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World Monuments Fund mourns the death of a longtime trustee and supporter, the visionary philanthropist Robert W. Wilson. His commitment to WMF was longstanding and transformative. The Robert W. Wilson Challenge to Conserve Our Heritage was one of the most significant stimulants to international philanthropy in U.S. history, leveraging hundreds of millions of dollars to have an impact on scores of cultural heritage sites around the world. The Wilson Challenge, beyond mere bricks-and-mortar restoration work, changed entire communities by providing training for sustainable stewardship of numerous sites around the world. His immense philanthropic legacy will never be forgotten.


In December, World Monuments Fund and the Getty Conservation Institute announced the release of version 1.0 of Arches, a modern, user-friendly software system that has been developed to provide a solution for compiling and maintaining inventories of immovable cultural heritage. As open-source software, Arches is available to download and use without a fee, and can be freely modified by adopters to fit their own needs. Arches represents a unique initiative undertaken for the benefit of the cultural heritage field at large, with the long-term goal of improving heritage management worldwide. See a demo of Arches here. 


Just over a month after inclusion on the 2014 World Monuments Watch, the government of Indonesia announced that Trowulan--the site of the ruins of the ancient Majapahit Kingdom capital--would become a designated cultural heritage site. Until then, the plan for the site, and the reason for its inclusion on the Watch, was redevelopment for the construction of a steel mill. Following the government decision, the steel mill's building development permit was revoked and the plant will be relocated. Many Indonesian cultural heritage experts lament the perceived widespread lack of understanding in the country of the significance and economic opportunity of heritage sites. It is hoped that this decision for Trowulan--the right decision--will go some way toward rectifying the imbalance and lead to the preservation of other important places.


In November, World Monuments Fund Britain completed essential conservation work on the Grade II*-listed Knill's Monument in St Ives, Cornwall. The repair program, begun in July, resulted in the careful repointing of the lime mortar and the analysis and restoration of the original paint scheme of the commemorative shield. A local blacksmith cast replacement bronze metalwork for the local landmark. Having helped return John Knill's 1782 memorial to its former glory, WMF Britain is delighted that this historic monument and the unique living tradition of the quinquennial folk ceremony that has taken place since 1801 can continue to be enjoyed by the local community.


On November 30, Peruvian Minister of Culture Diana Alvarez-Calderón and Vice minister of Culture Luis Jaime Castillo traveled to Huaca de la Luna, an adobe religious complex built by the Moche civilization in northern Peru between the first and eighth centuries A.D. The Ministry of Culture honored the project's co-directors, Santiago Uceda and Ricardo Morales, as well as the private and public main supporters: Backus, Patronato Huacas del Valle de Moche, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, and WMF. During the ceremony the Executive Director of WMF Peru, Juan Pablo de la Puente, remembered the special admiration of the late WMF Peru President Marcela Pérez de Cuéllar who passed away in 2013, not only for the project but also for its co-directors and co-supporters. WMF has supported conservation work at the site since 2001.

The Hudson River Palisades and The Cloisters, were included on our 2014 World Monuments Watch
because the iconic view--designated a National Natural Landmark in 1983--would be irreparably damaged by the proposed LG Electronics USA complex, destroying one of America's most significant unspoiled vistas.  

Please help protect the Palisades. Sign our petition to urge LG Electronics USA to redesign its office plans so that its building does not tower above the ridgeline and spoil this extraordinary scenic and historic landmark.

Escalating violence in Syria since 2011 has had devastating effects on the country's cultural heritage.
When the crisis is over, what will remain of its irreplaceable architectural legacy? Three important sites illustrate the dire threats to the entirety of Syria's cultural heritage, which has been placed on our 2014 World Monuments Watch.

Join WMF in taking a stand. Sign our petition to  help ensure the survival of Syria's cultural heritageCultural heritage is the DNA of civilization. We must do all we can to prevent further damage in Syria.

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