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Educator Resources Newsletter July 2014

Hello Educators:

This is a brand new edition of Dr. J's Educator Newsletter.

The summer time is upon us and while it means vacation time for many, the work of an online educator is likely to continue as online classes for many universities start weekly or monthly.

This month I'm going to address the words we choose to describe our work, consider being prepared for the start of a new online class, share my work with Appreciative Inquiry and how I am bringing it to online learning, and much more. Check out my new section called Teaching Tips.

Enjoy this new edition,
Dr. J
Teacher or Facilitator?   
As online learning has grown there have been new ways of describing online educators. One of the most common words used is facilitator. The belief is that educators are facilitating a learning process rather than teaching.

I used and accepted that title but over time I've come to find it does not accurately described the work that I do. I realize that as a facilitator I am supposed to be a "guide on the side" rather than a "sage on a stage" - but with an online class I cannot take center stage and I cannot side on the side either. Regardless of the title used I am still a teacher, even within a student-centered environment.

I teach students to be independent thinkers, I help teach students new skills, I teach them to be responsible and accountable, and the list continues. The general word I use first when I describe my work is educator and what I do in the classroom when I work with students is teach. Dr. J
Be Prepared to Teach Online
Teaching online may seem appealing because of the perception of convenience and the availability of jobs when compared to traditional colleges and universities. It may also seem easy to teach a class online when a course shell has already been developed and a syllabus provided for you. However, this is a unique learning environment that can either be flat and one-dimensional with minimal interactivity or it can be two-dimensional and highly interactive. The challenges associated with creating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning includes how you teach, what you teach, how you develop an active presence, and the skills needed to work in this technologically enhanced classroom environment.
Read More: Teaching Online  
Appreciative Andragogy 
I'd like to introduce you to one area of my research that I am very passionate about and it involves the application of Appreciative Inquiry to online classes. What appreciative andragogy does is to help educators see their students from a broader perspective and learn more about their strengths so they can build from them. This is not to say that developmental issues should not be addressed but it can be done from a positive perspective and that will help to create a cooperative spirit as instructors and students collaborate together to improve their performance.
Read More: The Heart of Appreciative Andragogy
Career Coaching  
Even as educators you may have a time in your career when you need clarity or a renewed sense of purpose. What I've designed is a six-week program that provides enough time for us to work together and address specific topics that are needed so you can develop clarity about your career and new career goals.
Read More:  Career Coaching by Dr. J
Teaching Tips   
Do you want to engage your students more effectively in an online discussion? Reply to each student's post and end your reply with a follow up question. This will help to keep your conversation moving forward and you can help guide students in their understanding of the course concepts.
Connect with Dr. J   
I have several options for us to connect:
Facebook: I have created a page for Appreciative Andragogy and this is a place where I will share resources related to online learning.
Twitter: I am connected with educators and this is another place that I share resources related to education and online learning.
LinkedIn: This is a professional networking that allows you to read about my background and use to connect with those who share  similar professional interests.

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Specials for July!!

Appreciative Andragogy:
Purchase an autographed paperback book and receive templates you can use to implement it in your teaching practice. Purchase Here:

Be Prepared to Teach Online
Purchase a PDF version of Dr. J's work: Be Prepared to Teach Online:
Strategies from an Online College Professor

Like the Facebook page for Educators and be entered into a drawing for a padfolio and set of pens - you will be ready for meetings or your own planning session.

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Specials this Month

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