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On January 9, at the National Museum in Bangkok, a ceremony commemorated an award of $700,000 to World Monuments Fund from the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation and the U.S. Embassy of Bangkok for ongoing conservation activities at Wat Chaiwatthanaram, a seventeenth-century Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya, Thailand. The award is the second from the Ambassadors Fund to WMF for this project since a disastrous flood in 2011 inundated the temple, requiring urgent conservation measures. The latest award will support in-depth documentation, materials analysis, and condition surveys for developing flood mitigation measures, addressing urgent repairs, and developing a monitoring and conservation program. 


Santa Maria Antiqua was the focus of a three-day conference at the British School at Rome in December. Santa Maria Antiqua: The Sistine Chapel of the 8th Century in Context explored both the history and evolution of the building from the fourth to the ninth centuries and chronicled the dramatic conservation and research program that spanned from 2001 to 2013. Scholars of history, religion, art, and architecture, specialists in the social history of Rome, and conservators presented a fascinating array of papers inspiring new interest in the pivotal role Santa Maria Antiqua played in Lateran history, pilgrimage routes in Rome, and early Christian iconography. Numerous scholars made clear that their work would not have advanced had the conservation program not revealed so many new details of interior decorative campaigns spanning the centuries.
The Hudson River Palisades and The Cloisters, were included on our 2014 World Monuments Watch
because the iconic view--designated a National Natural Landmark in 1983--would be irreparably damaged by the proposed LG Electronics USA complex, destroying one of America's most significant unspoiled vistas.  

Please help protect the Palisades. Sign our petition to urge LG Electronics USA to redesign its office plans so that its building does not tower above the ridgeline and spoil this extraordinary scenic and historic landmark.

Escalating violence in Syria since 2011 has had devastating effects on the country's cultural heritage.
When the crisis is over, what will remain of its irreplaceable architectural legacy? Three important sites illustrate the dire threats to the entirety of Syria's cultural heritage, which has been placed on our 2014 World Monuments Watch.

Join WMF in taking a stand. Sign our petition to  help ensure the survival of Syria's cultural heritageCultural heritage is the DNA of civilization. We must do all we can to prevent further damage in Syria.

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