January 9, 2015
In This Issue
Flu & Illness Guidelines
Inclement Weather Policy
School Board Recognition Month
Spotlight: Dr. Randy Poe
Congratulations All-State
Elementary All-State Choir
Middle School All-State Choir
High School All-State Choir, Band & Orchestra
Quick Links
Boone County Schools
Free/Reduced Lunch Online Form
Board of Education Meetings
Flu and Illness Guidelines 
Flu season is in full swing and many students and staff are getting sick with the flu or are experiencing flu like symptoms.  Please take the following precautions to limit the spread of illness:
1. Free of Fever for 24 hours before returning to school
(without the use of fever-reducing medicine).
2. Always cover your coughs and sneezes. (Never cough or sneeze into your hands).
3. Do not share drinks, food, pencils, etc.
4. Wash/sanitize hands frequently and thoroughly and avoid touching your face
5. Stay away from others who are sick as much as possible.

Inclement Weather Policy  



Now that January is here, so too is unpredictable winter weather.  There is a possibility that school could be delayed or even cancelled due to inclement weather. Please review our district inclement weather page found under Quick Links on the left side of the district website page ( for information regarding how the decision is made to delay or cancel school, what it means when school is delayed or cancelled, and how that information is communicated out. You can also review our district wind chill policy also found on the district webpage.



 School Board Member Recognition Month


Dr. Maria Brown
Ed Massey
Board President Karen Byrd


Steve Templeton
Bonnie Rickert














Each January we express our appreciation to our school board members for their willingness to serve as advocates for our children and the district. Boone County Schools is joining the Commonwealth's 172 other public school districts for Kentucky's 20th observation of January as School Board Member Recognition Month.  

Judge Executive Gary Moore swears in

re-elected Boone County School Board Members January 7th, 2015

Superintendent Randy Poe
Kentucky Commissioner of Education Spotlights: Superintendent Dr. Randy Poe  
With Superintendent Randy Poe's leadership, the Boone County school district is in the top echelon nationally for college-, career- and life-readiness. This is in spite of being the third largest school district in the state, with large numbers of students with high needs, including 2,300 students with disabilities, 1,200 students who are English Language Learners and 40 percent of students who live in poverty.


In 2006, Poe led a district Harvard ExCEL leadership team, creating a Teaching and Learning Committee structure made up of board and cabinet members, principal representatives and the president of the teachers' association. This effort has resulted in extensive participation, input, communication and a strong commitment to a shared vision throughout the district.


In 2009, the district's leadership established the expectation that all students would score in the 24-27 college-readiness range on the ACT. To meet this goal, a cluster school structure for developing instructional strategies from preschool through high school graduation provided the support needed to schools. This helped everyone understand their role in making sure that every student meets this goal, and that it is imperative that every child is career- and college-ready so students will have every opportunity available to them when - not if - they graduated.



To achieve student success, district and school personnel are pushed and encouraged to take risks, work at the cutting edge and look for innovative ways to help students achieve 21st century skills. Poe sets high expectations and then empowers staff to find creative ways to meet these expectations. The staff is continuously pushed to dream, which allows them the autonomy to find the best way to make great things happen for students. The district also keeps a relentless focus on doing whatever it takes for children, and holds everyone accountable for all of its students' progress.



Friday's Fast Five Featuring Randy Poe, Boone County Schools by Commissioner Terry Holliday.  



KY Education Commissioner Terry Holliday
















Congratulations to the students listed below in Elementary, Middle and High School who made it onto All-State Choir, Band and Orchestra! All-State is the highest honor a Kentucky music student can receive.  It's a competitive process of students auditioning around the Commonwealth vying for this honor to perform in ensembles of bands, orchestras, and choirs.  Student musicians and artists with this level of talent as a part of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) also have qualities that drive innovation with employers.  For more information visit the Kentucky Music Educators Association website here.  
All-State Choir

Erpenbeck Elementary - Cameryn Tubb, Camryn Smith, Madeline Dadosky, Sam Webb, Blake Berry, Emma Hornsby, Audrey Richards, Dylan Fogt, Savannah Schwartz

Mann Elementary - Rian Gallagher, Alec Samardzija, Alayna Loschiavo and Kanako Yoneda



All-State Choir 

Camp Ernst Middle - Emily Sisson, Victoria Pastor-Richard and Maura Lee

Gray Middle - Monya Brandt, Tessa Hutchinson and Phoebe Clark





All-State Choir



Boone County High - Lydia Brooks, Erica Fee, Sam Johnson, Carson Kruml, Rosa Mejia, Ashley Patak, Nathan Sudenga

Conner High - Rachel Bowling, Courtney Caldwell, Rachel Dooley, Lacey Gerdes, Zoe Hudson, Riley Jones, Josh Kennedy, Zach Mason, Johnathan Meier, Kevin Owens, Micah Roberson, Kendall Rump, Elijah Schmitt, Mariah Southers, Natalie Ward

Cooper High - Delaney Holt, Nathan Millson, Summer Lighthall, Jacob Threadgill, Jonah Mayo, Ashley Tinch, Megan Dwyer, Faith Greene

Ryle High - Allison LaRoy and Kayla Norton



All-State Band


Boone County High - Cody Scroggins and Tyland Duggins

Conner High - Mike Thompson and Nick Schlie

Cooper High - Kendall Bisig and Patrick Weiler

Ryle High - Rachel Lietzow, Brianna Lombardo, Chloe McDaniel, Chisato Fuji, Alex Strawn


All-State Orchestra 


Conner High - Christian Gamble 

