November 2015 Stewards' Mailing
ETFO Steward Information
Please direct your members to the ETFO website to find the Stewards' Mailing Cover Memo and its links: -> Publications -> Stewards' Mailings.

To change the number of members at your work site contact: Member Records, 1-888-838-3836,

This mailing is also available in PDF format. This month's PDF file is a 11.7 MB download.
NEW! LGBTQ Inclusive SchoolPlace Starts Here

ETFO's new LGBTQ Inclusive SchoolPlace Starts Here video features interviews from LGBTQ educators and allies who discuss the challenges they face in their workplaces and classrooms.

This ground breaking video and accompanying resource guide for educators explores issues of homophobia and transphobia in school communities with pro-active strategies on how to address these issues in elementary schools.

This new resource is available through ShopETFO for $35.00 plus HST and shipping.

For more information, please visit the ETFO website, view this form (PDF | RTF) or contact Adam Peer, extension 2239, at the provincial office.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Thursday, December 3, 2015 is the United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPwD).

In recognition of this day, ETFO is sharing three complimentary brochures from the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC):

A focus of this day is education and awareness about disabilities.


For more information, please visit the OHRC website or contact Adam Peer, extension 2239, at the provincial office.


Re-Think, Re-Connect, Re-Imagine

Thinking about ourselves, our schools, our communities. Reflecting on White Privilege is a new ETFO resource on white privilege, anti-racist theory and culturally relevant pedagogy.

It raises key questions and makes practical suggestions for educators who want their classrooms, schools and communities to be more inclusive.

The resource was released at the 2015 Annual Meeting and complimentary copies were provided to all delegates. Copies of this resource are available for purchase through ShopETFO.

For more information, please visit the ETFO website, view this form (PDF | RTF) or contact Adam Peer, extension 2239, at the provincial office.
Reference Book

This resource provides information regarding all aspects of ETFO, including the organizational structure, priorities, governance, programs, services as well as general information related to ETFO and the teaching profession in Ontario. Additional copies are available for sale through shopETFO.

For more information, please visit the ETFO website to download the reference book (PDF | RTF) or contact Kathy Pigeon, extension 2275, at the provincial office.
The Visions Program 2016

The Visions Program 2016 is an exciting program for women in their first five years of ETFO membership.

The program highlights union renewal and will focus on building participants' knowledge of ETFO, the broader labour movement and opportunities for activism. Participants meet three times from January to April.

For more information, please visit the ETFO website, view the flyer (PDF | RTF) or contact Carol Zavitz, extension 2238, at the provincial office.
ETFO Standing Committees

Here's your chance to become involved in your union by applying for an ETFO Standing Committee. Involvement with your union will provide you with the opportunity to share your expertise and become the empowering voice on Federation issues related to provincial policies, positions, programs and initiatives.

2016-2018 applications are being accepted for appointments to standing committees. The application deadline for the 2016-2018 term is MARCH 1, 2016.

For more information, please visit the ETFO website, view the flyer (PDF | RTF) or contact Kathy Pigeon, extension 2275, at the provincial office.

ETFO offers an extensive collection of Awards to recognize the many activities and programs that ETFO members engage in, outside of their work responsibilities.

ETFO is pleased to honour members' activities, academic achievements and outstanding contributions to education and to the Federation, and strongly encourages locals and members to nominate a colleague or nominate themselves for one of the following awards by the deadline of Monday, February 1, 2016:
  • Anti-Bias Award 
  • Arts and Culture Award
  • Children's Literature Award 
  • Curriculum Development Award
  • Environmental Education Award 
  • Health and Safety Activist Award 
  • Honorary Life Membership 
  • Humanitarian Award for an ETFO member 
  • Humanitarian Award for a non-ETFO member 
  • Member Service and Engagement Award 
  • New Member Award 
  • Rainbow Visions Award 
  • Writer's Award 
  • Curriculum Development Award - Women's Program 
  • Outstanding Role Model for Women Award - Women's Program 
  • Women Who Develop Special Projects in Science and Technology Award - Women's Program 
  • Women Working in Social Activism on Behalf of Women and Children Award - Women's Program 
  • Writer's Award - Women's Program
For more information, please visit the ETFO website, view the flyer (PDF | RTF) or contact Evelyn McGrogan, extension 2214, at the provincial office.
Campaign Training For Members Of Designated Groups

ETFO is offering Campaign Training for Members of Designated Groups for members who are committed to seeking election to the provincial ETFO Executive. The two-day program is being held January 29-30, 2016 at the ETFO office.

For more information, please visit the ETFO website, view the flyer (PDF | RTF) or contact Evelyn McGrogan, extension 2214, at the provincial office.
� 2015 The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario. All rights reserved.