November 12th, 2015 
In This Issue
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What Is A Veteran? 
A "Veteran" -- whether active duty, discharged, retired or reserve is someone who at one point in his or her life wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America," for an amount of "up to, and including his or her life."  Thank you for your service!
Boone County Schools observed and celebrated local veterans with special services put on by the students.  Please enjoy the pictures from some of these Veterans Day school programs below.
Parent Survey Deadline: Friday 

In an effort to improve system practices, Boone County Schools is conducting a Parent Survey.  We value you opinion and ask that you take the time to complete this survey.  Click here for the survey.  Please be assured your responses will by anonymous.  Your honest opinion is appreciated.  Thank you!

Goodridge Elementary

Ockerman Elementary

North Pointe Elementary


Thornwilde Elementary

Mann Elementary



Stephens Elementary

Burlington Elementary

MIDDLE SCHOOL               

Conner Middle 

RA Jones

HIGH SCHOOL               

Conner High
Conner High School Veterans Day Interviews--Click the arrow.

Conner High School Veterans Day Presentation--Click the arrow.

Conner High School Veterans Day--Click the arrow

Ryle High

Boone County Alternative Programs

Students from Darin Smith and Troy Teegarden's class put together a tour at Florence Cemetery in Honor of the day that featured those that served in the Military.  The PDF below includes those that were discussed in the tour.  This research includes African Americans that served in the Civil War buried near other soldiers including one that served for the South in the Civil War.
To complete this project students used primary documents and in some cases contacted living family members for information. They also made videos that will later be accessible to the public on each figure as a part of a virtual tour.  In addition, Mr. Jim Perkins, a local member of the Florence Elk Lodge  visited the students and discussed the day, his service in the military, and the projects he and the Elks are involved with that support Vets including Purple Heart Recipients. 

High School Dramas 
(tonight, tomorrow and Saturday) 

Boone County High School
Spotlighters present INHERIT THE WIND at BCHS's Auditorium on November 12, 13, 14. Doors open at 6:15 P.M. and Show begins at 7:00. Admission: $5 Students/$8 Adults. This is the 90th Anniversary of the Scopes Trial-when a Tennessee teacher was jailed for discussing Darwin's book ORIGIN OF SPECIES in his science class. While this play is based upon this trial, its authors wrote it in response to McCarthyism.

Ryle High School presents "The importance of Being Earnest tonight and Friday at 7:30p.m. Saturday (2p.m. & 7:30p.m.)

Calling all Boone County School Alumni

We are looking for former graduates of Boone County Schools to tell us their stories of success after graduating from this district. If you are one of those students or if you have a son or daughter with post Boone County School District successes that should be celebrated, please contact us.  You will need to provide a j.peg picture of your student as well as information on their success story. We will post it in the Alumni Spotlight section of this school district newsletter.