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Connect With Success
City of Port St. Lucie

Port St. Lucie, Fla., United States   


Port St. Lucie, Fla. - City of Port St. LucieHoneywell and city officials in Port St. Lucie, Fla. have kicked off a $7.1 million project to improve facilities and infrastructure to enhance the city's sustainability.

The upgrades are not only expected to trim the city's energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, but should generate enough utility and operating savings to pay for the work and related financing costs. Honeywell guarantees those savings through a 15-year energy savings performance contract and will reimburse the city if the actual returns fall short of the estimates. In addition, Port St. Lucie expects the project to deliver nearly $3 million in savings beyond those guaranteed.    


Click here to read the full Success Story

 Click here to view all BACnet Success Stories, or to submit your company's for publication.

Connect With New Members

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Connect With Opportunity
Journal Issue 5: January 2013
Call for Proposals and Advertisers

BACnet International is currently in production of the next issue of the Journal to be released in January 2013 and is seeking member participation.

Themed "Critical Operations Demand BACnet," articles on the topics of life safety, data centers, health care facilities, other critical operations, etc. will be considered.

For information on submitting an article, or to submit a proposed topic, please email Sarah Jackson at

For information on advertising in this issue, please contact Maria Estrada at

Deadline to submit topics and/or to reserve advertising space is November 30.
Connect With BACnet Community News

News Releases

Click here for more information on Carrier

WPPI Energy Project Wins "Best in Show" Award


At this year's NFM&T Vegas show, Carrier was presented with the "Best in Show" award by BACnet International. BACnet International presented the award as part of its annual "Leaders of the Pack" program to recognize the achievements of individuals and companies involved in the BACnet community.


Shane Lyle of Temperature Systems, Inc., the Carrier Distributor and installing contractor for the WPPI Energy project, was presented with the "Best in Show" award. The "Best in Show" award is given to a project posted as a BACnet Success Story. The WPPI Energy Success Story has every hallmark of a showcase project: it is a well composed, compelling narrative that clearly identifies the customer needs and how BACnet was used to address them. It is a multi-vendor BACnet project with compelling photos, and all contributing firms were identified. As a bonus, it is a LEED� Gold facility. In short, this BACnet Success Story is a benchmark for excellence.


"WPPI Energy's membership set an aggressive goal to make our Office and Operations Facility a design model," said WPPI Energy Vice President-Energy Services Jake Oelke. "Use of the BACnet protocol played a critical role in our attainment of that goal, ultimately helping to make our facility one that can help inspire environmental sustainability and energy."



Click here for more information on Honeywell

  • $80.6-million Retrofit Project Largest for U.S. Air Force
  • Upgrades Help Tinker Meet 30 Percent Energy Reduction Goal
  • Drop Designation as Air Force's Most Energy-Intensive Base   
  • Improvements Help Create, Sustain Local Jobs
 Honeywell today announced an $80.6-million energy efficiency project for the U.S. Air Force that will improve operations and cut utility costs at Tinker Air Force Base (AFB) near Oklahoma City, Okla. The project is the Air Force's largest domestic energy retrofit funded through guaranteed savings to date. And, combined with previous Honeywell-led improvements and other on-base initiatives, it will help Tinker meet the mandated 30 percent energy reduction goal defined by Presidential Executive Order 13514. It should also remove Tinker from atop the list of the most energy-intensive Air Force bases. 

The upgrades are expected to save $6.4 million the first year after the work is complete and more than $170 million over 20 years, guaranteed by Honeywell through an energy savings performance contract. The Air Force plans to use the reduction in utility and operating expenses to pay for the project and ongoing maintenance, which Honeywell will also provide. As a result, Tinker AFB should not have to increase its budgets or request additional taxpayer dollars. 

The improvements will have a significant impact on energy and water consumption as well, trimming the use of natural gas by almost 27 percent and fresh water by approximately 20 million gallons per year. Annual carbon dioxide emissions are also estimated to decrease by more than 60 million pounds, equivalent to removing 6,100 cars from the road. 
In addition, the project will help create and sustain local jobs, with more than 500 Honeywell workers and supporting tradespeople expected on site during peak construction. 

"The extraordinary efforts and teamwork between the AFSC Tinker Operational Contracting Branch and the 72nd Civil Engineer Directorate resulted in this seminal contract award, and will ultimately help Tinker gain energy efficiencies by significantly reducing our energy consumption in the winter time," said Colonel Steven J. Bleymaier, 72nd Air Base Wing and Installation Commander, Tinker Air Force Base. "This is exciting and a big milestone towards the many energy challenges and opportunities ahead, especially in the area of industrial processes, which account for 70 percent of Tinker's energy consumption." 

Click here to read the remainder of this release.


Connect With BACnet Community Product Releases

Click here for more information on Belimo  

New Belimo Energy Valve with built-in Belimo Delta T Manager


Belimo Americas, the leading producer of electronic valves and air damper actuators, introduces a new Energy Valve. The Belimo Energy ValveTM is a two-way pressure independent control valve that optimizes, documents and proves water coil performance. The Energy Valve uses the Belimo Delta T ManagerTM algorithm to directly control coil performance. It also monitors the coil performance characteristic curve and resulting energy/power output. The Energy Valve has standard analog signal and feedback wiring and communicates data to the DDC system via BACnet MS/TP, BACnet IP and TCP/IP for Building Automation System (BAS) integration. Data logging and trending are integrated in the valve actuator or data can be captured using the BAS. The Energy Valve offers many benefits, such as:

  • Combat Low Delta T
  • Enhanced Energy Optimization
  • Improved Commissioning
  • More Effective Control
  • Better System Maintenance

 The Energy Valve is designed for building owners that want to continuously control and monitor energy usage, and develop energy savings strategies through their BAS. The product range consists of 2�" to 6" valve body sizes.


More information:
Lisa Hickey
Connect Globally

Hello BACneteers! 
The BACnet Interest Group Europe (BIG-EU) invites you to join the 7th BACnet Interoperability Workshop of the BIG-EU, to be held from Wednesday, May 22 until Friday May 24, 2013 in Berlin, Germany 

Following the Plugfest, the 2013 spring BIG-EU Meetings will be held in Berlin on Monday and Tuesday, May 27 and May 28, 2013.  This provides our travelling members the opportunity to visit and experience Berlin over the weekend.  
Today we would like to know if you are planning to join? 
The workshop is open to manufacturers and vendors of BACnet devices and provides an opportunity for all participants to improve the interoperability of their products with those from other attending companies.  
If you have additional questions do not hesitate to contact us. Detailed information will follow after this call.
Connect With Opportunity

BACnet International Success Stories


BACnet International Success Stories is a free resource that provides a place to promote your successful projects that use BACnet in order to further knowledge and understanding of the BACnet protocol - essentially, mini case studies. Posters utilize a web form to upload the content, (narratives, photos, etc...) which is then reviewed by editors from BACnet International (primarily for errors) prior to public posting.
Once the BACnet Success Story is posted, it becomes a permanent, linkable record of the successful project.
Further, Success Stories:
  • Are automatically eligible for additional public recognition via BACnet International's Leader of the Pack Awards 
  • Are promoted by BACnet International via social media
    Find us on FacebookView our profile on LinkedInFollow us on Twitter 
  • Are featured in Cornerstones - BACnet International's monthly eNewsletter that goes out to 15,000+ members / subscribers
  • Are candidates for articles in the BACnet International Journal - BACnet International's printed / digital periodical

Click here to submit your company's BACnet Success Story and take advantage of the free press!


New to this process? Don't know what you'll need?
Download the Success Stories Word Document.

Connect in Cornerstones
BACnet International followers benefit from an electronic monthly publication called Cornerstones.  This publication will go to members of the BACnet community, connecting corporate, integrator, site, student and individual end-users. Cornerstones is a unique publication in that we speak not only to engineering and contractor communities, but also to the facility professionals, managers, owners and beyond.

This is where you come in. Connect.
If there is a best practice article, company news, product news or BACnet Success Stories you want to share, please send them to us.  And don't leave out the photos!  All submissions should be sent to