Congratulations to Gray Middle School who has won the 2013 Regional - Middle School Governor's Cup. Other results from the competition are:
Mathematics Assessment:
1st: Samantha Koehler-GMS, 2nd: Mason Combs-CEMS,
3rd: Amanda Zahn-GMS, 4th: Nathan Connor-GMS
Science Assessment:
1st: Andrew Franxman-GMS, 2nd: Dee Gose-CMS,
3rd: Eli Graft-CMS, 5th: Jack Grund-CMS
1st: Victoria Nash-CEMS, 2nd: Tess Chaffee-GMS,
5th: Allison Laroy-GMS
Social Studies Assessment:
2nd: George Nalbandian-GMS, 3rd: Connor Haywood-GMS,
5th: Sam Smith-RAJMS
Language Arts Assessment:
1st:L Glenn Stanton-OMS, 2nd: Eli Graft-CMS, 3rd:
Allison Laroy-GMS, 5th: Amanda Zahn-GMS
Arts & Humanities Assessment:
1st: George Nalbandian-GMS, 2nd: Glenn Stnaton-OMS, tied for 3rd: Libby Jones-CMS and Emma Chaffee-GMS
Future Problem Solving Team:
1st: Gray Middle School and 3rd: Conner Middle School
Quick Recall Team:
1st: Gray Middle School, 2nd: Conner Middle School and
3rd: Ockerman Middle School