May 8, 2015
In This Issue
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Travis Liversgowdy

"This is who we are..." 


I was in awe at the sea of RED when I walked into Cooper High School today.  One student approached me after seeing my jaw drop and said, "This is who we are," and walked away. 











This has been a tragic week at Cooper High School. Travis Liversgowdy, a senior at Cooper High died Thursday following a tragic car accident last Friday evening. Another Cooper student remains hospitalized.  School psychologists have been supporting students all week. Through the mourning process students at Cooper have formed a tight network of community.  They've planned respectful vigils, remembrances and have coordinated fundraising efforts.  

 Today at Cooper High 
This is what today looked like at Cooper High. It was a sea of red as students wore red to remember their classmate and friend Travis. Travis was also known for carrying around a gallon jug of water everyday at school. And that's just what his fellow classmates did. Everywhere you went in Cooper High today someone was carrying a gallon jug filled with water!  
Principal Mike Wilson gathers students for a picture


Solidarity spreads beyond Cooper High
This wasn't just the scene at Cooper High. The sympathy for Cooper High's loss spread not only through the Boone County School district.  Outside the district students from other schools showed their support for Cooper High's loss.  Below are pictures from Conner High, Boone County High, Camp Ernst and Beechwood Independent Schools among many others supporting Cooper High today.  


Fundraising efforts for funeral expenses
T-shirt orders continue until 5/15 at Cooper High
Taking orders for t-shirts
After learning that Travis' family would need help with funeral expenses students quickly organized a 'GoFundMe' page which is a fundraising website and started selling t-shirts at Cooper High.  The shirts cost $10 and $7 dollars of the cost of every shirt sold will go toward paying for Travis' funeral. Cooper High School Principal Mike Wilson is very proud of his students.  He says, 'this was totally a student led and coordinated effort and that is a reflection of how generous and caring these student are.  Through this tragedy these student are teaching themselves and each other about the importance of community.  It's a lesson that will be of great value throughout their lives."