Congregation Agudat Achim

In This Issue
President's Column
Rabbi's Column
Agudat Achim Presents Documentary on Ariel Sharon
Women's Network
Faith Community Nursing Committee Update
Chocolate Seder is April 4
Performance Survey for Rabbi Lichtenfeld
Guest Hazzan Coming to Agudat Achim
Fair Trade Event a Huge Success
Facility Improvements
March Yahrzeits
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March 2014                                       e-Newsletter 
President's Column
By Andrew Gavens  

Andy web

Our Executive Committee and Board of Trustees were invited to a recent USCJ special webinar review of the Pew report, "A Portrait on Jewish Americans."  This report identified many trends, both positive and negative.  Certainly there are issues that need to be addressed.  Several of the issues have been around for many years, yet our kehilla is still thriving.  One item identified in the report was the importance of a strong Jewish education, which was an important indicator of life-long Jewish participation.  Education, for both youths and adults, is a basic tenet of our congregation.  The Education Endowment Fund and the continued decisions that school tuition is the responsibility of every member, not just those with school children, demonstrates how important education is to our kehilla.  Other studies have identified summer camps as being important in instilling a Jewish foundation for our children.  There are many potential camp scholarships available both through our kehilla and in the Capital District. 


Our Board of Trustees has started discussions on long-range strategic planning to address some of the concerns identified in the Pew report. There is no question that the Conservative movement is undergoing a transition.  We need to do our best to actively identify, address, and prepare for these changes.  I intend to involve the congregation in this process as it becomes more defined.  Look for more information in the future.

Rabbi's Column

By Rabbi Lichtenfeld



Rabbi Lawrence Kushner writes that Purim represents the importance of laughter in our lives, even in our holiest undertakings.  Purim not only celebrates the downfall of those who would hate us, it also gives us a chance to laugh at ourselves.  This is in keeping with the words of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, who said that depression is the most clever disguise of the Yetzer HaRa (evil impulse) and that we must "fight it with every weapon in our power."  On Purim, even the most serious of Jewish scholars and theologians let down their hair.  Purim spiels in yeshivot and seminaries feature satire of prayer and Halakhah.  In the ultra-Orthodox community, people who normally wear black hats and coats put on jeans and t-shirts.  


Laughter can be one of the best medicines even in tragic circumstances, as Jews have often discovered. Kushner says:  "Laughter at sad times does more than relieve tension, it initiates healing.  Laughter reminds us of another dimension of our psyche.  I suspect that laughter may be able to banish the fiery sword that guards the entrance to the Tree of Life.  This may be why the Hasidim were fond of punning that Yom Kippurim could also be mistranslated not as the Day of Atonement but a day like Purim.  According to one tradition, after the Messiah comes, observance of all the holidays will be abrogated except the day when we laugh at our enemies and ourselves." 


Please join us (in costume, of course) for Megillah readings the night of Saturday, March 15 (followed by our always terrific Purim spiel geared for adults) and Sunday morning March 16, and participate in our Mishloach Manot fundraiser.  I hope this Purim brings you the gift of joy and laughter, which is so important in an often unpredictable world. 

Agudat Achim Presents Documentary on Ariel Sharon

By Mery Gross


Congregation Agudat Achim is proud to bring to the Capital District Sharon, an award-winning documentary on Israel's statesmen Ariel Sharon on Thursday, April 24, at 7:30 p.m.  Historian and Union College Professor Stephen Berk will discuss the film after the screening. Tickets are available for $6 for members and $8 for non-members by contacting 518-393-9211 or visiting the congregation's website at


Directed by Dror Moreh, Israeli director of the Oscar-nominated documentary The Gatekeepers, Sharon delves into Israel's prime minister's personality with emotional and private footage that reveals Sharon's thought process in his later years.  Considered among the last of Israel's founding fathers, Sharon (1929-2014) fought in every Israeli military conflict in the first three decades of the state.  As a military general, he helped turn the tide of the Yom Kippur War with Egypt in 1973. As defense minister, he directed the 1982 Lebanon War where he bore responsibility for the massacre of Palestinian refugees at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon.


From 1977 to 1981, Sharon vastly expanded the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, both areas conquered in the 1967 Six-Day War. However, in 2005, he led the disengagement from Gaza, overseeing the evacuation of nearly 10,000 Israelis from 21 communities in Gaza and four settlements in the northern West Bank.


Moreh's 70 hours of exclusive footage display Sharon performing daily duties, totally undisturbed by the eye of the camera.  The 90-minute film in Hebrew with English subtitles is complimented with interviews and archival footage from Sharon's public life.  Sharon suffered a stroke on Jan. 4, 2006, and remained in a vegetative state until his death on January 11, 2014.


The award-winning documentary was presented at Jewish film festivals in the U.S., Canada, Germany, Mexico, and Poland. The screening is sponsored by Congregation Agudat Achim's Programming Committee. 

Women's Network

By Judy Ben-Ami


The annual Hearts and Hummus program will be on Thursday, March 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Linda Shapiro.  This is an annual mitzvah project where heart-shaped pillows are made for the cardiac patients at Ellis Hospital.  We plan to make 48 heart pillows again this year, so please save the date.  This will be a lot of fun.


Click to see more pictures.


The Book Club is meeting on April 9 at noon at the synagogue to discuss The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund deWaal.  Our synagogue has one copy of the book, and the main branch of the Schenectady library has two copies. 



If you haven't checked out the new Women's League website, be sure to do so.  It is very easy to navigate. Also, our WLCJ Region offers an excellent weekly e-blast.  If you don't receive it and you are interested in getting it, please let Judy Ben-Ami know, using the new email for Women's Network: [email protected]




Faith Community Nursing Committee Update

By Ellin Friedman


As we know, this is flu season. The best prevention is frequent hand washing and avoiding contact with people who are sick.  In addition, if you have symptoms, please avoid visiting other people.


A recent study "Population-Level Effects of Suppressing Fever" suggested that the use of medications to suppress a fever may have negative effects. The senior author of the study, David J. D. Earn, says the following, as quoted by Nicholas Bakalar of the NY Times: "Taking drugs like aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen when you have the flu reduces fever and makes you feel better, but it may have unintended consequences".With anti-fever medicine and the flu, Dr. Earn said, "The real message is straightforward. It's better to stay home, and keep your child at home, so you don't infect others". As always, it is recommended that you speak with your physician before following this new information so that together you can make the correct decision about the use of anti-fever medicine.

Chocolate Seder is April 4

By Jack Mintzer


Why is this night different from all other nights? Because tonight we eat chocolate! Our annual chocolate Seder will be held on Sunday, April 4, at 10:00 a.m. as part of a joint program with Beth Shalom of Clifton Park. The day will start with a Passover Station event that will be held in the school.


Although billed as a chocolate Seder, and that is exactly what it is: a mock version of the ritual Passover meal celebrating the ancient Jews' exodus from Egypt, with all the traditional foods -- matzah, bitter herbs, and hoarsest -- replaced by various kinds of chocolate.  This candy lovers' version is a way of familiarizing children with the structure of the meal and a way to prepare for the wonderful event about to take place in their homes.


The chocolate Seder is bound to elicit amused giggles. On each table are plates holding candy, similar to the plates at actual Seders. Wine is represented by chocolate milk; as the service requires, four cups are drunk. The parsley, symbolic of spring and renewal, is usually dipped in saltwater to remind Jews of the tears they shed during slavery. Here, we will dunk green apples in chocolate sauce. Maror, or bitter herbs, usually a chunk of horseradish, is -- what else -- bittersweet chocolate!


This should be a fun event and more details will be coming soon.

Performance Survey for Rabbi Lichtenfeld

By Andrew Gavens


The response to the performance survey for Rabbi Lichtenfeld was outstanding.  With 106 responses we were able to obtain very useful information about the congregation's relationship with Rabbi Ted.  Many positive comments were received as well as identification of areas for further improvement.  Our Rabbi received over 50 percent either "very good" or "excellent" responses on every question.  The Executive Committee and Board of Trustees has reviewed the survey results, discussed the future needs of the congregation, and decided to enter contract negotiations with the Rabbi.  These negotiations will be completed this spring.  Please thank Carl Korn and Jeff Handelman for developing the survey and analyzing the results.

Guest Hazzan Coming to Agudat Achim

By Joan Brown



The last weekend in March we welcome musician Jeff Warschauer to Agudat Achim.  Jeff brings to us his cantorial experience from the Jewish Theological Seminary where he is a second year student.  You can hear his voice in advance here.


Jeff will arrive in time for Kabbalat Shabbat.  He will join us at services at 6:00 p.m. on Friday night March 28, and Saturday morning, March 29.  A program with him on Sunday, March 30 is also in the planning stages.  This promises to be an exciting weekend.  Please watch for announcements about the specific programming.   

" Let us therefore sing before G-d a new song, Halleluyah!"

V'nomar l'fanav shirah chadasha, Halleluyah!

Fair Trade Event a Huge Success

By Randy Fox


Fair Trade: Making Ethical Choices, our inaugural Fair Trade event, was held on February 9.  More than 40 people attended along with the 10 committee members.  A total of 11 booths included vendors and plenty of information regarding Fair Trade practices. The Niskayuna Co-Op and Honest Weight Food Co-Op, as sponsors, assisted in donating some refreshments, raffle items, and publicity.


In addition to visiting the various booths, participants heard from two presenters.  Maureen Casey explained what Fair Trade is and how buying these items benefits the farmers and workers.  Our own Rabbi Miriam spoke about Jewish ethics pertaining to Fair Trade.   


The committee is working on ways to extend the theme of Fair Trade to other events and is encouraging the CAA kitchen volunteers and catering to support this effort when feasible.   For example, it is hoped that "Chosen Grounds" coffee will be served at dinners and Lunch Bunch kiddushes and that Fair Trade chocolate will be incorporated into the Religious School's chocolate seder. 


Speaking of coffee and chocolate....


Fair Trade COFFEE and CHOCOLATE for sale:


Our very own blend of organic, Fair Trade, kosher, coffee called "Chosen Grounds" is a delicious and smooth blend of Peruvian coffees. It was prepared by Dean's Beans and costs $10 per 1 lb. bag of either regular or decaffeinated.


Three delicious flavors of Equal Exchange chocolate are also available for only $4 per bar.  This price is less than local market prices, plus you are supporting our Social Action committee.


You can purchase the coffee and chocolate through both the office and our Leora Judaica Gift Shop.   


Beautiful Mayan Hands fair trade crafts made by impoverished women of Guatemala will also be offered in the Gift Shop.      


Thank you for making ethical choices by purchasing Fair Trade items 


Facility Improvements

By Andrew Gavens


Recently Rabbi Druin, a sofer, visited and provided an evaluation of the condition of our Torahs.  He indicated that the Torahs stored in the chapel were beginning to show signs of mold due to dampness.  Examination of the ark in the chapel showed that there was a serious lack of insulation causing moisture to accumulate.  Howard Mittleman was hired to reconstruct the ark and install insulation and Steve Cohen will be replacing the cloth coverings.  While the chapel ark provides many warm memories of our former shul, it is now also warm to the touch.


The coatroom was in need of an upgrade.  It had become worn as it is often used for storage and a place where children play.  Under the direction of the Beautification Committee Chair Cynthia Tepper, Allan Pearlman volunteered his time to paint the walls and install base molding.  The hangers were also sorted so that there was not a mishmash of hangers.  The coatroom now looks fabulous. 


The ark improvements and coatroom upgrade have been part of a review of the overall condition of the facilities.  The synagogue facilities are currently being examined and priorities will be established.  It is important that the shul have a cared for, up to date appearance.  Unfortunately, not every proposed project can be immediately completed.  A plan and budget to improve our current facilities is being developed. 

March Yahrzeits


March 1 - 7

David Agdish, Sarah Apelbaum, Eric Wuerzburger, Libby Elson


March 8 - 14

Joseph Goodman, Samuel Merims, Dorothy Stein, Judith Wolin, Sam Haber, Moise MoiseCelia Gahuse, Rose Gelwarg, Irving Jacob Miness, Reba Sidewater


March 15 - 21

Vicki Freedman, Rose Kraut, Rose Green, Alice Wakesberg, Doris Cohen Epstein Weinstein, Jill Paul, Baruch Metzger


March 22 - 28

Jeannette Shapiro, Herbert Saunders, Ruth Wershkoff, Rose Dolan


March 29 - 31

Sidney Kraut


candles burning

January Donations


Thank you to all who made contributions to our various funds during the month of January



In memory of Sylvia Tocker

        Paul Tocker



In memory of Annie Friedson

        Phyllis & Sidney Friedson

In memory of Meir BenAmoz

        Eileen, Jeff, Zachary & Zo� Handelman

In memory of Paula Lang

        Harvey & Ruth Happ



In memory of Chay Khirge

        Valentina & Yefim Khirge



In honor of Clifford & Marilyn Elson's new grandson

        Ris� & Larry Routenberg

In memory of Gertrude Prager

        Ris� & Larry Routenberg

        Sylvia & Herb Winer

In memory of Gladys Goldman

        Josie Kivort

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

        Ris� & Larry Routenberg

In memory of Sam Anderman

        Hillary Fink

In memory of Semen Lirtsman

        Sally Moise

In memory of Sidney Wolin

        Hillary Fink



Speedy recovery to Bill Rowen

        Karen & Allan Pearlman



In memory of Benjamin Sevits

        Elaine & Norman Sevits

In memory of Joan Sylvetsky

        Este & Sam Sylvetsky

In memory of Paula Cohen Crane

        Shirley & Richard Cohen

In memory of Sam Anderman

        Eileen  & Jeff Handelman



In honor of this project          

        Ris� & Larry Routenberg

In honor of Roberta Steiner receiving the Planned Parenthood Giraffe Award

        Alice Rubenfeld

In memory of Henry Rubanek

        Mery & Dan Gross

In memory of my brother Richard on his birthday

        Alice Rubenfeld

In memory of my brother, Richard David Siegal

        Alice Rubenfeld

In memory of my father, Manahiem Siegal

        Alice Rubenfeld

In memory of my husband on his birthday

        Alice Rubenfeld

In memory of our father, Myron Finkelbrand

        Roberta & Stephen Berk

In memory of our mother, Blanche Berk

        Roberta & Stephen Berk

In memory of our son, Matthew Berk

        Roberta & Stephen Berk

In memory of Salek Rosendorn

        Mery & Dan Gross



In honor of Alexandra Schmidt filling in for me

        Barby Harris

In honor of Julia Eddy

        Barby & Stan Harris

In honor of the birth of our new grandson, Theodor David Elson

        Marilyn & Clifford Elson

In honor of Clifford & Marilyn Elson's new grandson

        Jill & Ron Bucinell

Speedy recovery to Bill Rowen

        Marsha & Murray Jaros

        Esther & David Eisner

        Roberta & Stephen Berk

In memory of Annette Tepper

        Cynthia & Clifford Tepper

In memory of Arthur Jerome Abrams

        Fran & Malcolm Abrams

In memory of Ben Edelheit

        Susan & Lonnie Edelheit

In memory of Bersutskay Getl Benumovna

        Betty Shpigel

In memory of David Siegel

        Barbara & Alan Miller

In memory of Gert Prager

        Mary Smith

        Phyllis & Arnold Ritterband

        Esther & David Eisner

        Barby & Stan Harris

In memory of Gladys Golub

        Muriel & Wilbur Shapiro

In memory of Louis Ratner

        Cheryl Ratner

In memory of Mark Nevins

        Beth & Bob Nevins & Family

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

        Ruth Fraster

        Rich & Kathy Cogen

        Sharon Richter

        Barby & Stan Harris

        Joan & Gary Adelson

        Marsha & Murray Jaros

        Barbara & Alan Miller

        Barby & Stan Harris

        Louise Bluestein

In memory of my brother, Gabriel Iskhahov

        Svetlana & Yasha Iskhakov

In memory of my brother, Jack Lefkowitz

        Sam Lefkowitz

In memory of Rhea Keesal

        Jill & Ron Bucinell

In memory of Rivka bat Zalmen Filanovskiy

        Zinaida & Yuriy Borodulin

In memory of Sam Anderman

        Marilyn & Clifford Elson

        Harlan Harrison

        Gail & Robert Schwartz

        Barby & Stan Harris

        Marsha & Murray Jaros

In memory of Samuel Cohen

        Norman & Jerome Cohen

In memory of Sidney Wolin

        Barby & Stan Harris

In memory of Simon Wakesberg

        The Wakesberg family

In memory of Sophie Shapiro

        Muriel & Wilbur Shapiro

In memory of William Dreisenstock

        Joyce Rhubin



In honor of Marilyn & Clifford Elson's new grandson

        Kathy & Carl Englebardt

In honor of Roberta Steiner receiving her well deserved award from Planned Parenthood

        Kathy & Carl Englebardt

In memory of Edith Weissberg

        Mishka Luft & Robert Weissberg

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

        Sylvia & Herb Winer



In memory of Gert Prager

        Elissa & Michael Freedman

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

        Elissa & Michael Freedman

In memory of Phyllis Levy

        Elissa & Michael Freedman



In memory of Aaron J. Wollman

        Debbie & Art Friedson

In memory of an amazing woman, Gert Prager

        Ruth Fraster

In memory of Gert Prager

        Debbie & Art Friedson

        Phyllis & Sidney Friedson

        Mery & Dan Gross

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

        Debbie & Art Friedson



In memory of Laura Scheinzeit

        Dr. Ronald Scheinzeit



In memory of Bernard Mollen

        Alice & Richard Toll



In memory of Gertrude Prager

        Rose & Paul Westheimer

        Marsha & Murray Jaros

        Sally Moise

        Sara Goldstein

        Joette & Harold Krupa

        Mery & Dan Gross

        Paula Harris

        Naomi Bristol

        Monika & Bob Woll

        Josie Kivort

        Lois & Dick Mendelson

        Roberta & Stephen Berk

        Polly & Al Schwartz

        Jan Altschuller

        Jill & Ron Bucinell

        Sam Lefkowitz

        Celia Diamond

        Este & Sam Sylvetsky

        Frederic & Marcia Schneider                                   



In memory of Bernice Bressler

        Ellen Bressler-Wakesberg & Martin Wakesberg and family

In memory of Harry Lipstein

        Norman Lipstein

In memory of Helen Aberbach

        Naomi Bristol

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

       Lorraine & Eric Kaplan

In memory of my beloved husband, Samoil Moise

        Sally Moise & family

In memory of Phyllis Stein

        Martin, Susanna & Jessica Stein



In memory of Anna Rosenthal

        Phyllis & Arnold Ritterband

In memory of Avraham Davidovits

        Lea-Lilly Klein

In memory of Bernard Hoorwitz

        Marion Hoorwitz

In memory of Hyman Brooks

        Valerie & Richard Brooks

In memory of Joseph Levy

        Lea-Lilly Klein

In memory of Morris Abramson

        Lois Abramson

In memory of Nathan Posner

        Ann & Alan Posner

In memory of Nicholas Klein

        Lea-Lilly Klein

In memory of Rebecca Rosenthal

        Phyllis & Arnold Ritterband

In memory of Wilhelmina Davidovits

        Lea-Lilly Klein

In memory of William Stewart

        Ann & Alan Posner



In honor of Howard Mittleman and Rabbi Ted for helping me learn Shacharit

        Judith Ben-Ami



In appreciation of post funeral meal

        Randy & Robert Fox



In memory of Avron Cohen

        Marilyn Soffer

In memory of Howard Cramer

        Bonnie & Steve Cramer

In memory of James Bruce MacWhinney

        Bonnie & Steve Cramer

In memory of Karl Cohen

        Judith & Brad Ruthberg

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

         Ellen & Robert Zirin



In appreciation

        Marsha & Murray Jaros

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

       Roberta & Stephen Berk

In memory of Sam Anderman

        Roberta & Stephen Berk



In honor of my granddaughter, Sophie Cohen Rubenfeld's Bat Mitzvah

        Alice Rubenfeld

In memory of Martin Hershenhorn

        Mitchell Silver



In memory of Hertha Happ

        Harvey & Ruth Happ



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e-Newsletter edited by Hillary Fink

e-Newsletter developed and created by

Director of Education and Programming Jack Mintzer