Torresdale Pediatrics

June 2015


Summer Is 
Almost Here!
Does your child need a camp or sports physical?
Call us at  215-638-0555 to make an appointment. 


Update: Appointment Confirmations by Email


Over the next month we will be starting to confirm appointments by using email:

  • About 2-3 days prior to your child's scheduled appointment you will receive an email reminder about the upcoming appointment. 
  • At the bottom of the email you will have the opportunity to click through and confirm with us so we know that you are planning on coming to the appointment.
  • If for some reason you need to cancel or reschedule you may let us know by calling our office (215-638-0555) during normal business hours to reschedule.
  • Next time you are in the office, please make sure that you confirm or update your current email address so we can be sure that we have your correct information! 
Playground Safety
playground swing girl

Did you know that every year more than 200,000 preschool and elementary school age children are injured while playing on playground equipment? Keep your kids safe when having fun on the playground!

  • Make sure playground equipment is appropriate for the child's age.
  • Always ensure that children are being supervised by adults.
  • The best playground surfaces are filled loosely with wood chips, mulch, sand, gravel, or shredded rubber.
Click here for more information about playground injuries
from the Centers for Disease Control [CDC].
Protect Kids from Poison
Poison Help 1-800-222-1222

Keep your kids safe from hazards at home! Write down the phone number for the poison control center: 


  • Keep all household chemicals and pharmaceuticals out of reach of children.
  • Common household products include drain and toilet bowl cleaners, medicines, and insecticides. 
  • If you store cleaning products under the sink, use a child safety lock or store them out of kids' reach.
Click here for more information about poison prevention from the CDC.
Click here for more information about common household poisons from
Insurance Reminders
  • Please remember to notify us if your insurance has changed.
  • Remember to bring your insurance card to every visit.
  • Remember to add your newborn to your insurance policy back to their date of birth. 
Join Our Portal!

Join now and get access to your child's vaccine record and growth charts!


Click here!


Monday - Thursday   8:45 AM - 7:30 PM
Friday   8:45 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday   9 AM - 12 PM 
The information in this newsletter is for information purposes only and not intended to replace proper medical care. Always seek the advice of a trained health professional with any questions you may have about a medical condition. Any information received from this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition.