Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging
Health Through Awareness
November Newsletter
Details for aThanksgiving table
"Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings." - William Arthur Ward 

You may want to consider how your lifestyle reflects seasonal changes. People tend to get very busy in September and October, running around, getting ready for winter.  All of that preparation comes to a head with an extended holiday season that lasts from the end of October, with Halloween through the beginning of January. The holidays come and our actions fall out of pace with the colder weather, as we engage in the extreme sports of holiday shopping, partying and eating. 
At Thanksgiving, Americans nationwide congregate and overeat.  The next day everyone complains about how stuffed they are and goes shopping. Then we're into December, with office parties, family get togethers and social events that usually involve lots of eating and drinking. And then the final blow out on New Year's Eve that entails even more eating and drinking.  
All this partying is happening when the normal, natural rhythms of life - colder weather, darker evenings, the end of the growing season - indicate this is the right time to turn inward. Humans are mammals, and mammals have a tendency to hibernate during the winter.  They are not really sleeping; they are in a kind of battery saving mode.  Instead of going inward, slowing down and replenishing our energy for springtime, society is set up to keep us burning the candle at both ends.  Then in January and February, people feel exhausted and depressed, and the country has a widespread outbreak of colds and flu.  People's exhausted immune systems cannot cope with the demands of winter, often combined with the inappropriate food consumption mentioned above.  
Here are a few tips for enjoying and surviving the holiday season.  If you to go to holiday parties, enjoy yourself, but try to be moderate with food and alcohol and strive to get enough down time.  Remember to keep up with cooking your own seasonal, locally grown and/or organic ingredients and share with others during the season.  If the majority of your food is healthy and homemade, the occasional party or indulgence won't affect you.  In addition, your immune system will become stronger and you'll avoid getting sick in the wintertime.  
An excerpt from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
During the holiday season I do my best to keep things simple and I try to maintain a level of balance in my life, sticking to my healthy diet and lifestyle routines and not overindulging in food, drink or shopping.  Below are some great tips to help you avoid "Holiday Burnout".
Let me take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for all of the blessings in my life.  Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
Portion Distortion

Food and drink portions have increased dramatically since the 1980's. Even recipes list larger serving sizes than ever before. In the 1960's version of
The Joy Of Cooking, a brownie recipe served 30- now the exact same recipe serves only 16!

The allure of a "better value" has sucked us into buying large quantities of huge portions on a regular basis. The effect on waistlines everywhere has been catastrophic. Most people encounter over sized portions every day.

Are you a member of the clean plate club? Although your parents may have encouraged you to finish all your food when you were younger, modern instances where this is healthy or necessary are few and far between. How much we eat is all too often dependent on how much we are served. The more on our plate, the more we eat - bigger portions can cause people to eat 30%-50% more than they usually would.
How do your portion sizes measure up?

If you compare portion sizes today to what they were 20 years ago you'll come to learn why our waistlines have been consistently expanding.
Pre-packaged and restaurant foods are frequently served in large portions, and portion sizes just keep growing! Let's see how your portion sizes measure up - the following chart provides recommended portion sizes for various food groups.
Portion Control Tips
  • Use smaller containers. Separate leftovers into single serving containers so you're less tempted to eat all the remains.
  • When cooking at home, make enough vegetables to fill at least half your plate. This will help control your grain and protein portions.
  • Have a small salad or a glass of water before your meal. It will curb your appetite and give you a sense of satiety.
  • Split an entree. When eating out, ask a friend to share a single entree or set aside half the plate to be packaged for leftovers.
  • Eat slowly and consciously. It takes time for the body's hunger signals to shut down after eating, so wait about 20 minutes before going back for seconds.
  • Buy single serving snacks or portion into individual bags. You're more likely to overeat while snacking from large containers.
  • Keep seconds out of sight. Leave the food in the kitchen to avoid refill temptations.
  • Have smaller meals throughout the day. This will keep you satisfied and decrease the urge to eat large portions at traditional mealtimes.

The Perils of Supersizing


Eating too much food in one sitting is hard on your body. 

Here's why: 


* Food is meant to be spread throughout the day.  Overdosing on too much food at one time causes pain, upset and sluggish digestion.

* A surge of glucose is released into the body.  Your pancreas has to work overtime, pumping insulin through the body to absorb all that extra glucose.  This can make you feel spacey, weak, irritable or headachy.

* Thinking there is some type of emergency, your adrenal glands go into "fight or flight" mode and release adrenaline and cortisol, which is the body's natural response to stress.

* When your blood sugar levels finally plummet, you experience wicked cravings for more food - specifically simple carbs or sweets.

* Research has found that immune system function is affected for at least five hours after consuming large amounts of simple carbohydrates.  



The bill, backed largely by House Republicans, codifies a voluntary labeling system approach, blocks the U.S. Food and Drug Administration from ever implementing mandatory GE (Genetically Engineered) food labeling and allows food companies to continue to make misleading "natural" claims for foods that contain GE ingredients.
A number of farm state Democrats joined House Republicans in passing the bill. Twelve Republicans voted against the bill citing infringement of states' rights and local control.
"It's outrageous that some House lawmakers voted to ignore the wishes of nine out of 10 Americans," said Scott Faber, senior vice president of government affairs for Environmental Working Group (EWG).  "Today's vote to deny Americans the right to know what's in their food and how it's grown was a foregone conclusion. This House was bought and paid for by corporate interests, so it's no surprise that it passed a bill to block states and the FDA from giving consumers basic information about their food."

Please take a stand against the non labeling of food so that GMO's and all kinds of other poisons can be passed on to us in our food supply.
Click here to sign the petition to oppose the DARK Act! 



Please join us on
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday the November webinar will be held the third Wednesday in November.  
7-8pm EST 
Webinar featuring 
Joel Auerbach

Joel Auerbach is a member of the National Association for Laser Therapy, American Association for Laser Therapy, American Counseling Association and American Society of Photobiologists. Joel will be explaining the mechanism of nicotine addiction and how the Center for Laser Therapy has helped thousands of people free themselves from smoking. Laser Therapy's one-on-one therapy is completely non-invasive, safe and relaxing. After one treatment you will notice the immediate positive changes without nicotine cravings or the symptoms from nicotine withdrawal.  One course of treatment is designed to help you without waiting weeks or months to obtain the benefits of your healthy new lifestyle.
A cold laser is applied to several different external points on the ears, nose and hand which stimulate nerve endings underneath the skin.  As a result, a generous supply of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemical, is released. The relationship of endorphins to smoking is very simple.  While you are smoking and for a few minutes afterwards, your body creates endorphins to make you feel good and to protect your body from the harmful effects of the chemicals and nicotine that you inhale.  Unlike a cigarette, the amount of endorphins that the laser creates can last up to two months.  During this time you will have absolutely no cravings nor will you feel any symptoms from nicotine withdrawal.  This gives your body time to rid itself of the harmful effects from toxins that smoking has caused. 
Laser Therapy of Manalapan
A great big thank you to Susan Silberstein, PhD, for a very informative webinar with practical, easy to implement action steps.
Thanks to all who participated.

Click here for the webinar archive 

Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions and research of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
Are you curious about how easy-to-make changes can make a big difference in your health? Would you like help making healthier food choices?
Lets talk. Schedule a holistic health coaching session today.

Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC
TDI/Health through Awareness
100 Brick Road, Suite 206
Marlton, NJ 08053