
Talent Follies
Friday, Jan. 8
6:30 p.m.
Irvine 194, Athens
Sponsored by Student Osteopathic Medical Association. Admission $3. Contact Heather Kremin,
Heritage College Day at the Convo
Saturday, Jan. 9
2 p.m.
Convocation Center
Students, faculty and staff are invited to continue the college's 40th anniversary celebration as the Bobcats take on Ball State in basketball. Pre-game lunch starts at noon on the Irvine Bricks. Limited number of tickets available - RSVP by Jan. 4. Contact Lynne Chapman, or 740.593.4232.
Heritage Ball
Saturday, Jan. 9
6 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Baker Center Ballroom, Athens
Hosted by Student Association of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians. Tickets must be purchased to attend. Contact Mackenzie Marley,

in the news

Claiborne Progress
Dec. 7
The Athens Messenger
Dec. 10
Nature World News Dec. 11
The Athens NEWS
Dec. 14
The Post
Dec. 15
WOUB Public Media
Dec. 16
AMA Wire
Dec. 16
The Athens Messenger
Dec. 17
Policy and Medicine
Dec. 18
Akron Beacon Journal Dec. 20


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Student group lifts up diversity at regional conference
Heritage College alum Nathan Lott, D.O. ('06), was among the speakers at the 2015 SNMA Region V conference.
The Heritage College, Dublin, attracted more than 100 medical and pre-med students from three states as the college hosted the 2015 Region V Student National Medical Association (SNMA) conference. During the weekend event Nov. 13-15, students from Ohio, Indiana and Michigan gathered to share ideas on increasing diversity in the medical profession, training doctors who are more culturally competent and bringing better health care to medically underserved populations.

SNMA's Region V includes chapters at 14 medical schools, which take turns hosting the regional conference. Members of the Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS), an affiliate group that represents undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students, also attended the event.

Leadership of the Heritage College SNMA chapter - which has membership at all three campuses - chose as its conference theme "CARE," an acronym for Community-Access-Research- Education.

Researchers make strong showing at conference
Contraception, birth outcomes, and the attitudes of pre-med students toward primary care were just a few of the topics presented by
Kelly Nottingham, Jane Broecker, M.D., and Jane Hamel-Lambert, Ph.D., M.B.A., at the conference.
Heritage College researchers at the annual meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group. At the conference, which was held in Cancun, Mexico, in October, the Heritage College was well represented, with one oral presentation and four posters.
Participants included Jane Broecker, M.D., associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology; Kelly Nottingham, executive director of primary care research initiatives; Elizabeth Beverly, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine, John Francescon, OMS II, mentored by Zelalem Haile, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Social Medicine, Dublin, and Jane Hamel-Lambert, Ph.D., M.B.A., former associate professor in the Department of Family Medicine.
Program helps impaired medical students
Are you concerned that a medical student may be struggling with alcoholism, severe stress or a psychiatric illness? If so, you can refer the student to the Heritage College Medical Student Assistance Program (MSAP), which was created to support the health and well-being of students and to help them succeed academically and professionally.
Students, faculty or staff can make a referral, which will initiate a meeting between the MSAP committee and the student. If the committee suspects the student is impaired, the student will be referred to an external expert for treatment.
To make a referral, contact any one of the MSAP committee members: Assistant Professor of Social Medicine Joseph Bianco, Ph.D. (; Assistant Professor of Geriatrics Kelly Coon, D.O. ('95) (; Multimedia Producer Director Mark Loudin (; Assistant Professor of Physiology Leslie Consitt, Ph.D. (; Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Nick Okada, Ph.D. (; and Assistant Director of Student Affairs in Dublin Andrea Brunson (
New college blog tells our 40th anniversary stories
Don't forget that the Heritage College Office of Communication has launched a new blog,, to celebrate the college's 40th anniversary year. In the coming months, we will use the blog to share stories about the people who put in place the foundation for today's successes, as well as our ideas and initiatives for the future.
Recent posts include:
  • Memories from Anthony Chila, D.O., an iconic figure who has shared his passion for OMM with students from every graduating class, and Harry Meshel, a former Ohio state senator who helped champion the 1975 legislation that created the college
  • An in-depth story of the college's founding, highlighting the vision, persistence and courage demonstrated by founders and members of the first incoming class
  • The first installment of our "40 Things to Know" series, describing our place as an innovator in medical education
To make sure you catch all the new blog posts, subscribe to the blog today! Simply click on the "follow" button in the lower right-hand corner at If you're one of the first 40 students, first 40 alumni/friends or first 40 faculty/staff to subscribe, you will also receive a special limited-edition Ohio University Medicine bandana.
October and November CARE recipients named
Congratulations to the six individuals who were recognized with the CARE award in October and November. The recipients were:
Administrative: Sharon Casapulla, Ed.D., director of education and research, Office of Rural & Underserved Programs
Classified: Donna Veliz, records management senior specialist, Office of Academic Affairs
Faculty: Timothy Law, D.O. ('94), M.B.A., assistant professor, Departments of Family Medicine & Geriatric Medicine/Gerontology; associate director, Rural & Underserved Programs, Athens campus; medical director, Clinical & Translational Research Unit
Administrative: Kelly Gorscak, budget analyst, Office of Financial Services
Classified: Gail Houlette, executive assistant, Office of Administrative Services
Faculty: Paige Gutheil Henderson, D.O. ('02), assistant professor of primary care, Department of Family Medicine, Heritage College, Dublin
Sharon Casapulla, Ed.D., director of education and research in the Office of Rural & Underserved Programs, works closely with her students, especially those doing research in the Rural and Urban Scholars Pathways Program. "Her passion for making a change is infectious, and she truly cares about her work as well as the people she works with. Sharon is truly an asset to this school," said fourth-year medical student Katelyn Tondo-Steele, who nominated Casapulla. "She has invested so much time in my research with kids at Trimble Elementary School. Sharon had faith in me when I needed it, and she has been the best advisor throughout this time."
Kelly Gorscak, budget analyst in the Office of Financial Services, was nominated by friend and co-worker Beth Scowden, administrative specialist at the Office of Information and Learning Technologies, who says she strives to be "more like Kelly." Scowden explains, "I have known Kelly for the past three years, and she has assisted me and many other employees with accounting and budgetary questions. Kelly takes time out of her busy schedule to answer the phone when you call her, to get the answers you need in a timely manner, all while being friendly, cheerful and positive. I truly appreciate her and would like to take his chance to thank her for being a wonderful role model."
Previously recognized in 2008 by the Office of Academic Affairs as an outstanding employee of the year, Donna Veliz, records management senior specialist, now is being honored with the CARE award. Rural and Underserved Programs Administrative Director Dawn Mollica and Director of Education and Research Sharon Casapulla,Ed.D.,nominated Veliz for the hours she spent teaching them how to use the E*Value system, which is used to schedule clinical rotations and track related curriculum requirements. "She finds ways to make the system work for the staff as well as the students. Donna is always accessible to answer questions, and there is no end to her patience. We would truly be lost without her. Donna Veliz is a real gem!"
"Gail makes coming to work fun. With her bright outlook and constant smile, even a day that's not going well suddenly seems better," says Lisa Forster, communications specialist, who nominated Gail Houlette, executive assistant in the Office of Administrative Services. In addition to her many duties as an executive assistant, Gail is also the committee chair for the CARE program. "She has done an excellent job keeping the program running, working out glitches and finding new, fun ways to keep people engaged. She's responsive and is always eager to find new and better ways to meet goals. I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent working with Gail. In addition to the CARE program, Gail played a key role in helping the college with its first sponsorship of the Komen Athens Race for the Cure. Her enthusiasm and willingness to go above and beyond are the reasons I am nominating Gail for the CARE award."
Named 2014 Mentor of the Year by the American Osteopathic Association, Timothy Law, D.O. ('94), M.B.A., was nominated for the CARE award by Laura Rush, D.V.M., Ph.D., executive director of the Clinical & Translational Research Unit. "He makes himself available whenever needed and does so with a smile and a fantastic attitude. He has helped develop standard operating procedures, train personnel, refine research protocols, and so much more, always with a tremendous sense of humor and with study subject safety and comfort as his top priorities. In addition to working with our staff, he is great with students and is truly a role model for them to see how a physician can play a key role in clinical research."
"Paige Gutheil Henderson = Rock Star!" This is the closing statement in the nomination of Gutheil Henderson, D.O. ('02), assistant professor of primary care at the Heritage College, Dublin, by Laurie Lach, director of alumni affairs in the Office of Medical Development & Alumni Affairs. In addition to teaching, Gutheil Henderson serves as the chair of ohiowomen in medicine and played a key role in developing and implementing the Summer Leadership Academy, a pilot mentorship program affiliated with ohiowomen in medicine held last summer in Dublin. "Paige is literally the first person to reply when there is a need for information or to help develop or enhance programming or activities for our alumni and the college. She takes projects to the next level," said Lach. "Bottom line - I love everything about her. She's easy and approachable, gracious, fun, incredibly sharp and savvy. She is in tune with the needs of graduates, practicing physicians and medical students."
Stephen Davis named AACOM scholar-in-residence
Stephen S. Davis, Ph.D., is the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine's 2015 Scholar-in-Residence. For the program, Davis, the director of faculty development and an assistant professor of family medicine at the Heritage College, is working on a project to help allopathic clinical faculty who precept osteopathic students. Read more here.
RUSP program is now on Facebook and Twitter
The Heritage College's Rural and Urban Scholars Pathways (RUSP) program has recently entered the world of social media with its new Facebook page and Twitter feed. (Click on the links to access the sites.) RUSP, a co-curricular program started in 2013, helps to better prepare medical students to practice in underserved areas both rural and urban. An in-depth story on the program ran in the last issue of Ohio Medicine magazine, which you can read here
In each issue of ROUNDS, look here
for information on transformative initiatives within Heritage College.

New college website to get us thinking inside box will play a critical file-sharing role as the Heritage College moves to its new website in late January. There are several good reasons the college is embracing this campus-wide cloud storage application:

It's an excellent tool for document sharing and collaboration. Several Heritage College departments are already using it for this purpose, including the Cleveland and Dublin campuses, Office of Admissions and CORE Research Office.  

All Ohio University faculty, staff and students have a free account and 50 GB of space in Box.

Box folders can easily be integrated with the college website, enabling secure, password-protected access to PDFs, Word documents and PowerPoint files that are linked to the public site. 

Some examples of folders.
Over the next two months, Heritage College students, faculty and staff will receive email invitations to join various college folders. They should accept each one - clicking the link in the email and logging into Box. This will ensure they have access to all the information they need on the new Heritage College website.
Want to find out more about and how the Heritage College's folders work? Explore the resources that the Office of Communication has put together at the bottom of this page: