April 2, 2014
In This Issue
Last School Day
Rotary Recognizes Teachers
Celebrating Excellence in Boone County Education
New Student School Board Rep.
Elementary News
Middle School News
High School News
New Haven 5K
Conner Reunion
Homework Help
Kindergarten Registration
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Last Recommended School Day for 2013-14
The Kentucky House and Senate reached a compromise on legislation to address calendar relief and makeup days for local school districts.
This compromise allows Boone County Schools Superintendent Dr. Randy Poe to recommend to the School Board Tuesday June 3rd as the last day of school. The School Board will vote on this recommendation at the next regular meeting Thursday April 17th.
Rotary Teachers of the Year Recognition  
Three Boone County Teachers were recognized at Monday's Rotary Luncheon for their contributions to education. 
Pictured first left: Kelly Reed who teaches English at Boone County High School, second left: Karen Wiebe, drama teacher at Camp Ernst Middle School and third right: Lisa Willoughby 2nd grade teacher from Mann Elementary School. 
 2014 Excellence in Education Celebration
Several Boone County School District Educators and Students were honored at this year's celebration in the following catagories:
Talent Award Winners: STEM Ockerman Middle School students demonstrating how they are design video games using technology.
In Visual and Performing Arts: Zac Raleigh, Boone County High School sings "Valerie" by Amy Winehouse.
 Academic All-Star Award Nominee: Conner Hutcherson,
Ryle High School
Student Leadership Award: Heyra Avila, Ryle High School
National board Certifications: Natasha Averett-Cooper High,  Tanya Babik-Ryle High, Anita Call-Ryle High, Stephanie Gambrel-Ryle High, Kristi Ives-Mann Elementary, Amy Lawrence-Florence Elementary, Caitlin Loftis, Burlington Elementary,    
Golden Apple Award Winners: lah Conley-Florence Elementary, Lisa Fischer-Longbranch Elementary, Pam Schlagbaum-Thornwilde Elementary.
Ilah Conley
Lisa Fischer
Pam Schlagbaum
2013-2014 Honorees: Tricia Shelton-Boone County High-2014 NSTA Teacher of the Year, Karen Cheser-Deputy Superintendent-AASA Education Administration Scholarship Award, Victoria Yeomanson-Cooper High-C3 Outstanding Teacher Award from NKU,UC, Xavier & The College of Mount St. Joseph, Jessica Pass-Boone County High-KY Council of Teachers of English/Language Arts High School Teacher of the Year, Sara Nestheide-Cooper High-KY High School Art Educator of the Year, David Rust-R.A. Jones Middle-KY Music Educators Association Outstanding Teacher of the Year, Stephanie Stambaugh-Longbranch Elementary-KY School Counselor Association Elementary Counselor of the Year, Doug Logan-Ockerman Middle-KY Sons of the American Revolution History Teacher of the Year, Debrah Garey-Conner High-Presidential Award for Excellence in Math Teaching-Grade 7-12 Finalist, Melissa Stolz-R.A. Jones Middle-Siemens STEM Institute Fellow, Ryle High School-Governor's Cup-1st place regional winners, Mann Elementary School-U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon School, Ryle High School-Regional Archery, Baseball, Boys Track Team and Girls Cross Country Champions.   
 Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Elects New Leader
Herya Avila
Sam Gormley

Saying goodbye to the outgoing Student School Board Representative and welcoming the incoming Representative.  Student Representatives from each cluster...Boone, Conner, Cooper and Ryle voted today.  They elected Sam Gormley from Cooper High as the 2014-2015 Boone County Student Representative to the Board of Education.  This year's Representative Heyra Avila announced she will attend Xavier University this fall following graduation from Ryle High.

Stephens Elementary celebrates Artsapalooza week. Monday, Rapper, Writer and Producer K-DRAMA performed for students showing them the way music is produced today through technology using computers to reproducing the sounds of different instruments.

Artsapalooza Day 1
Artsapalooza Day 1



Tuesday at Artsapalooza at Stephens Elementary Art met Tech with web designer and developer Ben Thornburg of Okeedoke Studios. Mr. Thornburg explained graphic design showing children how he created their STEM logo.  Artsapalooza is a week long STEM event at Stephens Elementary with more experts visiting in the days to come in the Visual Arts, Songwriters, Storytellers, Technology innovation and Design fields.


Artsapalooza Day 2
Artsapalooza Day 2

Math "Knight" at Florence Elementary. 




As part of the Strong Fathers Program families gathered for an evening of battling math facts with all family members not just dads. The games introduced were played with a deck of playing cards and started with simple addition or subtraction battles. Math Knight games increased critical thinking skills and strategies, building not just necessary basic math facts but more importantly strong families.

R.A. Jones hosted a STEM Expo Monday for 7th graders with 22 community partners.  This unique event allows students to envision a future career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math.  Several regional STEM companies, organizations and universities set up booths with hands on projects for the students.  Just to name a few....The Chevy Volt, Space: The Final Frontier and going a bit beyond the metal detector using Ground Penetrating Radar to find large buried objects such as graves.  
Near Surface Geophysics--Ground Penetrating Radar Vehicle
Kentucky Division for Air Quality-The Chevy Volt
Science Programs and Satellite Projects
Congrats to Ockerman Middle School after competing  in the Kentucky High School Speech League state tournament last week they placed second in the state!  

Here are the results:

Solo Acting - Leanne Hays 6th place

Interp of Literature - Authur Songonzi 3rd Impromptu Speaking - Tyler Kennedy 3rd and Kaela Butler 4th

Extemporaneous speaking - Kaela Butler - 2nd place   and Tyler Kennedy - 5th place

Prose - Leanne Hays 2nd place

Public Speaking - Kaela Butler 2nd place Radio Broadcasting - 6th Hannah Wolf and Evan Bales - 1st place   

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math all rolled into robot 3814 better known as Pi-Bot. A robot designed and created by high school students to compete in the Aerial Ascent  competition.  The Piebotics team is made up of students from all four high schools, Boone, Conner, Cooper and Ryle. The Pi-Botics Team entered Piebot in the Queen City Regional held at the Cintas Center last week. Pictured are the team members from Ryle High.  
There is no high school credit offered for the students work, it's entirely extracurricular, voluntary participation. District Robotics Coordinator Beth Koch says she would like to see Robotics become part of the high school curriculum because Robotics entirely involves STEM and the 4c's Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Creativity and Communication.   
Pi-Bot plays Aerial Ascent
Below Ryle High students putting the finishing touches on a Mural Project for Erpenbeck Elementary School. 


Just under 30 students spent more than 200 after school hours working on this. Ryle High Art Teacher Brandon Stropko says the students used the grid technique (science and math) to layout their design and transfer it from paper to the wall. Erpenbeck Art Teacher Christina Fogle says the wall is called "The Seasons" with rolling hills to symbolize Kentucky. It includes the basic shapes which is what Christian uses to teach children how to draw. The Winter wall needs some volunteers if anyone is interested.
 Congrats to Ryle High Senior, Winter Guard Member Jennifer Averbeck.        
Jennifer was awarded a scholarship from the TriState Marching Arts Organization and the Tristate Judges Association.  Jennifer's was one of five 2014 scholarships awarded out of 50 applicants this year. 

New Haven Run Like A Tiger 5k Trail Run and Fun Run





Our exciting 5k is right around the corner with some NEW changes!!!  We will be running on the Trails at Big Bone Lick State Park.  Click here for registration information.


 Reunion...."old school"
It's a Cougar Reunion!  Remember Principal Hogan, Principal Arnold, Principal Rollins and Principal/Asst. Coach Blevins----->
They and current Conner High School Principal Tim Hitzfield are inviting all current and former faculty and staff  back to Gold Ole' Conner High School for a traditional steak fry reunion.  We'll tour those hallowed halls, talk 'old school', remember those who have left us (Principals Ryle and Kelly) while enjoying the memories.  Here's how to ensure your place at the dinner table. Print this form.  Fill it out and send it in by Friday April 18th.  Can't wait to see you there!   

Need help studying?  Don't be afraid to ask.  If you or your child are having difficulty with homework there's help. Click here to learn more.
 Kindergarten Registration for 2014-2015     
If you have a child at home and not in school yet it's time to start thinking about preparing them for Kindergarten.  To start the enrollment process your child must turn five before October 1st, 2014.  Click here for the enrollment dates for the 2014- 2015 school year.  The Boone County School District makes the process easy and fun for you and your child.  Click here for kindergarten readiness videos then download the kindergarten enrollment packet