2014 CTOTF Fall Turbine Forum: Issue #2

Six steps to successful repair of GT components

Owners and operators that take a proactive role in defining industrial gas turbine (IGT) repair and coating requirements ensure receipt of quality refurbished parts at a competitive price. Plus, top-quality components are conducive to maximizing the time between overhauls, thereby reducing O&M costs.


Editor's note: Hans van Esch, founder of Turbine End-user Services Inc (TEServices), developed this primer on the six critical steps for refurbishing industrial gas-turbine parts, using material from his respected three-day training course, "Metallurgical Aspects of IGT Component Refurbishment." First published as a series in consecutive issues of the COMBINED CYCLE Journal between 2Q/2005 and 1Q/2006, "Six Steps" was updated in September 2014 because of ongoing demand for the information. It is presented here in its entirety.


Step 1: How to assess the condition of GT parts onsite
Step 2: Preparing meaningful component repair specs
Step 3: Selecting the appropriate vendor to refurbish turbine parts
Step 4: Key stages in the repair process
Step 5: Verification during the refurbishment process
Step 6: Verifying final inspection  

Cogen plant's unique approach links legacy control systems 

Combined-cycle digital control systems follow a much shorter obsolescence curve than the physical assets. While a steam-turbine design might last decades without significant performance improvement, microelectronics are often out of date in less than a decade. For the huge wave of combined cycles installed between 1997 and 2005, the writing is on the wall for their legacy control systems. more

Developing, implementing an effective generator assessment program 

Phil Karwowski, Head of Engineering & Technology for EthosEnergy Group, a Wood Group-TurboCare venture, recommended to users during an exclusive webinar for powerplant owner/operators that they consider incorporating a generator assessment program into their next turbine outage. The one-hour program, hosted by the editors at CCJ ONline on October 9, covered a wide range of topics. If you missed the event, view the recording at your convenience. more  

Attention, Engineers: New East Coast Job Openings

What better platform for getting the word out on open positions for qualified combustion turbine engineers than a CCJ ONsite dedicated to GTs?  Both PSEG's Fossil Division in Newark, NJ, and Dominion's Fairless Energy in Fairless Hills, PA, have opportunities available, both posted here on October 22. more 

Plan for 2015 User Group Meetings

Yes, the New Year is right around the corner and it is time to start planning your schedule for professional development at a wide range of conferences. The meetings listed in this calendar are conducted by independent user groups serving generating plants powered by gas turbines. The editors recommend they receive priority status in your conference planning. more 


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