Advocates in keeping New Hampshire a healthy place to live, work and play . . .
e-Newsletter                                                      June 2015
President's Message

June is Great Outdoors Month, and in honor of the public health programs whichwork to keep us educated and informed about safely enjoying NH's beautiful outdoors, I wanted to feature the NH Environmental Public Health Tracking Program (NH EPHT).  


Did you know that between 2009 and 2013, the rate of Lyme disease per 100,000 residents rose from 108.3 to 127.6? In an effort to convene stakeholders who are working to help reduce exposure to Lyme and other tickborne diseases, NH EPHT hosted a day-long Tickborne Disease Prevention Meeting last week.  The meeting was attended by stakeholders from public health, environmental sciences, veterinary sciences, maternal and child health, academia, and economic development agencies from all over New England.


The event featured presentations by Abigail Mathewson (NH's State Public Health Veterinarian) on the recently released NH Tickborne Disease Prevention Plan, on on-going research and monitoring efforts by the Maine CDC and University of NH, as well as provided opportunity for stakeholders to discuss what further actions can be taken to decrease exposure to tickborne diseases where people live, learn, work, and play.  The results of the day's discussions will inform a longer-term decision-making process about the allocation of resources towards prioritized efforts.  This process will require the input and engagement of all those fields represented by the meeting's attendees, as well as clinicians, land trusts, utility companies - to name a few. 


Tom Lambert, Chief of Health Statistics and Data Management at DHHS, thanked attendees for their participation and ideas around the events leading to exposure.  "Our next step is to look beyond exposure, and talk about how to prevent exposure from turning into long term health problems. Public health can't do this alone, and we look forward to being part of the solution."  One of those next steps includes the addition of tickborne disease data to the NH Division of Public Health Services' WISDOM data portal.  Over the summer, WISDOM will see the addition of several new features and functionalities for which Tom and his team will be soliciting feedback from users.  Be on the look out in July for an invitation to provide that important feedback to help ensure WISDOM meets the data needs of NH's public health professionals


On a side note, I want to thank all the NHPHA-ers who brought their families out to NHPHA Night at the Fisher Cats on June 6th.  From Marcella Bobinsky 's first pitch, to an Atlas Fireworks show after the game, we enjoyed each other's company and had the opportunity to talk to non-public health folks about the important work we do.  


Our newsletter will be taking a hiatus in July, so I wish you all an enjoyable, safe, healthy summer.  See you in August!




Join Us!
Market Days Festival - Downtown Concord, N.H.

Click on the logo to learn more about the Market Days Festival.

NHPHA and the Get Your Rear in Gear 5K planning group have officially reserved a tent at downtown Concord's summer-tradition, Market Days, being held on June 25th through 27th.  This will provide an opportunity to promote our work to the community, and attract interest from fellow small businesses hosting tables and tents at the event.  Another first for NHPHA, we are excited to participate in this Capitol City summer staple and join our neighbors at this community event.


We hope to see you there!

Get Your Rear in Gear 5K and Janice Coburn Memory Walk

Join us on Saturday, September 26, 2015, for the Get Your Rear In Gear 5K Run/Walk and Janice Coburn Memory MIle! Enjoy some of the best views in New Hampshire on this beautiful trail run through Gould Hill Farm in Hopkinton.


Last year, we raised over $20,000 and enjoyed the company of almost 300 of our closest friends and family. Don't miss this new Fall classic! For more information and to register, click here.  Check out our PSA!



To celebrate NH Community Health Institute's founding 20 years ago and NH Public Health Association's inception 25 years ago, our organizations are proud to co-host an Ignite-style celebration, Celebrating a Quarter Century of Public Health in NH on October 6th at the Red River Theater in Concord!  And we want to hear from you! There are two ways to tell your story at this event: a poster, or Ignite presentation.  If you would like to participate, we ask that you submit a short description of your idea or story by clicking here.

The event planning committee, comprised of NHPHA and CHI representatives, will review submissions and make selections as necessary depending on how many submissions are received. 

In Other NHPHA News

NHPHA Board Appoints New Treasurer

Effective June 15, Marcella Bobinsky resigned her position as NHPHA Treasurer in order to direct her focus towards her responsibilities as acting director of the NH Division of Public Health Services.  We thank Marcella for her enthusiastic support of NHPHA, and for her service to the Board and membership. 


The Board of Directors has appointed Hopkinton's David Batulis as Treasurer. David comes to NHPHA having recently completed the NH Center for NonProfit's Hoffman-Haas Fellowship Program with experience in the healthcare, hospitality, and social services industries.   His healthcare leadership experience includes work in surgical services, revenue cycle and physician practice management. 


He holds a Masters of Healthcare Administration, and most recently served on the board of directors for Vail Place, a social services agency that provides support for people with serious and persistent mental illness by connecting them with the services and resources for case management and a channel into the community:  access to housing, transitional employment, and a healthy lifestyle. David currently serves as President of Pro Fee LLC, a physician services consulting practice.


Welcome, David!

New partnership begins work to support health and physical activity in Nashua

From street mapping to community outreach, Plan4Health Nashua is hitting its stride with its work to support physical activity, health, and economic growth in Nashua communities. The Plan4Health Nashua program started earlier this year when it received a grant for $125,000 from the American Planning Association (APA) to support active transportation in Nashua. Its goal is to advance street planning and design that are safer and easier to get around for pedestrians and bicyclists.


Plan4Health Partner, Matt Waitkins of the Nashua Regional Planning Commission, gathers information from Nashua residents about neighborhood streets and their perceived safety at NeighborFest 2013

The grant was awarded to the Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) as part of a 15-month program called "Plan4Health," a new initiative led by APA's Planning and Community Health Center program to improve capacity of planning and public health professionals. The NNECAPA is working in collaboration with the City of Nashua, Nashua Regional Planning Commission, New Hampshire Public Health Association (NHPHA), and Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL NH).


Plan4Health Nashua continues to grow as it brings on more partners. In late May, the Greater Nashua Public Health Advisory Council officially endorsed the Plan4Health Nashua program as a community initiative included in the 2015-2018 Community Health Improvement Plan.


Data gathered from community residents will help inform Plan4Health Nashua's maps that show where people feel safe or unsafe to walk and bicycle.

Thanks to a partnership with NeighborWorks, Plan4Health Nashua participated in a local festival on June 13, NeighborFest, and is meeting with neighborhood leaders later in June, to gather data from community members and educate them about the program.


In addition to community outreach, Plan4Health Nashua partners are currently conducting street mapping and data analysis to identify opportunities for safer streets that consider all modes of transportation. Other planned activities include reviewing current local regulations and developing a Complete Streets training guide for City staff and leaders.


For more information about the Plan4Health Nashua program, click here or email Marie Mulroy.
News From the Networks

Greater Sullivan County Public Health Network Hosts Success Summit


NEWPORT, NH - On May 7, community leaders from Greater Sullivan County gathered at an event at The Common Man restaurant in Claremont to celebrate the progress and achievements they have made toward . . .

Read the full article on the NHPHA Blog

Updates from APHA - Submitted by Jeanie Holt
Do you want to be an ARGC?


If you have been reading my APHA updates, you know that I am the Affiliate Representative to the Governing Council (ARGC) of APHA. I have enjoyed this position immensely but it is time for someone else to have the fun. In November, I expect to be elected as Chair Elect of the Council of Affiliates and I simply cannot do both jobs. The Board will need to appoint a new ARGC in November.


Here is what the job involves. There is a monthly phone meeting of the Region 1 (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) ARGCs. You'll need to take a half hour or so to prepare a brief update on NHPHA activities and the call itself takes an hour or less. In June, there is a 2 hours Governing Council phone meeting. Prepping for this meeting takes a couple hours as there are materials to review. The big commitment-and the most fun-is Governing Council at the APHA Annual Meeting every fall. This requires several hours of reading materials in advance and then attending the Council meetings at APHA. The Council meets on Saturday from 3 to 6 and again on Tuesday all day. There are other meetings for Councilors depending on your interests and how involved you want to be.


In the interest of full disclosure, I have been paying the cost of attending the Annual Meeting. This year our budget is finally to the point where NHPHA will be able to pay some of my expenses but you should understand that we may not be able to pay the whole tab. Some employers pay some or all of the cost and expect you to attend scientific sessions of interest to them. While GC takes some of your time, you still have 2 full days (Sunday afternoon, all day Monday, and Wednesday morning) to get to the work-related session you need to fulfill the obligations to your boss.


If you are interested, I would enjoy taking you for a cup of coffee (or tea) to tell you more and answer your questions. Just shoot me an email

Affiliate Day at the APHA Annual Meeting

Are you going to the APHA Annual Meeting in Chicago this year?  If so, you MUST come to Affiliate Day.  Sponsored by the Council of Affiliates (COA) and held the Saturday before the . . . 

Read the full article on the NHPHA Blog

By the Numbers
The percent of patients treated for addiction on average relapse 10% less than those with asthma and hypertension READ 

The percentage of adults in NH impacted by obesity READ
The number of signatures on a petition asking the NH House for a responsible budget. READ
Calendar of Events
  Save The Date!
  • June 26 & 27, 2015 - NHPHA will have a  table  at the Market Days Festival in Downtown Concord.  For more information about Market Days, click here
  • September 26, 2015 - Get Your Rear In Gear (GYRIG).  Colon Cancer Awareness 5K run/walk and Kids' Fun Run.  For more information and to register, click here.
  • October 6, 2015 - 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m; Celebrating a Quarter Century of Public Health with CHI and NHPHA, Red River Theater, Concord, NH 
Have you checked out our blog page?  Stories, ideas and opinions on various topics are shared on the NHPHA blog.   READ
Affiliate Affairs e-News
To help keep our members and partners informed of the ongoing APHA affiliate affairs activitiesREAD
Health In All Policies
The HIAP e-Newsletter is brought to you weekly by the NHPHA Policy Committee and includes the latest updates on bills, public hearing dates and more! READ

Get the App!



The NH Department of Safety has launched NH ALERTS, a FREE emergency alert mobile app.  Click on the image to learn more!

NHPHA would like to acknowledge and thank the following funders 
for their continued generosity and support
For information on donating or becoming a member of NHPHA, click here.
Contact Us
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