Improving Care for Substance Use, HIV and/or HCV in Adolescents:

Effective Approaches to Assessing, Treating, and Engaging Teens

Thursday, April 16, 2015
Expert Presenters 


Plenary Speakers

Yifrah Kaminer, MD, MBA, holds a joint appointment as Professor of Psychiatry and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Connecticut Health Center and is also a Research Scientist at Connecticut Children's Injury Prevention Center. Dr. Kaminer has conducted extensive clinical research on the assessment, treatment, and continuous care of adolescents with substance use, with a special focus on youth with co-occurring psychiatric disorders.  He has authored/edited 5 books, published over 150 scientific articles, given over 200 invited presentations nationally and internationally, and developed several widely used intervention manuals and assessment tools (including the Teen Addiction Severity Index/T-ASI, which has been translated into over 5 languages, and the Teen Treatment Services Review/T-TSR).

Cathryn Samples, MD, MPH, AAHIVS, is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, Director of Boston Happens (HIV Provider and Peer Education Network for services) in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Boston's Children's Hospital, and Regional Medical Director for the Boston Region of the Department of Youth Services. Over the past 30 years, her career as an Adolescent Medicine physician has focused on improving prevention, case finding and linkage to care for HIV-infected and at risk youth via direct clinical service, grant-funded research, public health, and advocacy work. She has trained many pediatric, adolescent and community health providers to incorporate HIV prevention, case finding and care into their work with youth, served as the Principal Investigator or Project Director of multiple federally funded research projects, and served as a Commissioner of the Massachusetts Commission on GLBT Youth.

SBIRT Panelists (in alphabetical order)

Traci Lynette Brooks, MD, is an Assistant in Medicine in the Division of Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital, an Instructor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, and a Board Certified Pediatrician and Adolescent Medicine specialist with Cambridge Health Alliance. Dr. Brooks' career has spanned direct clinical service, grant-funded research, program development, and administrative work focused on improving the medical care of high-risk adolescents. She currently serves as the Medical Director of three teen health centers in the state of Massachusetts and is President-Elect for the New England Regional Chapter of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine.

Brett R. Harris, DrPH, is a Research Scientist at the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services.  Dr. Harris has worked extensively on the implementation of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in school-based health centers, sexually transmitted disease clinics, emergency departments, and various settings serving the military population.  She has published and presented on her research on SBIRT in school-based health centers, serves on two advisory committees on adolescent SBIRT grants, and is a lead on an SBIRT for Youth Learning Community with the Institute for Research, Education, and Training in Addictions (IRETA).

Lynda A. R. Stein, PH.D., is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Rhode Island, an Adjunct Professor at Brown University's Center for Alcohol and Addictions Studies, and the Director of Research at the Rhode Island Training School (the rehabilitative facility for incarcerated youth in Rhode Island). She has conducted extensive clinical research on the development and implementation of effective treatments for substance use and other high-risk behaviors in justice-involved populations, including adolescents involved in the justice system. She has served as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on over 20 federally-funded research projects, published over 50 scientific articles, and developed several novel assessment and behavioral intervention approaches for persons involved in the justice system.

Break-Out Session Leaders (in alphabetical order by session title)

#1: Clinic and Home Based Contingency Management with Adolescent Substance Users

Catherine Stanger, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of the Geisel School of Medicine, where she serves as Co-Director of the ADHERE (Addiction and Health Research) group. Dr. Stanger has conducted extensive research on the development and evaluation of family based interventions to improve the outcomes of adolescents affected by substance use disorders, with a focus on innovative ways to use incentives to motivate behavior change in both teens and parents. She has served as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on over 20 federally-funded research projects, published over 50 scientific articles, developed several novel interventions, and collaborated with groups across the country to provide technical assistance in intervention implementation.  

#2: Evidence-Based Approaches to Assessing and Treating HCV

Bradford L. Briggs, BLA, is currently a Consultant and HPV Regional Trainer for the New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center. He recently served as Program Manager of The Brown University AIDS Program (BRUNAP) and Training Coordinator of the Connecticut-Rhode Island Public Health Training Center at Brown University's School of Public Health. He is active in HPV advocacy work across the New England region and is a Founding Member of The New England Alliance on Gay and Bisexual Men's Health and a Member of the Massachusetts Viral Hepatitis Workgroup.  

#3: Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents

Nadine Mastroleo, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Brown University's Center for Alcohol and Addictions Studies and an Adjunct Instructor in the Counseling Program at Rhode Island College. She has conducted extensive clinical research on the essential ingredients of evidence-based interventions and how to effectively train counselors in these approaches. She also has over 10 years of experience leading trainings on the delivery of motivational interviewing (MI) and has trained over a hundred licensed mental health counselors, pediatric residents and fellows, psychiatrists, psychologists, and primary care physicians in MI techniques.

#4: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Assessing and Treating Teens

Carolyn A. Castro-Donlan, A.L.M., is the President and CEO of Castro-Donlan Consulting LLC through which she provides facilitation and management consulting services to assist state and local entities with strategic planning, program development and implementation, collaborative capacity expansion, and implementation of evidence-based practices. She has over 30 years of experience in health and human services and formerly served as Principal/Deputy Project Director for a large SAMHSA-funded technical assistance project with multiple service areas spanning: trauma-informed approaches to assessment and treatment, SBIRT, HIV/AIDS, recovery-oriented systems of care, and adolescent and family treatment services. She also worked for over a decade with the Massachusetts Department of Health in several leadership positions including Deputy Director of the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services and Founder/Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Services.