Weekly Note  #78
New Audio Expos�
October 21st 2013
Quote of the Week
I am speaking for all of us. I'm the spokesman for a generation.
-Bob Dylan

Dear Reader,  

This is a major heads up. Major changes in the WCS community are occurring even as I speak. Alliances are being formed, friendships are being tested and loyalty is being expected. It's big. So, so, so, so BIG.
You need to be aware. Newcomers to legends - we much all be alert and aware. Changes like these can last for decades, as we have already seen.
Be alert, my friends. Be very very aware. Today's new narration, The Monopoly, will give you AMAZING tools for understanding, as do the new BBB uploads. 
Be well, be safe, you're loved,
Four Guys & a City 
(plus The Art of War)
New Audio Expos�:
The Monopoly


I am SO glad you guys are loving the new videos. I've been listening to them over the course of the week, as I've done chores around the house, etc etc. My, my, my! They sure are captivating! 


But the more I listened, the more I knew I was just telling "stories" about my time with Boogie by the Bay... I was sharing tips, insights, secrets and scandals about EVERYTHING... from The Ten, to the Council, to workshops, to... well, EVERYTHING! So I knew I had to call them something else.
I've decided upon "Audio Expos�s: My Memories, Stories & More." Much more appropriate, yes?
Well today I'm releasing the very FIRST expos� I recorded. The first! And that's for a very good reason.
I open with a story about the US Open and the Art of War, and finish with the story about a Monopoly that's held one huge city in its grip for ten years, driving out all WCS instructors and dancers. I talk about the "Four Guys" in great detail. Maybe you'll recognize someone. Maybe you'll know all of them!
The one thing that's guaranteed is that it will most definitely prepare you for the people you meet and come across everyday in swing - at conventions, studios and dance nights.
"Knowledge is Power." Be empowered. Click, and listen.
Click the photo to enjoy "The Monopoly: Four Guys & a City"





Links to the fixed Boogie by the Bay

Audio Expos�s:

Boogie by the Bay Part I

Boogie by the Bay Part II



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About Katherine
A Champion dancer w
ho fell in love with West Coast Swing in

the early 1990's, Katherine Eastvold has the real WCS preserved within her bones.


She has been inducted into the California Swing Dance Hall of Fame Board of Directors and is a Champion dancer and choreographer. She opened her own highly successful studio, has finaled consistently in the Classic, Strictly and Team divisions at the US Open, has written articles for numerous magazines in the community across the States, has choreographed top 5 routines, been on the board for Boogie by the Bay and traveled to over 42 states. 


She is not afraid. She loves beauty. She loves truth. And she believes it's knowledge that can bring a dancer more joy than they can imagine on the floor.


She is called "the voice of the people" and has, and always will, listen.

The WCS Revolution
Official Website
PO Box 292
Camarillo, CA 93011

Katherine Krok Eastvold | PO Box 61555 | Santa Barbara | CA | 93160