Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging
Health Through Awareness
February 2016 Newsletter
Healing herbs bunches and hessian bags with dried marigold clover and chamomile. Herbal medicine.
In the cold-weather months when daylight wanes and snowflakes and blustery weather keep you indoors, you should not sacrifice your health and well-being just because you feel the familiar tug of hibernation. You can stave off the feelings of the winter blues, make staying healthy a priority and keep your spirits high by taking care of your body with a few simple wellness tips.

There are many simple things you can do to achieve this.  Frequent hand-washing, avoiding excessive contact with public places or people who you know are sick are all great ways to defend yourself against colds and the flu.  It is also a good idea to keep your immunity strong with adequate sleep, hydration, a balanced diet with whole foods, getting plenty of
vitamin C by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, getting outside on those crisp sunny days for fresh air and vitamin D. Also, avoiding processed foods, sugar and fructose, keeping active, taking probiotics and avoiding antibiotics if possible, and finally relaxing, laughing and enjoying life are good ways to promote winter wellness.

During these winter months, my staff will often find me sitting in front of my office window where I can catch the mid-afternoon sun, it is a great place to do my reading and research.  Although I may not be actually getting vitamin D through the glass it does a great deal for my well-being and it is one way that I combat Seasonal Affective Disorder.  
Happy Hibernating,

Top 10 Herbs for Fall & Winter Health
by Michele Burklund, ND, Better Nutrition October 2015 

It's the time of year when sweaters and coats come out of storage and the air becomes refreshingly crisp.  Unfortunately, it's also a time of increased cold and flu symptoms, dry and painful skin conditions, and altered moods due to shorter days and a lack of sun.  Go into this season prepared with a cupboard stocked with healing remedies for common ailments.  Here are some beneficial easy herbs to support your mind and body through the fall and winter months.

  1. Fight Fatigue with Eleuthero
    - Also known as Siberian ginseng, eleuthero has been used for centuries in Russia and China due to its ability to improve cognition, enhance energy, and support stress.  Eleuthero is part of a unique group of plants called adaptogens that have been proven to augment resistance to stress, both physical and mental - in other words, they help you "adapt more easily."  In the fall and winter months, our energy levels can wane as the days grow shorter, but this plant might be just what's needed to remain alert until bedtime.  Eleuthero is most often taken in capsule or solid extract form. 
  2. Keep Your Skin Radiant with Sea Buckthorn
    - The biting winter air can strip your skin of much-needed moisture, causing a dull, dry appearance and sensitive, chapped areas.  Sea Buckthorn, a plant that grows across the mountainous regions of Asia and Europe, can efficiently counteract these symptoms.  The medicinal properties are found in the seed and fruit oil, which contain a unique profile of fatty acids including 3, 6, 7, and 9, and are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and flavonoids.  Treasured for being the richest plant-based source of omega-7 palmitoleic acid available, Sea Buckthorn has been studied more than 200 times and is commonly used in modern cosmetics and skin products.  Apply it topically or add to a smoothie for a radiant glow during the winter months. 
  3. Feel Better Faster with Elderberry - Scared that you might catch that bug going around?  Elderberry acts as a triple threat against those untimely colds, providing antiviral and antibacterial qualities while also bolstering the immune system.  This flowering shrub is abundant in the United States and Canada, and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat colds.  A promising preliminary study published in the Journal of Internal Medical Research revealed that patients with influenza-like symptoms who were given elderberry syrup showed symptom relief four days earlier than those who received a placebo.  Unlike many cold and flu treatments, elderberry syrup has a sweet flavor that can be taken alone or added to various drinks and recipes. 
  4. Unwind with Lemon Balm
    -If the holiday left you feeling stressed and anxious, lemon balm is a plant that has been documented all the way back to the Middle Ages as a treatment for restlessness and insomnia.  An interesting study reported in the
    Journal of Bio-behavioral Medicine observed that subjects exposed to a stressor and also given a 600 mg dose of lemon balm rated their calmness significantly higher than those in a placebo group.  Another study from England's Northumbria University revealed that a 1,600 mg dose of encapsulated dried leaf lemon balm resulted in reports of improved mood, memory, and serenity.  As a member of the mint family, this herb makes a flavorful tea or can be taken in capsule form. 
  5. Halt Winter Aches & Pains with Turmeric - Many people complain of increased joint pain and soreness during the colder months (although there's little scientific explanation for this).  Curcumin is an orange-hued compound found in the spice turmeric, one that is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine for its powerful anti-inflammatory actions.  A recent study in the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine found that a daily dose of 2 grams of curcumin in people suffering from osteoarthritis resulted in reports of reduced pain and increased mobility.  In addition to soothing sore joints, curcumin is a potent antioxidant, brain health supporter, and strengthener of the vascular system by improving the lining of the blood vessels.  A member of the ginger family, turmeric tastes great and can be infused in tea, added to a recipe, or taken in capsule form. 
  6. Banish the Blues with Rhodiola
    - Also called "Arctic root" because of the way it thrives in the cold, mountainous regions of Northern Europe, rhodiola shows promise as a mood-supporting agent.  The Greek physician Dioscorides documented rhodiola's effectiveness back in 77 A.D. as an aid for fatigue and anxiety.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a common occurrence in the Northern Hemisphere during the fall and winter months, but preliminary research in animal trials has demonstrated that rhodiola increases the "feel good" neurotransmitter serotonin, banishing those blues as it promotes the transport of important building blocks such as 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP).  Rhodiola is also a part of that exclusive group of herbs known as adaptogens.  It can be taken as a capsule, tincture, or tea. 
  7. Rejuvenate with Astragalus - This herb is well known in Chinese medicine for its ability to prevent colds and improve energy, but The Journal of Immunology revealed that it might also be an effective anti-aging tool.  Two constituents of astragalus - called cycloastragenol and astragaloside - may play a role in extending the lifespan of our DNA.  How does astragalus do it?  A DNA molecule called a "telomere" protects the chromosome material from breaking down - but as we age, our telomeres can shorten.  There are associations between shortened telomeres and many age-related diseases such as osteoporosis, dementia, and arthritis.  Astragalus shows promise as an effective anti-aging tool that can preserve the length of telomeres and perhaps decrease the risk of age-related diseases.  The root has a mild yet sweet flavor, and can be infused into a tea, added to a soup, or taken in capsule or tincture form. 
  8. Detox with Dandelion
    - Want to get back on track after overindulging?  Dandelion is often considered a weed, but this herb has been documented as far back as the second century AD as a powerful cleansing agent.  Dandelion is regarded as a liver and kidney tonic in traditional medicine, and has often been used to improve digestion.  Encouraging preliminary studies suggest that dandelion root could even have liver-protective properties.  Add the leaves to your salad, or brew the root and leaves into a tea. 
  9. Calm Your Stomach with Fennel Seeds - Following the season of holiday parties fueled by alcohol and decadent foods - both major causes for an upset stomach later in the evening.  Fennel seeds are classified as a carminative herb, which can prevent unwanted gas and bloating. 
    The Journal of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine revealed in a recent study that fennel seed oil significant decreases gas and bloating compared to a placebo.  These tasty seeds are also a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol.  As a bonus, they also act as a breath freshener.  Add 1 tsp. of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water and let brew for five minutes, or try them raw if you're on the go. 
  10. Warm Up with Ginger - Feel like hibernating all winter long? Sometimes the best medicine is simply a warm fire with a great cup of ginger tea.  Ginger has been a popular remedy since ancient times for a diverse range of ailments including motion sickness, nausea, migraines, indigestion, sore throats, and even arthritis.  Ginger is a great winter herb for its ability to promote circulation within the body, which can create a warming sensationIt is thought that an active compound in ginger called gingerol is responsible for that "cozy" feeling by stimulating blood flow and relaxing blood vessels.  To get "toasty" fast, boil three cups of water, add several slices of fresh ginger (around three ounces), and a hint of honey.  Steep for five minutes and enjoy this spicy tea on a chilly day.
Thank you to Sydney Lee from Designs for Health for presenting our January Webinar.  She gave us lots of great tips and easy steps to perform a safe and gentle cleanse.  If you are interested in any of the products Sydney discussed, please contact Health through Awareness at the number listed  below and mention the webinar to receive a 15% discount on your order.


Please join us on
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
with Dr. Colette Hayes, who will be discussing Homeopathy, a valuable system of natural medicine.

In this webinar, Dr. Hayes will be discussing Homeopathy, a system of natural medicine practiced for over 200 years which is based on the use of natural elements as healing agents. She will provide the history and principles that distinguish Homeopathy as a holistic, safe, effective form of Complementary Medicine.  Some of her topics will include remedies for the flu, first aid, and women's health, as well as "Dr. Hayes's Top 12 Remedies" to help introduce the newcomer to Homeopathy.

Dr. Colette Hayes has maintained a successful chiropractic practice for 35 years in Spring Lake Heights, NJ.  She attained her B.A. degree from Rutgers University and she received her Doctorate in Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College.

Dr. Hayes studied Homeopathy under the renowned Dr. Luc DeSchepper and earned postgraduate certification from The Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy. She has practiced as a Homeopathic Educator for over 15 years and has been the Homeopathy Professor in Georgian Court University's Holistic Health Program since 1999.

Click here to register for the webinar! 
Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions and research of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
If you are interested in an individual holistic health coaching session, either in person, via Skype or by phone please contact me at the number listed below. 
Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC
TDI/Health through Awareness
100 Brick Road, Suite 206
Marlton, NJ 08053

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