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Photo Contest
Thanks to all who submitted pictures to our Everyday Preservationist Photo Contest. The voting period is open through August 15.
Mark Your Calendars for Archtober
WMF will be participating this year in Archtober, New York City's architecture and design month, by offering a lecture on 2014 Watch sites at our Empire State Building headquarters in early October.
WHSAD in the News
New York City's Department of Education June newsletter contains some great stats for Williamsburg High School of Architecture & Design (WHSAD). WMF was involved in curriculum development and hosts interns from the school.
In Memoriam: Marcela Pérez de Cuéllar
WMF mourns the passing of Marcela Pérez de Cuéllar, founder and leader of WMF Peru. She took an avid interest in preservation of cultural heritage and led the restoration and enhanced public recognition of beautiful Andean churches in Andahuaylillas and Huaro. The first recipient of the WMF Watch Award, she was a passionate spokesperson for heritage conservation, a gracious hostess and diplomat, and devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. Condolences to her husband Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, former Secretary-General of the United Nations and Peruvian Ambassador to France, and to her family.
In her honor, a new three-year luthier workshop program in Huaro managed by Sinfonía por el Perú has been named Escuela-Taller de Lutería Marcela Temple de Pérez de Cuéllar.
Project at Walpi, 2012 Watch Site
Perched on a narrow finger of First Mesa in the heart of the Hopi Nation in northwest Arizona, Walpi is the mother village of 11 surrounding Hopi settlements. Originally established in the thirteenth century at the base of the mesa, Walpi was moved to its current location as a defensive measure after the Pueblo Revolt against the Spanish in 1680.
Early in 2013, WMF and the Walpi Village Administrator developed a pilot project to reinstate traditional roofs on two houses. Plywood-and-tarpaper roofs installed in the 1970s that have now reached the end of their functional lives will be replaced with traditional roofs by a team of four local trainees led by Herschel Talashoma, a Walpi tribe member. In early June WMF assembled a group including Dr. Wesley Bernardini of the University of Redlands, Hopi preservation expert Philip Marshall, stone mason Michael Watson, and Mr. Talashoma to document the two houses, assess their condition, and develop a conservation plan.
Students Tour WMF Project in Ethiopia
In March 2013, a group of high school students and faculty from the Ross School in East Hampton, New York, traveled to Ethiopia. This midwinter term course provided an intensive experience in documentary photography and filmmaking in a distant land and culture. The group visited Lalibela with WMF local representative Mamo Getahun, and produced this video about WMF's efforts to preserve Biet Gabriel Rafael, one of the site's rock-hewn churches, carved some 800 years ago.
Save the Date: Hadrian Gala & After Party
The 2013 Hadrian Award Gala will be held on October 22 at The Plaza in New York City. Roberto Hernández Ramírez will be presented with the Hadrian Award, and Andrew Cogan will receive the Watch Award on behalf of Knoll, Inc. The gala will be followed by the Hadrian Award Gala After Party at Gilbert Albert. More information about the honorees as well as about tickets to the gala can be found on our website.