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It's almost here!



"spring cleaning challenge" 

It's time to change some of those unhealthy habits!


Thursday March 21 - June 21

 1st day of spring - 1st day of summer

-results guaranteed, if you stick with it

-this challenge is for anyone, anywhere and it's totally FREE:)

workout jar  



Things you'll need to get started...


1) a "workout jar" (16oz or larger)...you can use your own or pick 1 up at Evolve (you will need to reserve a jar if you want Evolve to provide it for you)...click here to reserve.


2) a goal to reach by summer (or within 30 days if you're only doing 1 month)


3) 2 labels with your goal written on it.  Put 1 on your jar & 1 on your fridge.


4) Post-its or a piece of paper titled "unhealthy food choices*"


5) Some $1 bills to start...as your money increases, you can trade the $1's out for $5's or $10's!


*Unhealthy food choices could be high in calories and low in nutrition...sweets, sodas, candy, fast food, junk food OR it could be portion related...extra servings beyond recommended amount.



Let's get STARTED:

 Keep your "Workout jar" very visible 

(as a constant reminder)


1) You are ready to begin!!  

Once you have your "workout jar", your goal, your labels, and your $1 bills.


2) 1 hour of exercise = ADD $1 to your jar!!

Starting March 21, every time you complete 1 hour of moderate exercise put $1 in your jar (1 hour of moderate exercise = ~300-500 calories) OR add $2 for 1 hour of intense exercise (~600-800 calories)...see explanation below.


3) Unhealthy food choices = take out $$ 

(take out the appropriate money and then write down your unhealthy food choice along with the date, amount and calories consumed... and put it in your jar)

800-1100 calories = take out $3

500-800 calories = take out $2

300-500 calories = take out $1



4) Results...this really depends on you.  How dedicated are you to reaching your goal? We will send you weekly emails of motivation and encouragement but it's your job to stay honest and stick with it!!  We will also do a monthly tally AND we want to see pictures of your progress so post and tag us in Facebook!!



By summertime you will have...


1) reached your ultimate goal  (from #2)


2) a jar full of $$  (not paper)


3) a new, more confident, healthier and happier you!!




CLICK HERE....To Sign Up for the challenge or to Reserve your "Workout Jar" 

  For more info email... kayla@evolvehealthfitness.com


Join us for 1 month, 2 months or all 3...


Make it your goal this spring to get as much exercise as you can and consistently make healthy food choices! 


What is moderate vs. intense exercise?
This will be different for everyone (because of fitness level and weight)...what's moderate to 1 person may be intense for another person.  A good way to judge the intensity of your workout level is based on how easy it is for you to hold a conversation while you are exercising.  
easy - moderate...could maintain a conversation the entire time, never losing breath.

moderate... can hold a conversation but feel out of breath 5-10x throughout the hour.

moderate - intense...difficult to maintain a conversation...out of breath half the time.

intense...could not hold a conversation, out of breath most of the time.


Check out this website to see how many calories you are burning during your 1 hour of exercise.




take advantage of our "Spring Cleaning Sale"

15% off ANYTHING (1 item)...Now-March 21

Click here to purchase... use promo code: lucky15