Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging
Health Through Awareness
May 2016 Newsletter
Fresh organic vegetable in season on old farm table.
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," said Hippocrates, the man who is reputed to be the father of western medicine.  Somehow or other we seem to have lost this sense of the value of food.

Fresh fruit, corn, and tomatoes just taste better as the weather starts to warm up.  On the other hand, a nice crisp apple in the fall does the trick.  By following the natural harvest of fruits and vegetables, we can strengthen our connection to our surroundings.  Cooking with locally grown produce is a great way to honor the environment in which you live.  It helps you feel more at home wherever you are and supports your body in adapting to changes in season.  In the springtime there are more greens, in summer more fruits and raw food, in autumn more hardy vegetables and whole grains.  In the winter, you may be drawn to more protein and fat.  
You can also adjust your cooking methods for the time of year.  During the colder months, put more heat into your food and cook your food longer. Try roasting, baking, using a Crock-pot and making stews to keep warm.  When springtime comes, allow your food preparation to become a little simpler.  You can incorporate more raw foods, quick high-temperature sautes, and steamed dishes.  Summer is a great time to go on a raw foods diet.
You may also want to consider how your lifestyle reflects seasonal changes.  In the springtime people feel refreshed, get their gardens going, start new projects or pursue new romantic interests.  In the summer months, people enjoy outdoor sports and high energy activities.  When fall arrives children return to school and people get into an organizing mode.   People tend to get very busy in September and October, running around, getting ready for the cold weather.  Just like animals scurry around in preparation for winter, our ancestors did the same thing, scurrying to make sure they had enough food to eat and wood to keep them warm.  No one has alerted our DNA that we now have heating in our homes and we can drive to the store anytime we need food; we are programmed to act this way.  We still tap into our ancestral, cellular memories of the harvest season. 
                                                                    - Institute for Integrative Nutrition    
Spring has Sprung and isn't it glorious?

Check below for information on the free:
Breast Cancer Prevention Global Virtual Conference featuring
Dr. Philip Getson, Dr. Christianne Northrup and many other experts.
Knowledge is power.  We need your help to raise awareness about this very important topic.  We have a choice and now is the time to use our individual and collective voice. Please share this information with your family and friends.
This is a rare opportunity to hear directly from world renowned breast cancer prevention leaders-and all for FREE.
We thank you in advance for you support.
Energetics of Food

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focuses on using food to prevent and treat disease. Instead of describing foods by how much protein, fat, or calories they contain, TCM focuses on the quality of the food.

All foods have a distinct energy and characteristic properties that either make us healthy, balancing and nourishing our bodies, or create imbalances that result in sickness.  This is food energetics.  Knowledge of food energetics can help one build a stronger sense of health and well-being by eating different foods that impose different effects.  Hence the saying "you are what you eat."

Eating from your own garden or buying produce from the local farmers market will leave you feeling more connected to your home or local community. When you eat seasonally and locally, the body is more in touch with the natural order of things and able to maintain balance from the inside out.

It is beneficial to take advantage of cooling fruits and lighter greens in the summertime, when they are at their peak in harvest.  At the same time, heartier vegetables such as deeply rooted carrots and squashes grow more abundantly in the wintertime, and add warmth to the body.

Another food energetic tip to promote health and healing is cooking and eating mindfully - slowing the pace of your meals and eating in a relaxed setting.  We absorb more of the nutrients from our food when we are mindful of our meals.

Root Vegetables
Sweet Vegetables
Meat, Fish

Pressure Cooking
Leafy greens
Wheat, Barley, Quinoa
Raw foods


Gas Stove Cooking

Microwave Cooking
Electric Stove Cooking
Factory Farming
Organic Foods
Whole Foods
Local Foods
Brown Rice


Home Cooking
Home Gardening

As you increase awareness about the foods you consume, consider that each food has its own unique energy beyond vitamins, minerals, fats, and carbohydrates.  When we eat, we assimilate not only the nutrients, but also the energy of the food.  Food has distinct qualities and energetic properties, depending on where, when, and how it grows as well as how it is prepared.  By understanding the energy of food, we can choose meals that will create the energy we are seeking in our lives.  

Food prepared at home by a loving person has a different nutritional effect than the exact same food prepared in a restaurant.  When we eat our mother's or grandmother's cooking, there's love in the food and care in its preparation, which creates a higher quality of love and energy.  Invisible forces are at work, and they have an alchemical effect on the food itself.  It tastes differently.  It feels differently in the body.  It affects us differently. 

Food that is cooked by someone who loves you, who is happy to be cooking and nourishing you, can be some of the best tasting food in the world.  The energy of love is passed into the food and nourishes you in ways that go beyond micro-nutrients.

There is a wonderful movie that depicts this beautifully.  It is called
"Like Water for Chocolate".


According to TCM, spring is the season of the liver and the gallbladder.  These organs are in charge of regulating a smooth and soothing flow of energy throughout the whole person (body and mind).  Unfortunately, they're prone to congestion (aka "stagnation") because most people take in too many poor quality fats and denatured foods, chemicals, medications, and intoxicants.
What happens when liver or gallbladder energy isn't flowing properly? We can experience anger and irritability (and for women: PMS), depression, insomnia, and an inability to lead or make decisions.  We are also more susceptible to problems like muscle pulls and strains, joint pains, and headaches when the liver and gallbladder are out of balance.  The good news is there are many ways to alter your dietary and food preparation habits in order to prevent a major liver and gallbladder meltdown.

Springtime is the best time to start integrating the following changes, especially if you are a seasonal allergy sufferer:

1. Like the green shoots and buds of the plants and trees, spring is associated with the color green.  Consume foods that are rich in chlorophyll (including cereal grasses like wheat or barley grass juice, micro algae like spirulina, blue-green, and chlorella, parsley, kale, Swiss chard, and collard greens) in order to accelerate liver rejuvenation.
2. Cook vegetables for a shorter time but at a higher temperature. This way, the food (especially the interior) is cooked slightly "al dente."  Think lightly steaming or minimal simmering.  A quick, high-temp saute method is also recommended.
3. Upon awakening, before that first cup of tea or coffee, drink warm water with a slice of lemon to detoxify the liver and gallbladder.  Or try 1 teaspoon each of apple cider vinegar and raw honey in one cup of water.  Mint tea throughout the day is another excellent remedy for soothing liver qi (energy).  I recommend this especially if you are experiencing irritability, frustration, or notice frequent sighing.
4. Avoid heavy foods which can exacerbate sluggishness in the liver.  These include dairy, fried foods, poorly sourced meats and large quantities of nuts (including nut butters).
5. Make sure to increase moderately pungent foods like green onions, garlic, ginger, watercress, mustard greens, turmeric, basil, cardamom, marjoram, cumin, and fennel in your diet.  These help to ease the transition into spring when erratic changes in weather make us susceptible to colds, flu, allergies, and acute illness.  These foods also have powerful immune boosting qualities.
6. Eat more raw foods, sprouted grains, and seeds.  According to TCM, we should also be consuming root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets, and turnips.
7. Increase foods with a slightly bitter quality as these can help you deal with problematic heat and inflammation in the liver.  Rye, romaine lettuce, asparagus, amaranth, quinoa, radish leaves, citrus peel, dandelion, chamomile, milk thistle seeds, and Oregon grape root all have liver cleansing capabilities. Include these in your diet on a regular basis if you are prone to springtime allergies characterized by itchy, red eyes, post nasal drip and/or sneezing. These foods will also benefit red, swollen joints.

Living in accordance with the shift of the seasons can benefit your health in many ways.  The wisdom of TCM dates back thousands of years, but it's just as important today as ever.

Winnie Abramson editor of Healthy Green Kitchen
March 2013 blog by Kristin Misik


Here are two refreshing Spring recipes:

    Beet Salad with Fennel and Mint
    Prep Time: 20 minutes
    Cooking Time: 30 minutes
    Serves 6
2 Beets
1 small fennel bulb
1 bunch mint leaves
2 oranges
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
Place beets in a pot, cover with 1 inch of water and boil for 20-30 minutes, until a fork pierces easily through the middle of each beet.
While beets are cooking, wash fennel and slice very thin
Chop mint into thin ribbons.
Zest oranges and juice them into a bowl.
When beets are cooked, drain them in the sink.
Cool them by rinsing under cold water and peel the skin off with your hands (it should slide right off).
Chop the beets into 1/4 inch thick, quarter rounds.
Add all ingredients into a large bowl and mix well.
Sauteed Greens with Pine Nuts and Raisins
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Serves 6
1/2 bunch mustard greens
1/2 bunch kale
1/2 bunch dandelion greens
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/3 cup raisins
Toast pine nuts on a cookie sheet in a 325-degree oven for 5 minutes. Set aside.
Wash and chop greens.
Heat olive oil.
Add greens, sea salt, and raisins.  Stir and cook 5 minutes.
Turn off heat, add pine nuts and transfer to serving dish.
Tip: Sprinkle with lemon juice before serving.
Institute for Integrative Nutrition 

Stay Connected
Are you concerned about breast cancer?
Have you or someone you know been touched by breast cancer?
Are you aware that Breast Cancer is a Preventable Disease?
Keep reading...
Affecting 1-in 8 women, breast cancer is one of the most common and devastating diseases in the world, meaning it's impacted almost everyone on a personal or family level. We want to change that forever.  
That's why from May 15-20 along with 17 other leading breast health and cancer prevention experts, Dr. Philip Getson will be speaking in the Breast Cancer Prevention Global Virtual Conference. Please join us as we share comprehensive, inspiring and educational information on what women can do to prevent the formation of cancer before they ever have to rely on a cure.

Here are just a few reasons to virtually attend:
  • 18 Global Leaders on Cancer Studies, Research and Prevention
  • Full Access to In-Depth Personal Interviews
  • Enjoy Inspiring Information from the Comfort of Home
  • Watch Along from a Laptop or Mobile Device
This is a rare opportunity to hear directly from world renowned breast cancer prevention leaders-and all for FREE. 


Thank you to Dr. Leo McCormick for another enlightening webinar.  He gave us some very valuable and practical tips on how to better communicate with our health care practitioners.  If you missed April's webinar, click on the link below for the archive.
View our archived webinars here 
Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging/Health Through Awareness free webinar series presents James Galgano, A.A., B.S., DC.  Dr. Galgano is a skilled practitioner whose primary focus is on finding and addressing the root cause of disease.  The topic of his webinar is "How Advanced Spinal Care Can Help You Heal Naturally At Any Age."  Some of the key points to be discussed are:
  • What is health & how health problems are linked to the spine
  • Why many treatments have little to no long-term benefit and leave you worse as you age
  • The role your spine and nervous system play in keeping you healthy and reversing disease
  • The two biggest lies in health care as to the cause of disease
  • How to identify and correct problem areas in your spine and nervous system
  • Advancements in natural spinal care that can help you live to 100+
  • Why the use of Spinal Thermography is essential to proper healing
Dr. Galgano received his Bachelor of Science degree in exercise science from Bloomsburg University, his graduate degree in Chiropractic from Life University, and a Certificate of Advanced Spinal Care from the Pierce Results System.  He has been awarded the Ambassadors Award and the Presidents Circle Award from Life University.  His interest in Advanced Chiropractic Science began early in his career when it helped him to overcome 19 years of chronic illness in a very short amount of time.  He currently lectures to doctors around the country on topics relating to the use of the most effective approaches to spinal care and use of modern technologies which achieve the best measurable clinical outcomes.  His passion for natural health care led him to open Burlington Chiropractic, P.C. in 1999.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 7-8 p.m.  For more information or to register: 856-596-5834 or "Webinars & Events."
Click here to register 

Click here to register for Dr. Getson's lecture at Allegheny Family Chiropractic on May 11, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. - 8:15p.m.

Knowledge is power. We need your help and support to raise awareness about this very important topic. Ladies, you have a choice and now is the time to use your individual and collective voice! Join us for this educational and informative talk and be a part of the quest to bring about changes in the current medical paradigm. 


As you know, your confidence in TDI/Health Through Awareness is our highest compliment.  If you find value in our webinars, newsletters, and in the services we provide, please leave us a positive review on Google or Facebook. 
Click Here to Leave a Google Review


Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions and research of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
If you are interested in an individual holistic health coaching session, either in person, via Skype, or by phone, please contact me to schedule an appointment. 
Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC
TDI/Health Through Awareness
100 Brick Road, Suite 206
Marlton, NJ 08053