This eight-hour workshop includes:
� Morning Refreshments
� Lunch
� Course Handouts
� CEUs available for MFTs and LCSWs

DATE: Saturday, March 15, 2014

WHERE: Los Gatos, CA | Facility TBD
TIME: 8:30 a.m. � 4:30 p.m.
COST: $225/person | $350/couples


call: 408 829 1807 for more information

When we gaze at an infant, we are reminded of how we each came into this world � full of faith, totally innocent, radiating love, giving just what we were able and taking what we needed without concern. We all once embodied these �essential qualities.� We lived from a state of deep connection with our own �True Nature� effortlessly and with such freedom.

As we grew, we naturally went away from these higher qualities in the human struggle to adapt to the material world in which we find ourselves living. It then wasn�t okay to lead with wide-open hearts � maybe the world wasn�t safe, things were out of control, or we lost connection with people we needed. As we formed our �personality structure,� our higher qualities receded into the background. Though many of us may have spent lifetimes in pursuit of what feels to have been �lost,� the good news is that we went away from these essential qualities, but they didn�t go away from us. They have always been there � inherently embedded in each of us � even though we can lose track of them.

The Enneagram helps us to re-open to the essential qualities such as Love, Will, Joy, Wisdom and Equanimity and then to integrate them back into our personality. This is the path to becoming a whole person.Using the incisive Enneagram system, we can recognize the habitual ways in which each of our nine personality styles attempt to mimic the essential qualities, an effort that is simply in the wrong direction. While hidden from our sight, we do have inherent access to our higher selves at any given moment.

Together with you, David and Susan will explore the path to reclaiming and interweaving our higher essential qualities into our lives � especially into relationships. Their co- facilitation with the Enneagram and the Universal Growth Process uses guided interactions of all nine personality types, type-panels, group exercises, and didactic teaching on the Enneagram. In doing this work together, we all are given the space and the tools to reconnect with the best parts of ourselves.

Click here to learn more about David Daniels Click here to learn more about Susan BIO | David Daniels, M.D., is a master teacher and the highly-respected author of The Essential Enneagram, Dr. Daniels is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Stanford University Medical School and recognized worldwide as a leading developer of the Enneagram System,

BIO | Susan Olesek, B.A., Sociology, is dual-certified by both Palmer-Daniels and Riso-Hudson. Founder of the Enneagram Prison Project, Susan teaches the Enneagram across the U.S. to corporations, in her private practice in Los Gatos, CA and to the incarcerated.


<< This event is presented by Susan Olesek and David Daniels MD | Based on The Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition >>