Volume 23 No. 17
April 22, 2016
Creating a respectful and positive work environment starts with small actions, writes Dean Brenner. Listening to people, acknowledging good work and showing up on time will be noticed and emulated. "Little demonstrations of respect here and there, all of them seemingly small and unnoticed, eventually add up to something significant," Brenner writes. Switch & Shift blog (8/31)
Worry less about money and more about building a diverse and innovative organization that's worthy of respect, says Infosys founder N.R. Narayana Murthy. "I said right from the beginning that we will seek respect from all our stakeholders. That was the foundation of everything," he says. The Economic Times (India) (9/4) 
Communication often goes better in person -- and there's a good reason for that, writes Laura Vanderkam. Scientists say that more than half of the content of what we communicate comes from facial expressions, not words, so face-to-face interactions make it much easier to build genuine connections. "It's harder to hide reality in person," Vanderkam writes. Fast Company online (9/30)
"I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly."  Michel de Montaigne  
Proper apologies aren't delayed, but timeliness isn't more important than making the apology personally and sincerely, Joel Garfinkle writes. He offers nine steps to effective contrition. SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Leadership (9/21)
The opposite of micromanagement is a leadership approach in which trusted workers are given training, expectations and the authority to find solutions and make decisions on their own, says John Baldoni in this blog post and video. That gives bosses the space to focus on big-picture thinking and also helps get the best out of their newly empowered employees. "Let the direct reports share what they've experienced and how they would do things differently, if at all, the next time," Baldoni says. SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Leadership
Senior citizens are switching from privately run insurance plans to traditional Medicare when they face serious, long-term health conditions, a study shows. Researchers at Brown University found that 17 percent of Medicare Advantage patients who entered nursing homes for long-term care chose to switch to traditional Medicare the following year. Only 3 percent of similar patients in Medicare made the decision to go to a private Medicare Advantage plan. (Kodjak, 10/6)

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"Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom."   -Victor Frankl 

"There are many kinds of success in life worth having."   -Theodore Roosevelt 
"Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose." -Wilma Rudolph 
"In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience.  Take the experience first; the cash will come later."  -Harold Geneen

"Develop success from failures.  Discouragement and failure are two of the surest steppingstones to success."  -Dale Carnegie

"The fact is that if you want to be a successful business owner you have to be a little cocky, but you also have to do the hard work to get there."  -Fred Wellman

"A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds.  A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love." -Saint Basil

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson 
"Morale is when your hands and feet keep on working when your head says it can't be done." -Benjamin Morrell 
"Perseverance, secret of all triumphs." -Victor Hugo

"The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them.  They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care.  Either case is a failure of leadership." -Colin Powell

"True leaders create an environment where employees aren't on eggshells every moment, second guessing every task." -Justin Brady