ETFO eNewsletter Bargaining Edition
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ETFO eNewsletter - Bargaining Edition
NUMBER 40 - JUNE 23, 2013
Memorandum of Understanding - Vote Result

ETFO members have voted  91 %  in favour of accepting the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
What Happens Next?

The MOU:
  • will become part of your collective agreement;
  • will be binding on your school board;
  • will override and improve the imposed terms of Bill 115.
The ETFO collective bargaining staff officer assigned to your local, along with your local negotiations team, will work with your school board to append the MOU to your collective agreement. They will also ensure that the terms in the MOU are implemented by your school board.

Thank you to ETFO members across the province who exercised their democratic rights and participated in this vote.
Copyright 2013 - The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario
ETFO holds the copyright to all information in this publication, except where specifically noted.
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