Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging
Health Through Awareness
October Newsletter
A pair of beautiful blue women eyes beaming color rust effect painting collage violet makeup

"You would think that in a society that's still very patriarchal, women would have banded together to be an unstoppable force for change in the world.  Yet on the whole, we haven't quite managed to create an Inner Goddess uprising.  Change begins with finding your courage, discovering your authentic self, following the inner guidance in your heart, and having clarity of your purpose and direction. When you decide to journey on a revolution to bring back your divine essence, you have to put aside fears, stand up for your rights and live in alignment with your desires. When you make these changes permanently in your life, you're changing the world."
 "Revolutions happen because there is a need for freedom."
Excerpted from "The Inner Goddess Revolution" by Lyn Thurman.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month or as we like to say at TDI/Health Through Awareness, Breast Health Awareness.  We don't reserve that thought for just October; we think about breast health and overall well being all year round.  We encourage women to have healthy relationships with their breasts; that means loving them, not fearing them. 
Breasts represent nourishment, as in the "milk of human kindness"  Nourish yourself first and then you will have so much more to give to others. 
I came across the following beautiful description of the female breast by Laura Hamilton and wanted to share it.

"Let us remember nature's purpose for women's breasts-nurturing and sustaining life. Breasts are meant for feeding babies, plain and simple.
Going beyond the physical function of supplying nutrition, breasts represent the ability to sustain life through care, support and nurturing. Consider for a moment that breasts are also referred to as mammary glands. They produce milk for offspring, keeping them nourished. This is where the word mother comes from.

Breasts epitomize the sacred feminine values of love, compassion, and wisdom. These heart-centered forces need to be cultivated and nurtured. Most of all, these heart impulses need to be expressed. When society objectifies and over sexualizes women's breasts, it takes away from these fundamental values. It's time to refocus our attitudes toward breasts and protect our heart space.
On a deeper level, women's breasts are a microcosm of Gaia, the primal Greek Mother Goddess. When you think of Mother Earth, the beauty of nature comes to mind. Fertile mounds of earth, majestic mountains, nurturing waters, all relate to the shape and function of breasts. The dense soil of hills is like the rounded bosom of a woman, while the flow of rivers or water coincides with a mother's milk.

So ladies, the next time you view your breasts in a negative light, just remember that they are a representation of the beauty of Mother Earth."

We know there is a more gentle approach to breast health. It's time for us to get in touch with our Inner Goddess and let her direct us in our health concerns and not allow ourselves to be misdirected by the October "pink washing campaign" into making a decision that may be counter-intuitive or in opposition to our instincts. I think we are at a pivotal time in history, a time for all women, everywhere, to take control of their health and their lives. Mother Earth and it's inhabitants are in trouble!  Its going to take a "Goddess uprising" to help heal the planet and that change begins with us.
 Goddesses, I know you are out there.
 I have the honor and privilege of meeting and talking with so many of you. I just want to express my deepest gratitude for your strength, beauty, grace and inspiration.
Vibrant health does not happen by chance, it happens by choice.
 Choose wisely!

Getting to Know Your Inner Goddess by Michelle Castro

In ancient Greece there were many specially chosen Goddesses that were worshiped and revered for their beauty and boldness. To name a few- Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, Demeter and Persephone- each with a domain to oversee. Goddesses reigned over relationships. Highly spirited, they could be quite brutal if crossed and were not adverse to seeking revenge if wronged.

In the 21st century, the idea of a Goddess is becoming more universally accepted, with the added benefit that every woman has the right to be a Goddess in her own world.

A modern-day Goddess knows that she is part of God/Source/All that is. She is comfortable with her "I Am." She has successfully integrated yin and yang, feminine and masculine energies. She embodies strength, sex appeal, and intelligence. She gracefully walks her path with passion, purpose, and possibility. She isn't above others but is very much at peace with herself and values herself to the extent that she designs her own destiny, balancing love, work, and play beautifully.

She is a woman who has a presence, who radiates an inner light that can sometimes attract and sometimes intimidate others. Above all, she is who she is and doesn't make apologies for it. Why would she? A Goddess of the 21st century is a wonderful, warm, and loving human being striving to evolve and grow while on her life's journey.

A Goddess is an alluring, aware, authentic, action-oriented, and allowing woman in touch with her divinity.

Would you like to become more of a Goddess? Here are some qualities to improve upon:

Alluring: She Shines
  • Possesses both inner and outer beauty
  • Is magnetic and alluring
  • Owns her sexuality
  • Knows who she is and accepts the light and the dark qualities
  • Takes care of her whole self: body, mind and spirit
  • She is fully accepting of herself and has the freedom and courage to be all of who she is
Awareness: She Knows
  • Awareness of the human relationships and the impact she has on others
  • Engages in "soul work" - books, people, activities, etc that serve to raise her consciousness
  • Has a love of learning and applying knowledge to real life challenges so she grows in understanding and wisdom
  • Understands the interplay of earthly and heavenly elements, "as above, so below"
  • Manages her thoughts to create the reality she desires
Authenticity: She Honors
  • Designs a life that nurtures her inner nature
  • She feels and communicates her thoughts and emotions with confidence
  • She takes the time to get her emotional needs met in healthy ways
  • Lives from her center, and is grounded in reality, dealing effectively with day-to-day life
  • She takes the lead in her family
  • She trusts her own process, including beginning and endings
Action: She Works
  • Her work is a form of self expression
  • Consciously creates and accepts personal responsibility for herself and her life
  • Releases the need to control or manipulate or punish
  • Discovers her unique purpose and strives to live it
  • Seeks to improve the work through her sphere of influence
  • Views obstacles and challenges as part of the learning process and uses persistence to overcome them
  • Chooses a domain to master (cooking, writing, teaching, healing, art)
Allowing: She Receives
  • Balances head and heart functions to make her decisions
  • Allows the universe to provide for her needs
  • Lets her soul be her guide while traveling her path
  • Employs natural laws such as the law of attraction to manifest her desires
  • Possesses great vision and intuition
  • Is able to perceive the paradoxes of life and see many perspectives
  • Is open to receiving her good
To get to know your inner Goddess, start with giving her a name. Look within and ask your heart what is your Goddess's name. Start a relationship with her and invite her to be more present in your life. Ask for guidance when you need it and watch as your dreams magically come true.
By: Michelle L. Castro


Goddess Spotlight

BUS STOP's own Aubrie Costello, aka XOAC, has collaborated with BUS STOP's favorite London UK women's shoe brand Esska, to create custom Silk Graffiti artwork for their NEW Collection!

"Bus Stop" is a charming boutique shoe store located in historic Fabric Row, 4th Street, in Philadelphia. Click here to visit

For this Esska + XOAC collaboration, a graffiti installation in red silk spells out the phrase 'DON'T COMPROMISE' a message very close to Esska's values.  As designer Souraya Karami Gyves said, "Why compromise on comfort to look stylish? Be comfortable in what you wear and you will feel empowered and confident. This is real beauty."

Aubrie Costello, a budding Goddess and local Philadelphia artist who happens to be my niece, is making a name for herself in the art world with her "Silk Graffiti".  Her art is left open to personal interpretation and the "Don't Compromise" work says a whole lot. For me, and in the context of this newsletter, it is saying "Don't Compromise" your hopes and dreams, your need to express and create, your divine feminine, your integrity, your health, your essence. Thank you, Aubrie, for daring to be an inspirational Goddess and for having the fearlessness to share your art with the world.

Aubrie had this to say about her work:
 "My works begin as ephemeral installations of simple words. They live as intimate conversations with passersby. They end faded, torn, weathered, revealing the many forms our mere words and reflective thoughts can take. For my latest series, The Unravel, I'm installing pieces outside and leaving them there for the elements to do what they want with them, turning them into a beautiful mess. Nature is an essential medium to the project. When exposed to the elements, the pieces deteriorate, affirming that in nature, everything falls apart..."

To learn more about Aubrie and her beautiful and sometimes haunting work, take a look at the link below.

Kim Yarson is another Goddess-in-action.  Kim is a self-taught singer/songwriter who has been writing and honing her craft for 20 years.  It all started with a trip to Nashville in 1994 and has led her all the way to the present with her third album release "Joy" which was recorded by top musicians in Nashville at the "515 Studios" and with Bobby Holland as producer from "South Street Studios."  With her priorities on straight, raising her two young sons, Kim is going to do all she can from her home in N.J. to get out her message of love, compassion, joy and bralessness out to a broader audience.  Her repertoire of songs may be written about depression, dealing with aging parents, loss and death, but they are written in a positive and uplifting way.  Kim is fearless and lives life full on, inspiring and bringing Joy to everyone she encounters. 
I was very moved when I listened to Kim's CD entitled "Joy."
 The following are words from her song " I Am Soul" from the "Joy" CD.  
They fit perfectly into the concept of what a Goddess would embody.    
I Am Soul
The ocean holds secrets in the sound of the waves/ The wind blows me kisses and caresses my face/ A rainbow comes out and reflects spirit's grace/ When I open my heart then I know
Chorus: I am more than my tears more than my pain/ More than my fears more than my shame/ I am more than this body that keeps growing old/ I am pure I am hope I am love/ I Am Soul.   

I Am Soul by Kim Yarson-2008 Bonnie Dog Music; ASCAP, previously recorded on Kim's first album "Satisfied"

For more information about Kim or to listen to her inspiring music click here
A great big thank you to Dr. Leo McCormick for a terrific September webinar.
 Thank you for the informative content and for sharing your own
personal experience with us.
Thank you to all who participated.

Click here for the webinar archive

Please join us on Wednesday, October 28, 2015
7-8pm EDST 
Webinar featuring 
Susan Silberstein, PhD

Susan Siberstein, PhD, is the founding Director of Center for Advancement in Cancer Education, an international speaker on nutrition, cancer prevention and complimentary and alternative medicine. A Phi Beta Kappa and Fulbright scholar, she has numerous awards for her work in cancer education. She has authored several books including Hungry for Health and Hungrier for Health. She's also the creator of the Beat Cancer Kit Series and the online Holistic Cancer Educator Certification Course.

She will be speaking on "The Diet Connection", and will explain the scientific research that has demonstrated dramatic ways in which dietary and lifestyle choices can affect overall health and well-being by influencing genetic expression, estrogen levels and immune function. Are you confused by all the fad diets? Do you want to reach your ideal weight, slow the aging process, and prevent disease or recurrence? Come learn four nutrition secrets that could save your life!

Click here to register

 A Last Minute Reminder
We need your help to increase awareness about thermography.
Dr. Getson will be giving a free lecture on
Honoring and Empowering the Divine Feminine with Thermography,
A gentler, more humane approach to Breast Health Assessment 
at the Mind, Body, Spirit Expo
on Sunday, October 4th at 11:00am in Room 7
at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center
located at 100 Station Avenue, Oaks, Pa 19456
TDI will be giving away a complimentary
Breast Thermogram valued at $300.00
and a Thyroid/Dental Thermogram valued at $125.00

Thank you in advance for your support.

Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions and research of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
 If you are interested in having a Holistic Health Counseling Session or Reiki session to guide you in ways to connect with your inner goddess please contact me at
Health Through Awareness.  
Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC
100 Brick Road, Suite 206
Marlton, NJ 08053

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