS ELA Assessments 
Grades 3-8

April 13-15 
NYS Math Assessments 
Grades 3-8
Thornwood, New York 10594

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