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In This Issue
Spring Meeting A Success
TRB Meeting in Lexington
Amazing Bridges
Weird Signs
Quick Hits
Have You Seen This?
Important KYSITE Dates 

March 30 - April 2

SDITE 2014  

Lake Oconee, GA   


 June 4, 2014

KYSITE Golf Outing

Ducker's Lake 

 Frankfort, KY  


June 12, 2014 

 KYSITE / Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee Meeting

Important ITE Dates 

ITE Annual Meeting 

August 2014
Seattle, WA
2014 Executive Board


Past President


Section Rep

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Jarrod Stanley

The Changing Face of Transportation



Hello KYSITE! 


Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?  How about a first-grader?  This week's opening section focuses on how math is being taught in our schools.


As a little bit of background, check out this article from Yahoo


I'd like to say that I know a little bit about math having gone through engineering school.  But as the father of a first-grader, I've caught myself struggling when I (try to) help my son with his homework. You might chuckle, but I continue to be amazed at the different ways that simple math has been complicated.  Terms like "equal parts", "ten grids", "place-value charts", and "number lines" are being thrown out.  At the end of the day, it's simple adding and subtracting.


Why is this important you may ask?  These kids are our future transportation professionals!


Please note that this is not a rant against teachers.  In fact, I think the teachers that I've know and seen are doing a great job.  In fact, in my son's case, we might submit her name for sainthood for putting up with him.  Unfortunately, I'm afraid teachers are handcuffed by rules they do not make. 


Love or hate mail can be sent to the author (Scott) of this article.  If you're in a similar situation, I'd love to hear your thoughts. 


Thanks for reading.  And don't forget to contact KYSITE if you need anything.


- KYSITE Officers

 Spring Meeting A Success!


We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to the presenters and attendees of the Spring Meeting at the University of Kentucky on March 25th. 


Jeff Moore (KYTC) gave us an update on the Long Range Statewide Transportation Plan and asked that we all participate in the process.  Dr. Ted Grosshardt (KTC) gave a very interesting talk on public involvment and how you can use feedback from the public effectively and efficiently.  Finally, Jarrod Stanley (KYTC) talked about highway safety projects and initiatives all over the state moving us toward zero fatalities. 


Once the presentations wrapped up, KYSITE was treated to a preview of our Traffic Bowl Team as they faced UK professors and KYSITE board members.  After intense competition and questionable rule-following, the students were able to pull out a victory.  Best of luck to Bobby "The Fuzz" Lehman, Austin "The Doll" Dahlem, Misty "Downtown" Brown and Audrey "The Mouth" Knaub as they head to Goergia this weekend to compete at SDITE.  Thank you to Dr. Mei Chen, Dr. Nick Stamatiadis, Paul Slone and Brad Johnson for providing stellar competition!


Special thanks to Director Eric Green and Treasurer Tony Fields for coordinating the spring meeting.


If you did not pay for the meeting, online payment is still available here.  Please mail a check to Tony Fields if you do not wish to pay online. 

Members $10/Non-members $20


To view pictures from the spring meeting, click here


TRB Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee Mid-Year Meeting in Lexington    
Submitted by: Tom Creasey


We have a unique opportunity within the Kentucky transportation community this summer as the Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee (HCQSC) of the Transportation Research Board will hold its mid-year meeting in Lexington. The conference will be held June 11 - 14, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency hotel.


The HCQSC sponsors the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), the world's leading transportation reference document. This is an exciting time for the HCM. On the heels of the 2010 HCM publication, an update is underway to include recent research on topics like travel time reliability, MAP-21 performance measures, truck level of service, and a Planning and Preliminary Engineering Applications Guide. Our mid-year meeting will include important decisions by the Committee on how these topics should be incorporated into the HCM.


I hope you will be able to join us for this historical occasion in Kentucky. Even if you are unable to participate in the entire conference, please consider attending the luncheon on June 12th sponsored jointly by the HCQSC and the Kentucky Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Registration forms and information can be found at
The World's Most Amazing Bridges
By: Anne Warnick
This week's bridge is located in beautiful, southern France. All content and photos are from
#9 Millau Viaduct, Millau-Creissels, France
When it opened in 2004 in the Tarn River valley of southern France, the 1,125-ft.-high Millau Viaduct Bridge shot to the top of the list of the world's tallest bridges. Its construction cost more than half a billion dollars and took just over three years to complete

Before the Millau Viaduct Bridge opened to the public in 2004, summer holiday traffic regularly jammed the highways into and out of this small city in southern France. Since then, the highway that sits atop the bridge is now part of the A75 autoroute, a high-speed freeway that links Paris in the north through the Languedoc region to Spain in the south.


Its tallest mast stands at about 1,125 feet over the Tarn River valley, making the Millau Viaduct the world's tallest bridge. It doesn't cross over water, but thick fog often rolls into the valley, obscuring the surrounding hills and valleys.

Weird Signs
Submitted by: Billy Garrison
Quick Hits  



Bike and Byways Map Now Available On-Line 


New bike warning beacons 

Have You Seen This?  
This was in the news yesterday and it is worth a watch.  A construction worker is rescused while a fire rages in the building he was working in.  The timing of the rescue was amazing.    
Fire Near AIG Campus
Fire Near AIG Campus

Thanks for your continued support of KYSITE!  

2014 KYSITE Board; and

Vanessa Fritsch, Editor
Scott Walker, Editor