July 2016
July Birthdays
Laura Booth (7/2)
Laura Shrewsbury (7/11)
Merone Tennant (7/22)
Andrea Cobert (7/2)
Carl Bradley (7/14)
Dana Brower (7/26)
Emily Asbill (7/9)
David Seng (7/19)
Nelson Keller (7/26)
Sheva Myers (7/10)
Tara Storm (7/21)

Opportunity for Ministry
"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child." - Forest Witcraft
Be a blessing and in turn be blessed - Be a Children's Ministry Volunteer! Help is needed during Sunday School and Worship times. Experience is not necessary.
We need 3 volunteers to work in the Toddler class in Extended Session which takes place during Worship (10:50am-12:15pm). With student volunteers graduating, we need to fill these spots as soon as possible - each volunteer will serve one Sunday each month.
SUNDAY SCHOOL (10:50am-12:15pm)
Two assistant teachers for the Kindergarten-2nd grade class to serve every other month for a month long rotation.
Two assistant teachers to be substitutes/"on call" for either the toddler or preschool class as needed
Please contact Heather if you want to help the children of our Church grow in their understanding of God's love!
cornerstone singles
Sunday, July 10
The Cornerstone Singles will meet for lunch following worship on Sun, July 10. Location to be decided that Sunday.
For more information contact Susan Dunn.

phone book
An updated directory is now available. Pick up your copy from the table in the back of the Worship Center. If you would prefer an electronic copy, please contact the church office.
Thank You - from Pastor Rob
        HillSong, thank you for being the church that you are. June was jam packed full of really cool ministries and our church is blessed for it.
        Thank you for welcoming and loving new people into the life of our church family. Angel Lee, we are glad you are here! Jeremy and Katie, you've been here forever. We celebrate you as "official" baptized members.
        Thank you for supporting the leaders of the church. Jeremy Holliday, Heather Folliard, Starlyn Combs, Patricia Johnson, James Hollingsworth, Dina Sit, and I had a leadership retreat with worship professor Larry Dickens (Campbell Divinity School). It was a refreshing time of learning and growing as worship leaders. Also, our church welcomed four new elders onto the board and we ordained Debra Eatman as a deacon.
         Thank you for your hard work in ministry. We put on a golf tournament, one of our biggest and best Vacation Bible Schools ever, and a Youth Sunday. The golf tournament was a thorough success and many volunteers made that happen. I can't name all the VBS workers because there were so many. But I do want to say a special word of appreciation for Tiffany Allen as director, Candy Tennant as cook for the workers, Dina Sit as up front music leader, and Lydia White as chief set designer. And I appreciated the way Heather Folliard had teenagers help her in leading communion. Bryce, Anna, Lydia, John, and Jonathan all did wonderful jobs.
         Thank you for supporting our mission of sending people into the world. We said goodbye to our youth minister Nathan as he went out with a flourish. And we commissioned Laura Shrewsbury for her mission trip.
         June was exciting and I am now tired. But it is an energizing type of tired because I know God is at work among us. It is quite thrilling. Thank you for being a people willing to try new things, step out of your comfort zone, and use creativity to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

May Numbers
For more detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot, see the May 2016 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.