December 14, 2015
In This Issue
Quick Links

The deadline to apply for the NKY FAME program is approaching-Dec. 31. NKY FAME provides FREE education and a salary in an exciting, high-growth career with limitless possibilities.  A parent and senior student event is scheduled at Bosch (15 Spiral Drive , Florence) for Monday night, December 14, 6:30-8:30 PM, to learn more about the program, the application process, and to tour Bosch to find out more about high-pay, high-growth careers in manufacturing, robotics.

NKY FAME is a 21 month associate's degree program to become an Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT). AMT students attend Gateway Community & Technical College two days per week while working at one of the sponsoring companies three days per week for a competitive wage. Students learn hands-on about electricity, robotics, mechanics, LEAN manufacturing, and more. Starting salaries after completion of the 18 month program range from $45,000 to $80,000/year. Upon completion of the program, students can also choose to pursue an engineering or related bachelor's degree with tuition reimbursement.

For more information and questions click here to contact Michelle Flick  or click here to apply online

Did you know that the Boone County Schools have recently adopted a 5-year District Strategic Plan that is focused on "Career, College, and Life" readiness for all students? The plan was developed using the input of parents, educators, and other stakeholders collected at numerous community meetings held during the 2014-15 school year. From these community conversations, it became clear that we share the desire for our students to develop a distinct common set of 21st Century Skills that will help them to succeed beyond graduation. Those skills, our "10 C's", are woven throughout the plan, and have been intentionally embedded into your child's learning experiences.

#Boone2020 is an exciting new social media campaign designed specifically to promote dialogue and transparency around the goals and details of our 5-Year District Strategic Plan. Instead of sending out one-way information about the plan, we want to engage in two-way dialogue with you and give you opportunities to learn more about innovative teaching and learning. We ultimately want to build stronger partnerships with parents and the community for the benefit of all students. By providing you with specific knowledge and concrete examples of Student Empowerment, World-Class Education, and Resource Optimization, we hope to empower you to be partners with us in educating all students.

How can you join the conversation? Follow #Boone2020 on Twitter and Facebook, and tweet comments or questions about what you see. If you are new to Twitter, we will be providing some LIVE fun evening opportunities at various locations throughout the county in January and February for you to learn how to use Twitter for engaging with the schools. Also, follow the Boone County E-News and our Facebook page for new additional opportunities to join the conversation.

The #Boone2020 conversation begins in January, and the topic of the month will be K-12 Career Exploration. We hope that you participate!

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We are in the season of unpredictable winter weather.  Winter storms necessitate Boone County Schools to alter daily schedules or routines within the district.  To be prepared please make sure your child's school has up-to-date phone numbers and emergency contacts for your family.    Also, have child care arrangements already in place should the need arise to close school early, delay or cancel school.  

We also have introduced a new way to get streamlined information about any school closing or delays.  To get exclusively weather related information please follow us on Twitter @BCSWx 

We will no longer post weather related information to @Boone_County. We will also continue to post weather information on the Boone County Schools webpage (located above in Quick Links) and on our Facebook page.

Calling all Boone County School Alumni

We are looking for former graduates of Boone County Schools to tell us their stories of professional career success after graduating from this district. If you are one of those students or if you have a son or daughter with post college graduate successes that should be celebrated, please contact us.  You will need to email a j.peg-only picture of your student as well as information on their success story to We will post it in the Alumni Spotlight section of this school district newsletter.