Upcoming Events
Harvard University
Friday, June 5
11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Seaport Boston Hotel
Tuesday, June 9
8:30 AM-4:45 PM

Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Wednesday, June 17
4:00-5:00 PM

Harvard University
Friday, June 19
12:00-1:00 PM 

Harvard Medical School
Monday, June 22
9:00-10:30 AM
An opportunity for participants to learn about the latest discoveries, talk about their own findings, and initiate research partnerships. 
Mainz, Germany
June 4-7
Interdisciplinary discussions to promote cross-collaborations between experts in epigenetic topics and stem cells.
Sitges, Spain
Sept. 20-22
Extended abstract deadline: June 1

An opportunity for scientists, clinicians, educators and industry professionals to share new data, learn from peers, and discover global advances within the stem cell field. 
Stockholm, Sweden
June 24-27
People News
Susan Mango, PhD, of  Harvard University, joins HCSI Affiliated Faculty.

HSCI Executive Committee member Jeff Macklis receives an Allen Distinguished Investigator grant from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.

HSCI Affiliated Faculty member Xiaoliang Sunney Xie receives the Albany Medical Center Prize in Biomedicine and Biomedical Research.
Breaking Boundaries
Scientists from across the HSCI community gathered at Harvard University for the 10th Annual HSCI Malkin Retreat to discuss interdisciplinary approaches to disease solutions. 


"Nobody was ever cured by injecting themselves with a paper in Nature," Harvard Stem Cell Institute Co-director Doug Melton said, kicking off HSCI's 10th Annual Malkin Retreat. 


Melton reminded the more than 300 assembled scientists from all across the the Harvard Stem Cell world that while HSCI's first decade of establishing a collaborative environment, focusing on new ideas and on young scientists - and supporting exciting new research with the Seed Grant program, has been enormously successful, the aim in the coming decade has to be not just on doing good science, but also on treating and curing diseases.


HSCI scientists, Melton said, need to be working more and more in partnerships - with each other, with foundations, and with industry - to lift their science out of journals and into the clinic as quickly and successfully as possible.


Read more about the events and discussions at the retreat here

Student Spotlight

Stephanie Hadley graduated this May from Harvard College with a concentration in Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology. Before she jets off to Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee this summer, Stephanie found time to talk to Matrix about her all-time favorite class at Harvard, the unofficial book club she belongs to with her grandfather, and her startling fresh fruit deprivation.


Read about Stephanie and her work in Doug Melton's lab at Harvard University here.
Research updates
  • Shah Lab  A Promising Stem Cell Therapy: Engineered neural stem cells activate TRAIL gene and, when injected into the brain, reduce metastatic brain tumor growth. (Brain paper)
  • He Lab Insight into Seeing: Osteopontin and growth factor IGF-1 promote "alpha" retinal ganglion cell regeneration in severed optic nerves. (Neuron paper)