June 20, 2014
In This Issue
Deputy Super Retires
Golf Opportunity
Elementary News
Middle School News
High School News
Summer Activities
Summer Learning Loss
Adult Education New Home
Quick Links
Boone County Schools
Free/Reduced Lunch Online Form
Board of Education Meetings
Deputy Superintendent Retiring
No more School Board meetings, no more late night, early morning road inspections, no more calls from the media. At the end of this month Deputy Superintendent and Chief Operating Officer Mike Blevins hands it all off to head into retirement.


As I entered Mike Blevin's office to prepare to interview him, he was looking at meterological maps, studying the weather. "It's part of the job Barbara" he said. And so it is for this man, right to the last minute.


Mike's path to this day started 40 years ago in 1974. After graduating from EKU in 1974 with a business degree he found teaching jobs at that time were hard to come by so he went back home to Ohio and found a job at a plating plant waiting patiently for his first professional break which would soon come from Beechwood Schools in Kenton County. There he was offered a job to teach and coach. His starting salary was around $8,000, give or take a few hundred dollars. His first big purchase (after saving up a down payment of course)...a brand new 1975 Monte Carlo, brown metallic exterior, beige interior.  Read the article...

1975 Chevy Monte Carlo 350 V-8 Turbo-Fire Hydra-Matic


FREE THIS WEEKEND!  Summer Fun Activities



Come check out the Family Day of "Let's Move" at the Florence Government Center by using the skate park, hike/bike trail and open space. A Bike Rodeo and basic safety bike training will be conducted for children ages 5-9 so bring your bikes & helmets.  Click here for more information.


SUMMER GOLF OUTING: Mark your calendars

We are pleased to announce that the Boone County Businessmen's Association 14th annual golf outing, for the benefit of Boone County Schools Alternative Services programs, will be held on August 1, 2014 at Boone Links Golf Course.  Click here for brochure and registration information.

The Boone County Businessmen's Association promotes, encourages and aids in the development of commercial, industrial and civic interests of Boone County. The association holds this annual golf outing to help our community by giving back to worthy causes.

Boone County Schools is the 3rd largest school district in Kentucky. The Alternative Services Programs in Boone County Schools includes the Drop-In Academy, Transition to High School, Transition to Life and Behavior Academy.

We are asking for your participation in making this event a success by joining us as a corporate partner and/or a hole sponsor. Your company will be recognized on promotion materials and at the outing. This is not only an excellent opportunity for your business, but also a great way for you give back to these children.

We are also in need of donations of gift certificates and door prizes to be used in the raffle. Quality items are essential to the success of this fundraising event. It would be an honor to represent your company in our prize offering.



Gallup Student Poll Data Provides Engaging Insight


Karen Cheser says there's a "direct correlation" between a students'

level of hope, well-being and engagement and their preparedness for college, career and life.

Cheser, deputy superintendent for Boone County Schools, said the district has reached this epiphany while studying data gathered from the Gallup Student Poll.

"The information has been tremendously helpful in identifying school and district strengths and needs, as well as determining what individual students need," she said.

The Gallup Student Poll is a measure that captures the youth voice, a critical part of the national dialogue surrounding student performance and success. The Gallup Poll tracks the hope, engagement, and well-being of students in grades 5 through 12 across the U.S. Cheser said the district has been using the Gallup Poll for two years; and this year are using the data "much more intentionally." Read full article here.

Goodridge Elementary students were recognized at a year-end assembly for positive behavior, accelerated reading achievements, special academics and Perfect Attendance. High achieving accelerated readers were recognized with a variety of gift cards courtesy of the Goodridge PTA. Their Box Tops for Education collection also paid for IPad Minis and Kindle Fires for the highest of achievers.  

Special academic awards were also presented in Continental Math, Science and Math awards, etc.  

SOAR Awards (PBIS) were presented to students who did not move their clip down all year. Goodridge was proud to say that a large part of the student population received SOAR awards. SOAR stands for safe, organized, accountable and respectful.

Finally, Perfect Attendance Awards were presented to the 21 students who had Perfect Attendance - no absences and no tardies. Special Perfect Attendance awards were present to Leslie Herrera and Alyssa Peelman for having Two Years of Perfect Attendance and to Skylar O'Nishea and Riley Walsh for having Four Years Perfect Attendance. Skylar and Riley were recipients of mountable action camcorders for their efforts.


Goodridge Elementary School is the proud recipient of a $1000 School Grant for Healthy Kids from the Action For Healthy Kids Foundation.  Action for Healthy Kids (AHK)  believes that all children should be healthy and ready to learn. But, sadly, they're not. One in three of our kids is overweight or obese, putting them at risk for a variety of health complications and chronic diseases, including heart disease, gallbladder disease, asthma, Type 2 diabetes and cancer.  AHK looks for programs that utilize best practices that leads to the greatest impact on student health and academic achievement.


With Kentucky  Family Resource Centers'  Mission of Breaking down the barriers to education, a partnership between the two is commonsense.  The Goodridge Family Resource Center applied for the grant to provide for the filming of  Brain Break Videos to be utilized throughout the school day including before school; times when class energy is low; inclement weather physical fitness time; and/or when a teacher is looking for  a different way other than snacks and treats of rewarding students in their classroom. The Brain Break videos will be designed by students. They will write scripts, create activities and then film at least ten (10) Brain Break videos. 


In addition, the grant funds a parent involvement night so families can take part in a healthy living activity including using the brain break videos, special activities (physical fitness scavenger hunt) and a fun family snack.  This  culminating event will be held in April 2015 in conjunction with Every Kid Healthy Week. 


For more information on the grant, please contact the Goodridge FRC.

RA Jones Middle School Principal Dr. David Rust hosts a discussion to kickoff the STEM Bicycle Club to start in the fall at RA Jones.  Students will be paired with a mentor to spend one day a week after school for ten weeks to build their first bicycle which they will get to keep.  About 15 students from Jones will be selected from letters they will write about why they want to be part of the project  The project is sponsored by the Greater Cincinnati STEM Collaborative and Time Warner Cable. We will follow this story as the club comes together in the fall.  



Toyota applauds a major connection to Cooper High School. Meet Chuck Hendrix, President and head coach of the Union Jaguars Football Association. 

Cooper Principal Mike Wilson says, "Chuck Hendrix is one of our outstandnig parents that I get the privilege of working with each and every day!"   Aside from all his other responsibilies Mr. Hendrix is a Cooper School-Based Decision Making Council Parent Representative. 

Summer Activity Ideas
Need some ideas for summer fun and enrichment for your inquisitive children? Summer fun doesn't have to mean an expensive planned summer vacation.  There are opportunities for fun affordable activities right here in your back yard. How about a summer Day Camp or a Staycation right here at home. 



Parents: Help students avoid Summer Learning Loss. Keep their minds busy with conversation, trips to the library and discussions about summer reading they must complete for their Language Arts classes before school starts. In addition to school specific summer learning plans, the district has prepared summer learning with Compass Odyssey pathways for all levels.   Please encourage students wishing to use the Compass Odyssey Pathways this summer to contact for log in assistance.


* Summer info for Elementary English Learners.

*Summer info for Middle School English Language Learners.



As of June 1st Adult Education is operating out of a new office on the Boone Campus of Gateway Community Community and Technical College off Mt. Zion Road.  Looking forward to seeing you there!