Smaller classes mean more time for every child.
The ETFO eNewsletter Vol. 9 No. 15 | April 29, 2015
More Time - ETFO TV commercial
More Time - ETFO TV commercial
You may have seen ETFO's new Building Better Schools commercial on television or online at


Building Better Schools is ETFO's long-term vision for improved public elementary education in Ontario and we are busy sharing some of those goals as attention around the issues increases.


Particularly important is extending the benefits of smaller classes to all elementary grades and providing additional classroom support for students with special needs.


Shareable graphic
Shareable graphic for social media

Look for postcards addressed to the Education Minister to arrive in every school through the May Steward Mailing. These postcards  provide an opportunity to engage parents and community members about the importance of class size and the one-on-one time every ETFO member spends with students. 


On the website anyone can also send an email version of the postcard to their own MPP as well as the Education Minister.


The message is being repeated on billboards and on buses in communities all across Ontario. 


You can find more resources and share the new video online at


ETFO bus ad - photo by Jay Keddy, HWETL
ETFO bus ad - photo by Jay Keddy, Hamilton-Wentworth Elementary Teacher Local
Building Better Schools postcard
Building Better Schools postcard