March 2, 2016
Coming Soon:


  • March 6-12- ScreenBreak Week
  • March 15- JSSPVA Board Meeting

Looking Ahead:
  • March 21-25- Spring Break
  • March 26- Late Start 9:20am


Sears Has Heart

SEARS continues to HAVE HEART!  Service projects are well underway..... do you know what your children are working on to help others?  Ask them if they know how Sears Has Heart.  Have you marked your calendar for the SEARS HAS HEART BLOCK PARTY?  Saturday, May 14th is the day--- we will celebrate our fantastic school and our community-- but you can't join us until you GIVE! Remember, we are looking for 100% participation!   Give to Sears School and get admission for 2 to the party on May 14.  

Alliance for Early Childhood

22nd Annual ScreenBreak Week!
Sunday, March 6-12

Children and their families are encouraged to turn off their televisions and other screens for a week, and enjoy alternative activities at home or at events coordinated throughout the community.  This is truly a fun week for all!

ScreenBreak Kick Off Event features Popeye and Sailor!

Sunday, March 63:30-5:00pm, Washburne School's Gym, Winnetka.
Bring your family to celebrate the kick-off of the 2016 ScreenBreak Week featuring a trick dog act, "Popeye and Sailor", as seen on The Late Show with David Letterman and The Tonight Show. Including stunts such as jumping rope, walking a tightrope, and balancing a ball while walking, and more!  
Tickets: $7 in advance / $10 at the door

For more information please see the website at

Junior High Parent Lecture: "7 Principals of Healthy Connection in Friendship and Love"

Junior High parents are invited to attend a program at New Trier High School called "7 Principals of Healthy Connection in Friendship and Love" This event will take place on Wednesday, March 9th from 9:30 - 11:30 AM at the New Trier Northfield Campus in Room C234 at 7 Happ Road.
Relationships are a central part of our teens' high school experience. Join Alexandra H. Solomon, PhD, and the New Trier ECGC Parent Group to explore seven principles of healthy connection in friendship and love. Dr. Solomon is a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University and an assistant clinical professor at Northwestern University where she teaches Building Loving and Lasting Relationships: Marriage 101. For more information regarding this event and the New Trier ECGC Parent Group, go to

Sears Cafe

It's not too late to order Marla's Brown Bag lunches!!  Please click to place your order. Marla's Brown Bag Lunch Order