August 16, 2016
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School Starts Wednesday August 17th.
School Board Notes

Good News Items: 

Boone County Schools new school board student representative David "Bradley" Rodriquez from Cooper High School was sworn in at the School Board meeting by the Honorable J. R. Schrand. He was elected to serve as the student representative on the Boone County Board of Education for the 2016-2017 school year. 

Brainy Bots

We would like to recognize the Ryle High School Brainy Bots First Tech Challenge Robotics Team (FTC) who were finalists for the Connect Award at the FTC World Tournament in St. Louis. This means that they were in the top 6 in the WORLD out of nearly 20,000 teams participating from 53 countries:  only 3% of those teams qualified  for the World tournament.
Congratulations for a successful season and representing Boone County Schools so well at the tournament!

Left to Right: Tanner, Schmidt, Wyatt Richards, Will Richards, Ken Ryumae, Mina Ryumae, Audrey Wilson, Alex Wilson, Zach St. Hilaire, Kate Grayson (not pictured).

2016 CAPE Award
Celebrating Advocacy for Public Education Award

Superintendent Dr. Randy Poe was presented with the 2016 Celebrating Advocacy for Public Education Award. The CAPE Award formerly known as the KIDS First Advocacy Award annually honors both a superintendent and a school board member for outstanding work in the public policy arena on behalf of Kentucky's students. In their presentation Brad Hughes and Dr. Hope Laughlin from KSBA said they were so impressed with how Dr. Poe conducted himself as he proudly spoke of the importance of the work done in public schools overall and the Boone County School district specifically. Congratulations, Dr. Poe! 

Rotary Citizens of the Year               

Yealey Elementary School Assistant Principal Katie Hiatt is among three women recognized as Florence Rotary's Citizens of the Year.  This prestigious award was created to honor persons in the community that have rendered exceptional service to the community above and beyond all expectations.

Katie Hiatt

             Beth McIntire
Laura Dumancic

Katie Hiatt, Laura Dumancic and Beth McIntire are part of the Go Pantry team providing GO Bags and GO Boxes to 13 schools in the Boone County School District.  These GO bags and boxes are given to needy students to provide weekend nourishment as many of them go without food on the weekends or other times when school is not in session.  

Katie Hiatt, Beth McIntire and Laura Dumancic were honored at the Florence Rotary meeting. They each received citations from the Kentucky Senate and the Kentucky House of Representatives.  They each also were commissioned by Governor Matt Bevin as Kentucky Colonels for the work Go Pantry does.  

Rotary members including the Boone County Schools District Office also collected nearly 600 food and drink items to send back to Go Pantry. 
Golfers, Thank you!

Thank you for participating in the 16th annual Boone County Business Association's Golf Outing Friday August 5th at the Boone Links Golf Course.  There were nearly 150 golfers raising money for the Boone County Schools Alternative Program.   The program supports the BCS Alternative Services which includes the Drop-in Academy, Transition to High School, Transition to Life and Behavior Academy.  Needy students in this program will receive new winter coats, hats and gloves. 

BCS Stuff The Bus Competition Winners!
Thank you to parents, students, school staff and community supporters of the Boone County School District.  Stuff The Bus is an annual competition between the Kenton County School District and the Boone County School District to see which district can get their district to turn out and stuff their district's bus with the most school supplies.  Boone County has won the competition for the 5th straight year!  The competition is sponsored by Chick-fil-A. It was held last month in their parking lot on Houston Road in Florence. Boone County Schools will receive a $500 donation from Chick-fil-A. 


Open House at Erpenback Elementary

Many schools have been holding their Open House and Meet The Teacher events over the last week.  It's a great time for students to see old friends they haven't seen all summer, a time for new students to become acquainted with their new school and meet new friends.  It also reduces anxiety for parents and students to be able to meet their new teacher.  Some students also pick up ordered school supplies and get to see what changes have taken place at their school while they were on summer vacation.  Here are pictures of last night's Open House at Erpenbeck Elementary.

Poverty Simulation at Stephens Elementary 

Poverty is a reality for many people and families and unless you've experienced it, poverty is difficult to understand.  Stephens Elementary held a Poverty Simulation to help sensitize our community to the realities of poverty. 

In a poverty simulation participants role-play the daily life and experiences of a low-income family.   There are many stereotypes and opinions about why or how a person or family is or becomes poor.  Poverty Simulations are educational in that they open our eyes and dispel the myths of how our low income community members live day to day.  


Boone County Schools is hosting an Evidence Based Curriculum & Mentor Training Program called My Life My Power. It is a year-round curriculum developed by educators, law enforcement, psychologists, psychiatrists, parents and students to impact youth in schools.  My Life My Power serves to motivate students in the areas of academic, personal and relational success. 
Educators at The Alternative Programs with the Imagineering Academy were recently trained and trainings will be held later this month for students attending the Academy. 
We would like to keep you up to date on things happening in the district since you graduated.  If you are a graduate of the Boone County School District please click on Alumni Registration in the 
Quick Links block above on the left and sign up. 

We are looking for former graduates of Boone County Schools to tell us their stories of professional career success after graduating from this district. If you are one of those students or if you have a son or daughter with post college graduate successes that should be celebrated, please email your story and a j.peg-only picture of yourself or your former student to  Important: the subject line must read: For Alumni Spotlight.  We will post it in the Alumni Spotlight section of this school district newsletter.