May 13, 2014
In This Issue
Take A Stand
Evening With The Stars
Girls on the Run
Elementary News
Middle School News
High School News
Baby Shower
Golf Outing
Quick Links
Boone County Schools
Free/Reduced Lunch Online Form
Board of Education Meetings

Take A Stand!

Heroin Town Hall Meetings


Parents you are "the little voice" inside your teen's brain that influences their thinking and behavior.  Find out how to use the power you have to protect them from the ravages of drugs like heroin.
For Middle School students and their parents.
Wednesday May 14th at First Church of Christ in Burlington from 7:00-8:30 p.m. and Thursday May 15th at Conner High School in Hebron from 7:00-8:30 p.m.Click here for more information.
multi-color-stars.gif Evening With The Stars
Congratultions to the hundreds of Middle and High School Students who placed first, second or third place in the state or nationally for a school sponsored event as well as outstanding achievements in academics.  Those students were honored for being the Boone County School Districts finest at the 15th annual Evening Wtih The Stars dinner reception last week.
Girls on the Run 5K at Paul Brown Stadium




Hundreds of students, teachers, school principals and staff as well as supportive friends and family came out Saturday to participate in the area annual Girls on the Run event.  Schools participating from Boone County included: Camp Ernst, Collins, Conner Middle, Gray Middle, Longbranch, New Haven, North Pointe, Ockerman, Stephens and Thornwilde. Conner Middle girls basketball team sponsored a Cheer Zone at Mehring and Broadway.  Students from schools all over the tri-state participated in Saturday's 5K.  Girls on the Run is an organization where a small group of girls join a team who meet twice a week to train for a 5k. The team sizes are between 8-15 girls.  The lesson has three parts: getting on board, warm up, and then a workout. The organization's mission is to build strong confident girls who develop the coping mechanisms to deal with daily struggles such as body image and peer pressure. It also deals with health and wellness in that the girls train for an actual 5k run.  Girls on the Run is celebrating 10 years in the tri-state!  
Invertebrate Games 2014 at Longbranch Elementary.  
Yep! That's a ROACH!
Go! Go! Go!
Longbranch Elementary 4th Grade Science Teacher Matt Guenther says the I-Games are two simulations of the Olympic Games.  Students learn to be hosts, presenters, announcers and  camera operators as well as trainers of their invertebrates.  This year students created new events for testing prototypes to study the results.  Mr. Guenther says this is also good for students that don't excel in traditional textbook environments.  This gives them multiple opportunities to find their own interests.
Asked if there were any limitations to the type of Invertebrates allowed in the I-games, Mr. Guenther answered, "yes, we did discriminate against the flying invertebrates this year, there is enough chaos with the crawling ones let alone the flying ones."  







History comes to life as Ockerman Middle School holds its annual Civil War Day, a living history museum. Last Friday the OMS campus was transformed into a Civil War encampment. There was an artillery unit which fired a 10 pound Parrott Rifle (cannon) as well as field mortar. OMS Teacher Richard Ingraham says students were "inducted" into the Union Army, shown uniforms soldiers of the time wore, the food they ate and the equipment they used. Students also marched in formation in the parking lot and listened to famous passages originally delivered by Abraham Lincoln. Inside the school students were taught dance steps and games of the mid-18th century. Students were also served "authentic" Civil War lunch delivered in typical military "chow line" fashion.





Congratulations to the Boone County High School Band and Chorus.  They traveled to Washington, D.C. to compete against groups from Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey and Nevada.  Below are their results.


BCHS Jazz Band                  1st Place in Class
BCHS Symphonic Band         1st Place in Class
BCHS Wind Ensemble           1st Place in Class
BCHS Concert Choir              1st Place in Class
BCHS Chamber Choir            1st Place in Class
BCHS Jazz Band                   Best Jazz Band Overall
BCHS Wind Ensemble            Best Band Overall
BCHS Chamber Choir            Best Chorus Overall


8th Annual Community Baby Shower Held



The Boone County Public Library hosts the event where several organizations once again showered Boone County moms-to-be with free gifts and gently used clothing that they will need in preparation for the arrival of their new bornJennifer Hater Coordinator of the Family Resource Center at Burlington Elementary School says the Community Baby Shower gives new parents information about resources available to help them. The Boone County Schools' Family Resource and Youth Service's Centers (FRYSC's) sponsor the event at the Boone County Public Library.  This year 22 different community partners participated.

 Mark Your Calendar to go Golfing!
The Boone County Businessmen's Association 14th annual golf outing for the benefit of Boone County Schools Alternative Services programs will be held on August 1, 2014 at Boone Links Golf Course. Click here for registration information.

 Give your child a Head Start 

Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to five from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development. See how it has helped other families by going to this website to watch a video about the Head Start program.  Then click here for a link to enroll your child.