Halloween Week at Elite

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November 02, 2015


Hello Elite Families!  We hope you all had a fabulous Halloween!
Halloween Week at Elite was so much fun.  The students had a great time dressing up and showing off their costumes and the teachers loved mixing some Halloween music into their classes. It was a great week and thank you to all those that participated.

Dancer of the Month--

This month we shine the SPOTLIGHT
on Piper Duke!

Age: I'm 11 years old.
School/Grade:  I am in 5th grade at St. Pius X.
How many years have you been dancing at Elite?
I have been dancing at Elite for 8 years.
What is your favorite style of dance?
My favorite style of dance is Jazz, but I like all of them.
What is your favorite memory at Elite?
My favorite memory at Elite is at the performance.  I like the whole performance, especially watching the slideshow.
Tell us about your family.
My brother's name is Pearce.  He likes to play baseball and football.  My mom's name is Brandi and my dad's name is Alex.  I have a dwarf hamster named Hammie and a dog named Parker.
If you aren't dancing...what else do you like to do?
I like to play softball/track in the Spring and soccer in the Fall.  I also like to spend time with my friends and family.
Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
I see myself photographing animals in 20 years, because I love animals and I'm good at photography.
Tell us more...
What is your favorite holiday tradition?
My favorite holiday tradition is getting a Christmas tree with my family when it snows.  At my house, we get a big family tree and my brother and I each get a tree for our rooms.

Costumes Fees
Reminder...Costume Fees are due November 20th--
The original email went out on October 13th but we understand how busy everyone is...so this is just a friendly reminder!   
** This year, ordering costumes is quick, simple, and just a click away...visit our website at www.elitedancestudio.organd click on the "Costume Time" button in the middle of the home page.**
Please take a moment to read the basic information before filling out the costume order form.  If you have any questions, please email or call us!



Adds, Drops, Class Requests and Recital Participation


--Dancer's wishing to make changes to their schedules need to do so before the 1st of the month in order for the change to go into affect that calendar month.  If you would like to make a change to your schedule, please fill our the add/drop form available on our website. 
--If your dancer is not participating in the spring recital, but plans on continuing classes thru June, please email us as soon as possible.  The teachers need to know so they can plan their recital routines accordingly and we do not want to charge you a costume fee if you will not be in the Spring Shows.

Holiday Closure Dates but OPEN on Veteran's Day

The studio is CLOSED Thanksgiving Week, November 23rd - 27th
The studio is CLOSED Winter Break, December 21st - January 3rd
Elite is OPEN Veteran's day, Tuesday, November 11th.  Classes are always in session on in-service days, teacher planning days, conferences, etc.

The Cold and Flu Season is upon us
Please do not send your child to dance if you kept them home from school or if they have not been fever free for at least 24 hrs.

We try our best to clean and sanitize all areas of the studio, including door handles, ballet barres, bathrooms, lobby area and the children's toys.  Our goal is to keep all our dancers and teachers as healthy as possible. 

Studio Events
Elite's Performing Companies Proudly Presents their Holiday Show "A Twist On Christmas Classics"

WHEN- Saturday, December 12th 3:00 pm
WHERE-Alpenrose Dairy Opera House
3149 SW Shattuck Rd
Portland, OR 97221
Admission is FREE!  Come support our Elite dancer's, enjoy a festive Holiday show and get your picture taken with Santa!  It will be a memorable afternoon full of Holiday joy! 

Send us your Family Holiday Cards!  A few years ago we started this tradition and it is so much fun... Our Elite Families send us their Holiday Cards and we decorated our lobby with them.  It's a festive way that brings all our dance families together.  
You can mail your cards to us at 4062 NW Saltzman Rd # 202, Portland, OR 97229 or drop it off at the front desk.  We look forward to receiving yours!

Mark your calendars now...
Picture Day--- Sunday, May 22nd at Elite
Recital Week--- Monday June 20th - Saturday 25th, at Liberty High School

~ Check Lost & Found.  All items left will be donated at Winter Break so we can start 2016 off with a clean Lost & Found cupboard!
~ Please remember proper Lobby etiquette.  Keep conversations appropriate and positive.  Clean up after yourself and/or your young children. Please put chairs, tables and toys back the way you found them.  Please let the front desk know if the bathrooms need some attention.  We understand the lobby gets a bit crazy at times, so we appreciate your patience and cooperation.

That's it for now!  We wish all our families a wonderful November and Happy Thanksgiving!

and Staff

Elite Dance Studio | (503) 645-8105
4062 NW Saltzman Rd
Suite #202
Portland, OR 97229