April 22, 2014
In This Issue
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Rotary Scholarships
School Board Notes
Elementary News
Middle School News
High School News
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Florence Easter Egg Hunt
Kindergarten Registration
Faces Full of Pie!
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Free/Reduced Lunch Online Form
Governor's Scholars Announced!
Congratulations to the following:
Boone County High School:  Ireland Rose Hill, Eva Rosalyn Llamas
Conner High School: Emma Jordan Bernesser, Sarah Elizabeth Lucas, Jacob William Moster, Kevin James Owens, Kendall Nicole Rump
Cooper High School: Kandis Marie Arlinghaus, Kendall Grace, Bisig, Ross Allen Borthwick, Matthew Joseph Elmlinger, Conner Reed Greenhalgh, Mitchell Grant Greenhalgh, Brooke Marie Harkrader, Delaney Lauren Holt
Ryle High School:  Steven Austin Gripshover, James Adam Kirby, Rachel Deanna Lietzow, Matthew Hiroshi Uyeda, Ryan Aman Yadav
The Governor's Scholars Program is a summer residential program for outstanding high school students in Kentucky who are rising seniors. The program's mission is to enhance Kentucky's next generation of civic and economic leaders.  
Florence Rotary Scholarships
Two of three 2014 Rotary Scholarships went to Boone County Schools students.
Congrats to Tim Peterson of Conner High School and Kara Kerns of Boone County High School.  Rotary Academic Scholarships are awarded to high school students who demonstrate strong leadership skills and embody the Rotarian belief of service above self. 


Good news items:


Madison Graham of Boone County High School-was recognized at the KIDS VOTING NORTHERN KENTUCKY Civic Leadership Awards as a Future Civic Leader. 
Brad Armstrong
Brad Armstrong
of Conner High School-was also recognized at the KIDS VOTING NORTHERN KENTUCKY Civic Leadership Awards as a Future Civic Leader. 
Finance Director, Linda Schild, recently achieved the Certified Administrator of School Finance and Operations Certification by the Association of School Business Officials International.
Executive Coordinator Karen Evans has achieved K-O-S-A-A Academy Level 1.  This is a comprehensive training program through the Professional Assistants Academy.
Break The Mold

Mr. Daryl Westfield, physics and AP chemistry teacher from Cooper High School is the April 2014 Break the Mold Winner! Nominator and Cooper High Instructional Coach Durell "Butch" Hamm says of Mr. Westfield, "to meet Daryl, one would think that he is a quiet mild-mannered individual, but to watch Daryl teaching in the classroom, one would know differently! He is dynamic and energetic, constantly challenging students with questions and answers at a rapid-fire pace that keeps students engaged."  Mr. Westfield is known for his philosophical view that students must come first in all of the decisions that are made regarding education. Mr. Hamm has witnessed Mr. Westfield challenge his own colleagues with comments like, "Is this discussion a discussion of what is best for us as teachers or what is best for our students?" Mr. Westfield founded the AP chemistry and AP physics programs at Cooper High School.


Sportsmanship Award


This award is presented to deserving High School students who have demonstrated outstanding school spirit and leadership. 

Jessica Koors

 Jessica Koorsfrom Cooper High is a senior leader who is the epitome of what a leader should be both on the field and in the classroom. This young lady works hard to help her younger teammates learn the game. Jessica has been the starting varsity catcher since Cooper opened and has caught every inning of every game since she was in 7th grade (765 innings; 115 games). Jessica puts everything she has into the game and is very well respected as a top notch player in northern Kentucky, just last year she won the Northern Kentucky Sportswoman of the Year for Boone County. For her outstanding leadership skills she has been the captain of the team for the past 4 years. Jessica is an amazing representative for Cooper High and we wish her well upon her graduation!


Stephen Nash

Stephen Nash from Boone County High is an outstanding representative and choice for sportsmanship recognition. This past varsity basketball season Stephen was a team captain for the Rebels. On a daily basis he carries himself in a sportsmanlike manner, exhibiting outstanding character throughout the season. This behavior is demonstrated in games, practices and all team activities. Not only is Stephen successful on the basketball court, he is outstanding in the classroom as well. Stephen has a tremendous GPA, giving him an outstanding chance of being the class valedictorian in addition to very high ACT score of 34. Stephen has been offered and accepted Morehead State's highest academic scholarship for next year because of his accomplishments.
Boone County Schools is very proud of the outstanding role model representing the youth of the school district.


Alison Crupper

from Ryle High is a member of the fast-pitch softball team at Ryle. She is considered one of the best pitchers in the area! Ali will be counted on for her tremendous leadership skills and strong team play this season as the Lady Raiders plan to contend for a regional championship. Ali is an outstanding student and is currently taking 4 AP courses and is a straight "A" student. In addition, Ali is a very respectable young lady on the playing field and in the classroom. She has extremely high character and is a great representative of Ryle High and the softball team. Congratulations Ali on a job well done!


Nolan Gerlach from Conner High is the perfect example of the sportsmanship award. He carries and "A" average in a demanding advanced college prep curriculum. But it is Nolan's work ethic that sets him apart from his peers. In cross country and track he is an outstanding leader. He goes above and beyond during and after practices. He helps with the track meets by timing, moving hurdles, and putting equipment away. Nolan is an exceptional runner and has placed in the Cross Country State Championship. Win or lose he is an outstanding sportsman. Conner High School is proud to have Nolan Gerlach represent them in this award. 


Alison Crupper



Mann and Erpenbeck Elementary Schools held their first Haru Matsuri Japanese Spring Festival Saturday to celebrate Japanese culture.



Sushi Rolling Class
Face Painting














Koma & Kendama games


Summer Kimono Photo Booth
Karate Workshops























Look who has been nominated for a Bammy Award!  Stephens Principal James Detwiler was nominated by the Academy of Education Arts and Sciences in the category of Elementary School Principal for making a difference in education. The Bammy Awards is a cross-discipline honor that identifies and acknowledges the extraordinary work being done across the entire education field every day from teachers, principals and superintendents, to school nurses, support staff, advocates, researchers, school custodians, early childhood specialists, education journalists, parents and students. The Bammy Awards were created to help reverse the negative national narrative that dominates the education field.  Congrats Mr. Detwiler.

Click here to see his nomination details.



March Math Madness Night at Goodridge Elementary.  Parents and students participated in several activities including a Math Scavenger Hunt, Estimation Station, Trail Mix Math and Human Battleship. 














Sophia Zou, Tyler Super, Alexandra Cobble



The Thornwilde Elementary Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) had 3 members invited to compete at the 8th Annual State Championship at Rupp Arena in Lexington on April 22, 2014.





The Thornwilde STLP club is sponsored by Technology Teacher Guy Frye and has more than twenty 4th and 5th grade members. Students created a wide range of digital products including Digital Art, Manipulated Photos and Original Photographs. Students used a variety of free online resources to create their products. They worked on them at club meetings before school and also at home.


2014 Florence Elementary Governor's Cup Students

Florence Elementary placed in the Governor's Cup receiving multiple medals.  Placement District Level:  Composition Sam Holbrook fifth place.  Social Studies, Santiel Buckley fourth place and Ashton Wingate fourth place.  Mathematics Sam Holbrook fourth place.  Language Arts, Kayla Gibson third place and Carollen Aboagye fifth place.  Arts & Humanities, Kayla Gibson fourth place and Carollen Aboagye third place.  Our outstanding Future Problem Solving Team made up of Sam Holbrook, Santiel Buckley, Alyssa Blaine and Tyler Cropper placed second in District. 4th grade Future Problem Solving students include Tisen Moore, Briana Brown, Omar Recinos and Tanner Jackson. 
Florence Elementary is the proud recipient of one of the inaugural KAAC Outreach Grant awards.  They received $500 towards the purchase of a new Quick Recall buzzer system to be used by the Florence Elementary teams during practices, matches and Governor's Cup competitions.  




Comets for Kimberly at Collins Elementary.  This is a 5K run Saturday, April 26th to raise money for Kimberly Tomas Aguilar's family.  In January Kimberly was diagnosed with Leukemia.  

Click here to see how you can help or get involved with this weekends run.  


Dr. Randy Poe, Dr. Santa Ono, Principal David Rust
University of Cincinnati President Santa Ono was on an official visit to Boone County Schools last week.  He is pictured here at his first stop R.A. Jones Middle School.  He spent the day touring Collins Elementary, Mann Elementary and Ryle High talking to students about their future education after high school.  Dr. Ono told the students about the kinds of opportunities offered at U.C. specific to their future career interests.         
U.C. President Santa Ono talks to RA Jones Students
RA Jones Middle School is hosting a Kids 1-Miler 5K Run/Walk. Click here for registration information.
These students from Camp Ernst Middle have qualified for the Regional National History Bee competition in Georgetown, KY.  Pictured top left: Jacob Threadgill, top right: Morganne Williams, bottom left: Ben Codell, bottom right: Caleb He. Jacob, Ben and Caleb have been invited to participate in the National History Bee competition in Atlanta, GA in June.
An Evening of Jazz at RA Jones Middle.  The RA Jones Middle School Jazz Band performed in concert with the Boone County High School Jazz Band.  If you didn't get to attend click here to hear a snippet.
Calling all Tech Savvy Middle School Girls
A one day conference is being held for girls 6th through 9th grades and their parents to encourage interest in STEM careers.  It's only $5 but registration is required.    Click here for more information.  




Congrats to Conner High's all-time Coaching Wins Leader

Coach Brad Arlinghaus set Conner's win record Monday, April 14th over the Raiders at Ryle High 5-1. Coach Arlinghaus now has 131 career wins surpassing Scott Thomas who won 130 before leaving the program 15 years ago. Under Coach Arlinghaus' leadership the Courgars have advanced beyond districts four  years in a row (2009-2012) another school record. To read the entire story on click here. 



Five Boone County High students were recognized on April 11 when Western Kentucky University announced the results of the 34th annual Mark of Excellence contest.
Seniors Rebecca Bodenbender and Gabrielle Frerman, sophomore Lydia Flamme, freshman Victoria Nash and former student Brendan Hamilton all placed in the contest that is hosted and judged by the Western Kentucky University Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.
The contest encourages high school newspapers from across Kentucky to nominate students by submitting a portfolio of samples in a given category. Boone County students won an award in every category in which they were nominated.   

Congratulations to Boone County High School Junior Lady Rebel Basketball Player, Alexis Switzer. She was selected to participate on the 2014 Kentucky Junior All-Star Team.  She is the only junior from the Northern Kentucky area selected to the elite team  Alexis will participate in the annual Kentucky vs. Indiana All-Star game to be held this summer. 






Boone County High School Choir and Cheerleaders participated in the Grand Opening of the new Marketplace Kroger in Florence.  Kroger presented them with a $1000 check to be used for their traveling expenses.


April is Child Abuse Prevention Month


From the Family Nurturing Center and PBS History Detective Wes Cowan...."When your child is talking to you, stop what you are doing and make eye contact.  Isn't that what you expect of them when you are talking to them?" 

Hear it from the man also known as the appraiser on Antiques Roadshow.


Becki Bagley & The Ryle Raider
Look who showed up at the Florence Easter Egg Hunt Saturday....
The City of Florence held an Easter Egg hunt for kids three to ten Saturday at the Florence Freedom stadium. Boone County Schools in collaboration with the city was gave out B4H (Boone for Health) information and the Ryle Raider handed out eggs as the children came into the stadium. There were more than 3000 in attendance and 16,000 eggs gathered!
Kindergarten Registration for 2014-2015
If you have a child at home and not in school yet it's time to start thinking about preparing them for Kindergarten.  To start the enrollment process your child must turn five before October 1st, 2014.  Contact your child's school to enroll for the 2014-2015 school year.  The Boone County School District makes the process easy and fun for you and your child.  Click here for kindergarten readines videos then download the kindergarten enrollment packet.
 Faces Full of Pie!
Boone County Administrators and Transportation Coordinators lined up for Creme Pie Friday. It's part of the reward system of the Bee Buck Program.  Bee Bucks for Bus Drivers are designed to help drivers and aides better relate to the PBIS programs in the schools.  Bee Bucks can be exchanged for prizes or put in a box for a monthly drawing.  Director of Transportation Heather Roth personally funded the fun.
Great smile Lisa Adams
The Before Picture
Kathy Reutman poses with her pie thrower.
Phil Sheehy "How do I look?"
Kelly Stickrod's mom Betty lets her daughter have it.
Transportation Director Heather Roth takes one for the team.