April 4th, 2016 
In This Issue
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Whooping Cough at record levels!

Whooping cough is spreading in all of our schools in Northern Kentucky! The Northern Kentucky Health Department is asking members of the community to take steps to respond to the outbreak.  Three measures are key: 
1) Make sure all members of your family are vaccinated. Vaccine is available for free at the Health Department's county health centers. 
2) If someone in your family has cold symptoms, avoid contact with vulnerable groups, including infants and those with compromised immunity. If the cold symptoms get worse after a week, see a health care provider.
3) If a member of your family has been diagnosed with whooping cough, be sure to stay home until five days of antibiotic treatment. 

Professional Development for Teachers 

Tuesday April 5th 4:15-6:15 p.m.
2 hours flex credit