Students, teachers and parents are excited for the break from homework, tests and projects. While summer is time for lazy days, outdoor play and family time, it is important children do not get out of the practice of learning.
For many children, especially those already struggling, summer learning loss can lead to academic setbacks. Studies show that students can lose up to two and a half months of learning over the summer, with the most significant losses occurring in essential math and reading skills.
With just a little bit of planning, parents can find effective and affordable ways to prevent summer learning loss.
It is important to work with your child throughout the summer to prevent learning loss and prepare for the upcoming school year. You can help prevent the "summer slide" by visiting our local libraries, parks, museums, staying active and incorporating learning into your child's summer days.
Tips and Resources from Boone County Schools that support Summer Learning include:
1. Grade Level Suggested Reading Lists and Resources
For grade level specific suggestions for students in grades Pre- K through sixth grade to review and improve grade level skills, click below.
2. Compass Learning Pathways in English Language Arts and Math for students entering grades 1 - 9.
Compass is an Interactive Web-based Instructional Learning Environment. Compass is designed to assist students to learn at their instructional level and allow them to grow as learners.
For more information and student login requirements please
click here.
If you are a parent of a student entering grades 10 - 12, summer assignments are course specific. Please check the school website, or contact the school for details.