October 2015

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Connect with Success
Elizabeth Park Elementary
Paradise, NL, Canada

This project was a retrofit of an existing school building. The Building Automation System was designed to accommodate the planned future expansion without any modification, but to still operate air handling and terminal unit equipment at appropriately reduced airflows until that time.

A web-based EC-NetAX platform was used to integrate HVAC and lighting control, utility monitoring, and multiple environmental sensors.

Click here to read the full Success Story!

BACnet Manufacturers: 
Click here to view all BACnet Success Stories or to submit your company's for publication.

Connect With Resources

Corporate Members: Don't forget your benefits!

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Introduction to BACnet for
Building Owners and Engineers

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BACnet International Journal

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A BACnet International Publication
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Connect in Cornerstones

Welcome to the newest edition of Cornerstones enewsletter. The BACnet International community benefits from information and education shared through Cornerstones, the organization's monthly electronic publication. This publication is disseminated to members of the BACnet community, connecting corporate, integrator, site, student and individual end users.

Cornerstones is a unique publication because it speaks not only to the engineer and contractor communities, but also to facility professionals, building managers and owners, and other personnel.

This is where you come in. We need you to connect! If there is a best practice, company news, product news or BACnet Success Stories you want to share, please send them to us. And don't leave out the photos! 

All submissions should be sent to Erin Hall, BACnet International's communications and community manager.

Connect With Opportunity
It's All Happening in Orlando

World Energy Engineers Congress  
Just last week, 17 corporate members of BACnet International exhibited at the World Energy Engineers Congress (WEEC). Sept. 30 through Oct. 2, BACnet International was also exhibiting in booth 931.

NFMT Orlando & BACnet International Annual Conference 
At this year's NFMT Orlando and BACnet International Annual Conference Oct. 27 through 28, the Leaders of the Pack awards will be distributed to deserving individuals in the BACnet community. You are invited to join BACnet International in recognizing outstanding achievements of winning individuals and companies. Additionally, you are invited to attend the NFMT conference--including all education sessions--for FREE.
More About NFMT Orlando

The perfect blend of solutions, strategies and sunshine, NFMT Orlando is a free conference and expo for facilities professionals wanting to better themselves and their buildings. The event takes place October 27-28, 2015, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla.

BACnet International will be ready to meet and greet you in booth 613. Additionally, several BACnet International members will be presenting educational sessions. 
AHR Expo

More than 42,000 visitors attended the 2015 AHR Expo in Chicago. In 2016 The AHR Expo will be in Orlando Jan. 25 through 27, and BACnet International will be in booth 1042. Plan to join us!

BACnet International has a limited number of tickets to the Trade Shows for those interested. To secure tickets, contact Membership and Trade Show Manager David Nardone.

Please stop by the BACnet International booth at any or all of the aforementioned trade shows and see how we are promoting BACnet International companies!


 Share Your Ideas: The BACnet International Journal

BACnet International is searching for ideas and suggestions for issue 11 of The BACnet International Journal. The Journal is a global magazine for building automation based on BACnet technology. Experts, practitioners and professionals show the way in applying and developing the BACnet standard, from building automation trends to devices and application projects; from qualification and training to testing and certification; from who's who in the BACnet community to useful information on events and publications. Special attention is given to members and activities of BACnet International.

For more information about The Journal or to submit an article for consideration, contact Communications and Community Manager Erin Hall


We would like to invite you to take part in our Global Roadshow. Occurring through the end of 2015, the Global Roadshow celebrates the 10th DIN EN ISO anniversary and the 20th ANSI anniversary of the BACnet standard. The event focuses on the benefits of BACnet for sustainable buildings in terms of construction, retrofitting and the integration in smart grids. It includes a state-of-the-art exhibition and provides the latest information about: 
  • Open communication in building automation
  • Development of standardization
  • Interoperability of BACnet devices
  • BTL Listing and European Certification
  • BACnet vendors and suppliers
The Roadshow is a decisive meeting point for BACnet users in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. One Road Show goal is to increase the global awareness for BACnet. During Road Show events, the newest capabilities of building management systems will be introduced and the benefits of BACnet applications will be demonstrated. 

We are looking forward to meeting you at one of the Roadshow locations. Click here for more information about the BACnet Global Roadshow.
Remaining Stops   
Asia Pacific
Nov 5th, 2015 Pune India
Nov 12th, 2015 Singapore
Nov 19th, 2015 Beijing China
Nov 26th, 2015 Tokyo Japan 
Connect With Education

BACnet International Members to Present at
NFMT Orlando Conference

At the upcoming NFMT Confrence and Expo, several BACnet International members will be offering their wisdom on BACnet during educational sessions in room 330A. If you are planning to be in Orlando for this conference, be sure not to miss your colleagues speak about the all-important subject of BACnet.

October 27  
10 - 10:50 a.m. The Facility Manager's Guide to BAS's Grant Winchenko, Appin Associates 
3:10 - 4 p.m. The Future of Building Information is Tags Chris Hollinger, Siemens 
4:10 - 5 p.m.  HVAC 101: Chillers and VFDs and BACnet - Oh My! Tim Skell, ABB, Inc. 
October 28 
8 - 8:50 a.m. Going Green; Building Blue Ben Dorsey, Continental Industries, Inc. 
9 - 9:50 a.m. The Integrated Office Space Will Podgorski, Siemens 
10 - 10:50 a.m. BACnet Physical Connectivity Coleman Brumley, PolarSoft 

Read the Latest Foundations     

The latest issue of Foundations is now available on the BACnet International website.

The Foundations publication is an educational resource produced by BACnet International for its members. BACnet International is the cornerstone of your success, and Foundations builds on that by providing the technical knowledge you need to success in the world of building
automation. Foundations is written by volunteers from the BACnet community for integrators, installers, appliers and specifiers/consultants. It complements the BACnet International Journal and the association's monthly enewsletter, Cornerstones.

In this issue of Foundations, you will find articles on the following topics: 
  • A Case for BTL Testing
  • BACnet Developers Q&A
  • I am a VFD and I speak BACnet
  • Success Story: Ohio University
Questions about Foundations or article submissions for future issues may be directed to BACnet International Communications and Community Manager Erin Hall. 
Connect With BACnet Community News

PlugFest 2015 Wraps As a Success

The 16th annual PlugFest was a tremendous success! Held at the University of New Hampshire's InterOperability Lab  (UNH-IOL) in Durham, NH, PlugFest welcomed 10 first-time vendor companies and 23 returning companies, for a total of nearly 90 individual attendees.

Based on the enthusiasm and participation of attendees, the BACnet industry is healthy, strong and growing. And to those for whom "tech" is a natural home, PlugFest 2015 was the fun place to be. The UNH-IOL venue was spare, yet luxurious. Ceiling track conduits for a dozen different protocol media are an engineer's dream come true.

The dinner cruise held on Tuesday Oct. 7 on a three-deck Victorian steamship included live music and spectacular views of the archipelago at the mouth of the Piscataqua River, giving attendees breathtaking views of the foliage starting to turn to color, offering peeks of spectacular trees in red, orange, and yellow.

Attendees were treated to a convenient shuttle service to and from the Portsmouth hotels every day, including pickups at 7:30 a.m. each PlugFest morning and returns at the end of each day's final sessions.

BACnet International also made sure everyone got home safely by arranging shuttles to major airports at the conclusion of the event.

Don't miss out on the success and excitement of PlugFest in 2016. Mark your calendar for next year's dates:

September 26-29, 2016 
University of New Hampshire - InterOperability Lab 
Durham, NH


Meet the New BACnet Committee Chair: Bernhard Isler

ASHRAE's Standing Standard Project Committee (SSPC) 135, well known as the BACnet Committee, is in charge to maintain ANSI/ASHRAE Standards 135 "BACnet" and 135.1 "BACnet Conformance Tests." By that it effectively also maintains the ISO Standards 16484-5 and 16484-6, including numerous regional or national adoptions.

With the end of the ASHRAE Annual Meeting in Atlanta, the BACnet Committee roster underwent a number of changes, including a shift in the office. After successful and effective three years of leading the committee and doing enormous and outstanding work for it, Carl Neilson of Delta Controls stepped down as chairman. He is continuing to serve the committee as a non-voting member. The new chairman of the BACnet Committee is Bernhard Isler of Siemens and former vice chair.

Bernhard Isler works for Siemens Building Technologies as System Architect, at its headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. He got first involved in BACnet in about 1992, when evaluating BACnet, available as its second public review draft at that time, for application in fire detection systems.

A few years later he wrote a first proposal for better support of fire systems in BACnet, ultimately ending in the today life safety objects of the BACnet standard. Isler was heavily involved in adding physical access control capabilities to BACnet. He was convening the Objects & Services Working Group for more than seven years. This time included the alarming revision initiative that led to BACnet revision 13, and the completion of the additions to the standard for elevator monitoring. Isler served the committee as a voting member, as secretary, as vice chairman, and is now chairman.

His committee office career started with an email received from Dave Robin, chairman at that time, after the Louisville meeting in 2009. This email was asking if Isler would be available as secretary, starting the office track towards chairman. Given he is living in Switzerland this was completely unexpected for him. Since there was support by his employer, and Isler was already a passionate BACnet supporter with some history in the committee, he stepped into this endeavor.

Isler completed a professional education as an Electro-Mechanical Engineer with a Swiss national certification, and holds a BA in Electrical Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Switzerland. At that time, this was the only way after professional education to study computer and communication engineering, which were his focus disciplines. In 2011, he was the recipient of the first Swan Award, set out in honor of Bill Swan. In 2013, he successfully completed the Siemens certification program as System Architect.

Isler lives in Wilen, close to Wollerau near Lake Zurich in Switzerland, with his wife Karin and three children now at university or already in their own professional career.

Keep your eyes open for the new BACnet International Journal, coming soon, to discover more about the committee's new vice chair and secretary as well.  
Have some company news to share with the BACnet International Community? Contact BACnet International Communications and Community Manager Erin Hall today.
Connect With BACnet Community Products

Automated Logic is pleased to announce the release of PlantCTRL™, Chiller Plant Control Solution
The Automated Logic PlantCTRL chiller plant solution is a sophisticated, scalable, native BACnet® control platform for chiller plant control and operation.
This factory-engineered, cutting-edge control solution offers algorithms designed to provide optimized control over all aspects of a chiller plant, coordinating the control of chillers, pumps and towers into a finely tuned, cohesive system.
The solution consists of a dedicated controller, I/O expanders, and a library of factory-engineered control programs and dashboards that are specifically designed to cover the most common chiller plant configurations.
Read full release by clicking here

DEOS OPEN810 BACnet Controller 


The DEOS OPEN 810 EMS is a highly flexible native BACnet controller. With an embedded web server and internet connectivity, the OPEN 810 EMS combines control and network management functions as well as alarming, scheduling, data logging and supervision over a real time web-based graphical user interface.

When local controls is required, it can be extended with up to 32 OPEN I/O modules and supports up to 512 physical data point and 1000 BACnet objects. The I/O modules are available with Hand/Off/Auto switches, allowing users to override the control outputs for commissioning and maintenance purposes.

The OPEN 810 EMS comes with 1 CAN bus, 1 RS232, 1 RS485 and 2 fast Ethernet interfaces, which enable BACnet MS/TP, Modbus, M bus, KNX and DALI.

For more information visit http://www.deos-controls.com.

Contemporary Controls New Products Being Showcased

The BASintegratorFIN - Integration Platform to an AX Supervisor
The BASintegratorFIN uses a subset of J2innovations's FIN stack to create a powerful, yet flexible intelligent gateway that integrates Modbus and BACnet points up to Project Haystack clients. The BASintegratorFIN will also buffer trend data for the supervisor to help in case of network or supervisor issues. 

Built on Contemporary Controls' open automation Linux platform, the BASintegratorFIN can discover points and apply Haystack tags to serve up to building supervisors such as Niagara's AX Supervisor. Using an open and free Haystack driver in the AX Supervisor, the AX Supervisor only needs to know the IP address of the BASintegratorFINs in the network for a seamless interface to all points on a job regardless of the type of point. The result is an inexpensive, yet modern approach to building automation where access to structured data is critical.

BAScontrol22 Unitary Controller
The BAScontrol22 Unitary Controller is a good example of an open controller in that it embodies the attributes of an open controller as defined by Contemporary Controls. It is BACnet/IP compliant and incorporates a Sedona Virtual Machine. It can be programmed using Niagara Workbench or with a Sedona Tool. It is available to any systems integrator without restriction.

By having an Ethernet connection, the BASC22 can easily connect to Niagara Workbench or a Sedona Tool for programming or to a web browser for configuration. A built-in 10/100 Mbps Ethernet switch allows for a daisy-chain connection to the next-in-line controller or to a building supervisor. Besides having 66 Sedona components from Tridium, it has 100 custom components from Contemporary Controls. These include 48 web components that can be viewed and manipulated by a web browser, and 24 virtual points that can be read or written by a BACnet client.

For more information visit http://www.ccontrols.com.


Have some product news to share with the BACnet International Community? Contact BACnet International Communications and Community Manager Erin Hall today.
PlatinumPlatinum Members


Schneider Electric

GoldGold Members

American Auto Matrix

Control Solutions

SilverSilver Members











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