Government Matters
January 28, 2016
 The March 2016 Primary is just around the corner. Make sure you're registered and know the new rules, but also take advantage of the opportunities we have to meet local candidates. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, March 15  and check back with our website and our social media (including Facebook and Twitter) to ensure you're an informed voter.
Coffee with the Candidates
On Feb. 4, we will be hosting Coffee with Candidates 8-9:30 a.m. at The Siena HotelThis is an informal opportunity to meet candidates for Orange County Board of Commissioners, North Carolina General Assembly, and local judicial races. If you are an Orange County voter, the primary is your one shot to cast your ballot for business-friendly candidates, so come meet them! This is a free event open to any Chamber member employee, but please RSVP by registering online.

In December, the Chamber voted to endorse the Connect NC bonds that will be on everyone's (including unaffiliated voters') ballot this March 15. The $2 billion bond package will not only make much needed investments in STEM education, water and sewer infrastructure, and National Guard readiness, but also hits home locally with $68 million to support the building of a medical education building at UNC-Chapel Hill. Please learn more at or, and  vote YES to invest!
Sign of the times
On Feb. 8, Chapel Hill Town Council will discuss an agenda item, potentially delaying the discussion of a better sign ordinance. It's important to have sign regulations that are streamlined and work for business. If you've had an issue with signage, tell the Council and town staff how sign regulations can be changed to benefit your business. Email or tell Council directly at
Safe and sound
The  Chapel Hill Police Department is offering both Shoplifting Reduction Training and Business Safety Awareness for all downtown businesses. They can be done at your business when it is convenient for staff. If you'd like to schedule a training please contact Sgt. Nate Chambers with the Chapel Hill Police Department at or (919) 968-2760. Additionally, the Downtown Partnership, Chapel Hill Police Department, and NC ABC Commission have collaborated to offer a comprehensive free training for all servers and sellers of alcohol.  The same materials and information will be presented at two times on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 10 am-12 pm and 2 pm-4 pm at the Chapel Hill Public Library. To RSVP for the server training, click here.
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