Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging
Health Through Awareness
Sunset over wheat field with golden colors     Note  Shallow depth of field
Let me enjoy this late-summer day of my heart while the leaves are still green and I won't look so close as to see that first tint of pale yellow slowly creep in. I will cease endless running and then look to the sky ask the sun to embrace me and then hope she won't tell of tomorrows less long than today. Let me spend just this time in the slow-cooling glow of warm afternoon light and I'd think I will still have the strength for just one more last fling of my heart."  
- John Bohrn, Late August
August is a power month of the year, it augers in the energy of completion, loose ends tied, the past healing and the future is now a little clearer for us all. This energy asks us to venture outside of our comfort zone, to have the experiences which we have previously denied ourselves of. In doing this we open ourselves to enlightenment.
In the last quarter of the August month there is a slight shift of energies reminding us to recognize our shadow self, the darker side of our nature. Bringing light to those darkened corners deep inside of us, which previously only bought us grief, negativity and weakness. This energy will help in the transition if you're brave and willing to release the negative and embrace the positive.  It is within the darkest areas of ourselves where our spiritual learning takes place. It will take some courage on your part this month but the rewards are great.
Ian Scott 
So as we enter this third and final month of the meteorological summer, August, we will also cover the third and final phase of the series on fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.  This month we will be concentrating on carbohydrates.

I am already glimpsing shades of red on one of my favorite maple trees.
 My heart skips a beat in anticipation of cool clear days of September.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Carbohydrates are good sources of energy, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and a host of other important food components like bioflavonoids, isoflavones, and polyphenols that are essential for optimal health. Some carbohydrates, however, have a high GI and thus can have a negative effect on your health.  For these reasons, choosing the right carbohydrates is essential to healthy eating. 

Foods that are high in refined carbohydrates or sugars should be avoided.  These include sweetened soda, candies, cookies, cake, white bread and bagels, french fries, potato chips, sugary breakfast cereals, and white rice. These kinds of foods cause a sharp rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. Over time this can lead to insulin resistance, excess fat storage, low energy levels, and increased risk of chronic disease. 

On the other hand, nature provides many sources of good carbohydrates. Strive to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, vegetable soups, beans and lentils, as well as unrefined grains such as whole grain breads, cereals, and pasta.

Increase Whole Grains

Many fashionable diet theories today  advise people to avoid carbohydrates, naming them as a culprit in America's obesity crisis. This advice is a huge and faulty generalization. 

Whole grains have been a central element of the human diet since the dawn of civilization, when we stopped hunting and gathering and settled into agrarian communities.  Until very recently, people living in these communities on all continents had lean, strong bodies.  

In the Americas, corn was the staple grain, while rice predominated in India and Asia.  In Africa, people had sorghum and millet.  People in the Middle East enjoyed pita bread and couscous.  In Europe, it was corn, millet, wheat, rice, pasta, and dark breads.  Even beer, produced by grain fermentation, was considered healthy.  In Scotland it was oats.  In Russia, they had buckwheat or kasha.  For generations, very few people eating grain-based diets were overweight. 

Whole grains are some of the best sources of nutritional support, containing high levels of dietary fiber and B vitamins. Because the body absorbs them slowly, grains provide long-lasting energy.

Whole grains can help Americans with one of their basic health problems, an inability to maintain a steady level of blood sugar. Whole grains release sugar into the bloodstream slowly, in contrast to the sudden rush and energy crash caused by refined sugar foods and sodas.

Sally Fallon, who was inspired by the work of Dr. Weston Price, and the author of Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook That Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats, recommends following the dietary traditions of our ancestors. She says that people traditionally soaked or fermented their grains, often for a few days before cooking. Soaking grains, or fermenting them by soaking in hot water with vinegar, neutralizes the phytic acid in the outer layer of the bran. Phytic acid combines with certain minerals in the body, such as calcium, magnesium, copper and iron and can block absorption in the intestines, which may lead to digestive disorders, mineral deficiencies, and bone loss. Eight hours of soaking in warm water will neutralize the phytic acid and greatly improve the nutritional benefits of grains.

Just a few words on gluten, the topic of which could form the basis of a whole newsletter.  The most common grain in our culture is wheat, to which many people are allergic.  Wheat products are heavily subsidized and promoted by the government in the food pyramid and the food industry incorporates it into almost all breakfast cereals, cookies, cakes and crackers. Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats, is difficult for many people to digest.  If you are sensitive or allergic to gluten, you can experience bloating, constipation or gas after eating wheat and other glutenous grains.  Other related problems are allergies, celiac disease, brain fog, chronic indigestion and candida.  Sometimes the symptoms occur immediately after eating, but they can also take time to manifest.  If you think you have sensitivity or allergies try removing all wheat and gluten products from your diet for four to six weeks and see how your feel.  During that time, stick with gluten-free grains, such as amaranth, brown rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, sorghum and teff.      
A History of High-Carbohydrate Diets

1939- Rice Diet, Duke University, MDs-
A study by Duke University discovers how the Rice Diet prevents and treats hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and more. It is very simple. Eat rice. Don't eat salt. Eat whole foods.

Michio and Aveline Kushi bring awareness of macrobiotics to America and advocate a diet based on organic foods, whole grains, and home cooking.  They open the first natural food stores.

1971- Introduction of Complimentary Proteins - Frances Moore Lappe writes Diet for a Small Planet, based on the vegetarian movement of the 1960's. She incorporates vegetarian principles with a focus on whole grains and sustainable living.

1975- Pritikin Diet - H
igh-Carbohydrate, Low Fat Nathan Pritikin and his son, Robert Pritikin, write many books based on his extremely high carb, low-fat diet: 80% complex carbohydrates, 5-10% fats, and 10-15% protein. Pritikin was a medical researcher who created a diet and lifestyle program based on native diets in Mexico, New Guinea, and South Africa.     

1977- Dietary Goals for the American People
The Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, led by Senator George McGovern, creates "Dietary Goals for the American people," recommending 55-60% of calories from carbohydrates.

1980's- High Carbs to Lower Risk of Health Problems and Increase Weight Loss
Dr. John McDougall writes The McDougall Plan, claiming his diet will reverse health problems and promote weight loss due to its low-fat, low protein, and high carbohydrate content of 75-85%.

1980's- 1990's- Fat-Free Diet (Fat is Bad)

1990's- Eat More, Weigh Less
Dr. Dean Ornish, author of Eat More, Weigh Less, advocates a diet of 70% complex carbohydrates, 10% fat, and 20% protein. Macrobiotic principles are reflected in his recommendations. The Journal of The American Medical Association finds the average Ornish patient, while eating more food, lost 24 pounds in the first year - keeping most of that off five years later. Insurance companies begin paying client costs for the program.

1998- Gluten-Free Awareness
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, author of Your Body Knows Best and former head nutritionist of the Pritikin Center, exposes detrimental health affects of an extremely high-carbohydrate diet by pointing out that excess gluten in grains may cause allergies, celiac, candida, and mineral deficiencies. Instead, she advocates eating gluten-free grains.

2007- Rising Awareness of the Benefits of Whole Grains
The consciousness around whole grains begins to grow as many doctors, authors and nutritionists claim that whole grains are essential to a healthy diet. Companies like General Mills begin changing their ingredients and advertising to focus on whole grains.

2010- Quality of whole grains
Studies continue to show a connection between whole grains and better health, addressing the importance of the quality of carbohydrates you eat.  Major companies, like Kellogg's and Post, increasingly advertise a focus on whole grains in their products. Health advocates are concerned that the labeling is misleading, and what may have started as a whole grain has been processed and combined with a long ingredient list of sugars and additives.

- Institute for Integrative Nutrition 

Thank you to Dr. Lou Trovato who presented a jam packed July webinar.  A must see!!!

Click here to view webinar!
Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging/Health Through Awareness present a holistic health webinar on August 24th, 7-8:00PM featuring Michael Rothman, M.D. The topic of his presentation will be based on his book Edibolic Stress: How the Lies You Are Being Fed Are Making You Sick.  He will be discussing how the medical/pharmaceutical establishment is deliberately keeping you in the dark in regards to the causes and prevention of disease. He will also discuss how the agribusiness/food processing industry has spent billions in propaganda to manipulate your view on what constitutes vital food and how the "health food" industry has discovered extraordinary profits in getting you to believe in what amounts to little more than mythology.

Over the last 20 years, Dr. Michael E. Rothman has dedicated his life to helping his patients understand the "how and why" of their health. He strives to provide the highest quality of care utilizing natural, holistic, non-toxic methods. Dr. Rothman has an extensive background in Nutrition, Biochemistry, Physiology, and Physics. He has used this background to study the works of many metabolic typing and balancing pioneers such as Dr. Francis Pottenger and Dr. George Watson.

Dr. Rothman also has extensive training in Medical Acupuncture, Homotoxicology, Reiki,
Chi Kung, and Oriental Martial Arts. Consequently, he is a true blend of traditional and alternative medicine, integrating Eastern and Western methods. His health care philosophy encompasses the biochemical, biostructural, and bioenergetic components of health, vital to attaining optimal wellness.

Born and raised in New York, Dr. Rothman received his Bachelor of Science in Physics from the State University of NY at Binghamton and graduated with a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Miami, School of Medicine. He completed his Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine at The Mountainside Hospital in Montclair, NJ. Dr. Rothman has a thriving practice in Spring Lake Heights, NJ.

Click here to register


 There are Super Powers bubbling and churning deep in your non-conscious mind.
If you are not fully experiencing them, you are not living the Super You.
You are living in the "Gap of Limitations." You might be progressing too slowly. You might feel frustrated about where you are. You might not know exactly what to do. Stress might be building up. Maybe you are disappointed at yourself or your life's circumstances. You see others getting theirs, and you wonder about yourself.
And that's all fine, because we have clear direction for you. We have a brand-new online video training to give you the fresh insights, step-by-step instruction, and motivation you need.
On Saturday, August 6th, Paul R. Scheele will lead you through the video training called Super Powers, Super You. This is a free broadcast presented by Learning Strategies.
Paul will guide you to access your super powers to get out of your limitations and achieve your biggest and best goal.
You can watch all of these sessions on your computer or device for free from August 6th-12th!
Click here to register


One of the biggest complaints we hear from patients is that they have trouble sleeping.  I am a case in point and am really looking forward to this upcoming summit.  If you want to improve anything, it starts with sleep. Sleep heals illness. Sleep reduces stress. Like diet and exercise, sleep is a pillar of wellness. This summit will explain the actionable ways to affect your sleep in a positive manner! Don't miss The Sleep Success Summit from August 8-15, 2016, free and online! 

Click here to register


Come on out to our 5th annual walk and meet Dr. Getson, RSDSA, and other RSDers!!! 
We support each other, give each other HOPE, DETERMINATION, and STRENGTH! 
Not only do we need to come together for ourselves, BUT to RAISE AWARENESS!
ALL proceeds go to RSDSA for support, education, and hope for everyone affected!
If you can't walk the 3.2 miles around Cooper River, there is a shorter track which is only 1/4 mile around
Bring your family, friends, neighbors, doctors, and 
anyone else you can think of!

Where: Cooper River Park , Pennsauken, NJ
When: September 10, 2016.  Registration begins at 8:00AM, the event kicks off at 9:00AM.
Registration:  $25.00 in advance or $35.00 the day of the race.  Note: T-shirts are not guaranteed the day of the walk/run. Click here
to register!
Questions: Contact Dawn Hesser via or at 856-261-8854

Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions and research of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

In the spirit of full disclosure, this page contains affiliate links.  This means that we may get a small commission if you decide to purchase anything from any of the sites.  We only recommend programs and services that we have listened to, participated in, and/or used and have found extremely helpful. We recommend them to you because we feel that the information is priceless and may be beneficial to you.
If you are interested in an individual holistic health coaching session, either in person, via Skype, or by phone, please contact me to schedule an appointment. 
Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC
TDI/Health Through Awareness
100 Brick Road, Suite 206
Marlton, NJ 08053

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