January 8, 2014
In This Issue
Way-Barker at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl
Rotary Club looking for Teacher of the Year nominations
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Way - Barker represent Conner High School at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl

Drew Barker and Andrew Way, best friends and football teammates from Conner High School were able to come together while both were recognized for excellence during the 2014 U.S. Army All-American Bowl in San Antonio. While Barker's skills as a quarterback paved his way to the AAB, Way was presented the U.S. Army and Pro Football Hall of Fame Award for Excellence by Sgt. Maj. of the Army Raymond F. Chandler III and Hall of Fame football player Rod Woodson at the Lila Cockrell Theatre Jan. 3, 2014. The U.S. Army and the Pro Football Hall of Fame partnered to create the Award for Excellence Program to highlight the nation's top 10 sophomore and junior high school athletes who not only excel athletically, but who also are active in their own communities and distinguish themselves academically. Drew Barker expressed how excited he was about his friend receiving the award and why he deserved such an honor. "Andrew always puts as much effort as he can into football and double in the classroom. He's definitely very deserving," Barker said. "He's a great example of how you should handle yourself on and off the field. It's just awesome that he won." It is not all the time that two student-athletes from the same school are represented at this level expressed Connor High School Head Football Coach David Trosper. "For our community and our program to have two guys to be involved in such high-priority deals is unexplainable," said Trosper. "It's unbelievable, this is what, as a coach, you dream about ... Andrew fits everything the Army is about, and as a coach, he fits what we are all about." "Drew has been my best friend since we were kids and it is great that we have someone representing us in the game. It feels like it was meant to be since we are both here. It's just an honor," Way said.


Rotary Club looking for teacher of the year


Would you like to thank a teacher who encouraged you during school? Would you like to recognize a teacher who impacted the education of your child? Would you like to publicly honor a teacher who inspires and motivates others? Here's your opportunity.

The Florence Rotary Club is seeking nominations for 2014 Boone County Teacher of the Year awards. The club will recognize three teachers for exemplary service in their professional and community roles. Any teacher currently employed by a Boone County public, private or parochial school is eligible to be nominated, and nominations can be submitted by any community member.

For additional information and the nomination form, visit the Rotary Club website, or contact Gary Wilmhoff at 859-620-3205. Applications will be available through Friday, Feb. 21, and will be reviewed by a committee of Rotary Club members, community leaders, and retired educators. Winners will be recognized at a Rotary Club luncheon on Monday, March 31, and will receive a monetary award for the charity or school of their choice, sponsored by Heritage Bank.

The Florence Rotary Club is a member of Rotary International, a service organization dedicated to bringing together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world