The new Center for Research on Health in Latin America. 

Click here for a photo gallery of the trip

Great Rift Valley, Rukwa Rift, southwestern Tanzania.

Student wins office in national student government group
Daniel Krajcik has been elected first vice chair of the Council of
Osteopathic Student Government Presidents. Krajcik, who is pursuing a combined D.O./M.B.A. degree and recently received his M.B.A. diploma, was 2014 president of the Student Government Association at the Heritage College, and was COSGP's national parliamentarian from April 2015 to April 2016. 

Heritage College Convocation 2016
Saturday, July 23
2 p.m. 

Convocation Center 

Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
For more information, click here.
Saturday, Sept. 17 - Tuesday, Sept. 20
Anaheim, Calif.
The American Osteopathic Association's 121st annual Osteopathic Medical Conference and Exposition. The Heritage College will have Booth 832 in the exhibit area, and will be hosting an alumni reception.
For more information or to register, click here.
In the news
The Washington Post
May 27

(One of the experts is Daniel Skinner, Ph.D., of the Heritage College. This story ran in a number of media outlets.)
The Athens NEWS
June 6

June 2016

Washington Post
June 23

The Post
July 4

The Athens NEWS
July 4

Alums in the news
Rolland R. Rogers III, D.O. ('00)
The Norwalk Reflector
June 7 

Christopher L. Downing, D.O. ('96)
PR Buzz
June 14 

Wayne Myles, D.O. ('96)
Athens Messenger
June 17

Julie Lorraine Eschbaugh, D.O. ('12)
Dayton Daily News
June 20 

Garrett R. Heinz, D.O. ('16)
June 27
Ronald C. Moomaw, D.O. ('80)
The D.O.
July 5
Brand Showcase
  • The Office of Communications recently worked with Lauren Borovicka, program manager for COMCorps, the Heritage College's AmeriCorps program, to develop a promotional plan and materials for the program's latest annual member recruitment campaign. Materials including a poster, an electronic kiosk ad and a radio spot contributed to COMCorps' being able to recruit its needed allotment of applicants well within its time frame. 

Listen to the radio spot

  • For an April 20 Founders Day celebration at the Ohio Statehouse, in connection with the college's 40th anniversary, the Office of Communication developed a number of items, including a full-page ad that ran in the spring issue of Ohio magazine. To members of the Ohio Osteopathic Association, who had supported the college financially when it was created in 1975, the college sent a founder's lapel pin, a personalized letter of thanks from Executive Dean Kenneth Johnson, D.O., and a copy of the latest issue of our Ohio University Medicine magazine. These items raised awareness of the college's four decades of positive impact on the state of Ohio.

Click on a thumbnail to access the material (entry to will require an Ohio University login).

Faculty, staff hear latest on curriculum revision 
On June 16, Heritage College faculty and staff heard an update on the progress a college team is making toward revising the college's pre-clinical curriculum. In a brown bag discussion session shared with all three campuses and some clinical campuses, members of the Pre-Clinical Curriculum Transformation Team shared information about their proposed changes in multiple areas, including:
  • the structure of the new curriculum;
  • strategies for assessing student mastery of material being taught; and
  • ways to organize learning activities so they support an integrated, competency-based curriculum; encourage active learning; give students enough time to explore electives; and keep the Heritage College at the forefront of osteopathic medical education.
For those unable to attend the session, a recording is available here. The team invites feedback through a one-question survey here. Access requires a university login.

When the Osteopathic Heritage Foundation awarded the college an historic $105 million gift in 2011, one specified purpose for the money was the transformation of the college's primary care curricula. In pursuit of that goal, the Heritage College assembled the Curriculum Transformation Team, which has been meeting since August 2014. 

The new curriculum will be implemented in fall  2018 to ensure adequate time for curriculum design; engaging faculty, staff, and students; and obtaining necessary approvals from the university and accrediting body. The college's last big curriculum restructuring was in 1999, when it launched its Clinical Presentation Continuum track. 

Human Resources

New hires
Crystal Haning, L.P.N., community outreach coordinator - Athens campus,
joined the Area Health Education Center/Community Health Programs on May 16. She can be reached in Parks Hall 005 at 740.593.0150 or

Leigh Wagner, child and family health program coordinator - Athens campus
ens campus, joined the Area Health Education Center/ Community Health Programs on April 25. She can be reached at Grosvenor Hall 061 at 740.593.2481 or


Kindra Browning, D.O. ('99), assistant lecturer - Cleveland campus, joined
the Department of Family Medicine on June 1. She can be reached in SPS-338C at 216.295.7541, or

Garrett Heinrich, Ph.D., research assistant professor - Athens campus, 
joined the Department of Biomedical Sciences on May 2. He can be reached in the ARC 302H at 740.593.2534 or

Harrison Muturi, Ph.D., research scientist I - Athens campus, joined the
Department of Biomedical Sciences on May 2. He can be reached in the ARC 302E at 740.593.2578 or

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ROUNDS has a new look!

ROUNDS has been redesigned to make the newsletter more visually appealing and easier to navigate, particularly for those who are reading on their mobile devices. Please let us know your thoughts; email the Office of Communications here.

Ohio University Heritage College | 204 Grosvenor Hall | Athens | OH | 45701