Visit Building Better Schools: The ETFO Education Agenda
ETFO eNewsletter Vol. 8 No. 18 | June 2, 2014
Hudak's education agenda: Cuts first. Kids last. Whenever an election occurs in Ontario, ETFO sends a questionnaire to the four major political parties and asks them to respond. The questionnaire provides the parties with an opportunity to outline their plans for education in Ontario, and helps ETFO members to cast an informed vote on election day.

Visit our election page at to see how the Liberals, NDP, Greens, and Progressive Conservatives responded to the ETFO questionnaire.

The ETFO election page also contains party platform summaries, a candidate list, a print ad that will appear in community newspapers across the province, radio ads already on the air in target ridings, and a lawn sign. Contact your ETFO local for information on obtaining a sign.

You can also visit for a quick analysis of where all four parties stand on class size, EQAO testing, Full Day Kindergarten, special needs students, poverty, and labour rights. This summary was compiled from the questionnaire responses, as well as the PC election platform and platform costing document.
Summer Academy log
This year our program includes over 80 practical courses being delivered across the province by experienced and dynamic presenters. All courses have been planned to meet your professional needs.

Sixty additional courses have been designed this year which focus on math and technology to support teacher knowledge and provide new strategies for engaging students in their learning. Funding has been provided by the Ministry of Education for these extra courses for one year only.

Courses fill up quickly, so register now! For more information, please visit the ETFO website.


ROP logo

Reflections On Practice is a professional learning activity that provides 30 ETFO female members with the opportunity to learn about reflective inquiry, action research, professional activism, and leadership.  


The institute is comprised of three sessions: a four-day training session in the summer of 2014; a two-day training session in the fall of 2014; and another two-day training session in the spring of 2015. Participants will commit to attend the three sessions, be part of a professional learning community, engage in online chats, conduct an action research project, and prepare and share a report of their findings.


The registration deadline is June 20th.  Download the program flyer for more information and to register.  For more information, please visit the ETFO website

COVER - Awareness, Engagement, Activism Resource


A Social Justice Approach  

Awareness, Engagement, Activism is an online curriculum resource that uses a social justice and equity approach to teaching and learning through making personal connections, building understanding of experiences outside of our own, and practising skills through inquiry and critical conversations.  


Connections to all parts of the curriculum are made and lesson plans are provided along with corresponding curriculum expectations.


View or download a copy of the resource from the ETFO website

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