Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging
Health Through Awareness
June Newsletter

"Peace begins in kitchens and pantries, gardens and backyards, where our food is grown and prepared.  The energies of nature and the infinite universe are absorbed through the foods we eat and are transmuted into our thoughts and actions."
Michio Kushi, One Peaceful World

Throughout history people have eaten food essentially as nature produced it.  People ate whole and unprocessed vegetables, fruits, grains and beans and chicken, fish and other animals foods.  Small amounts of sugar and honey or wine in the diet were balanced by regular physical activity, from sunrise to sunset, for every member of the family.

Our ancestors would not recognize the food in today's supermarket. Large scale food processing has become the norm.  Our ancestors ate seasonally because they had no choice.  Fresh greens grew in spring, fruit ripened in summer, root vegetables grew in the fall and people relied on animal food to get them through the winter. Highway transportation and refrigerated trucks made it possible for people to eat whatever they wanted whenever they wanted.  Eating locally grown food in accordance with the seasons will help you live in harmony with yourself, your body and the earth.

Our personal food choices not only have an impact on our bodies but also on our environment.  Many of the foods we eat require a significant amount of energy and resources to reach our plate. The journey of our food is a long process and some refer to it as "food miles".  Many people are choosing to "eat local".  The food is fresher, many small farmers use good farming practices and eating local helps to support them and we leave less of a carbon footprint. Another way to have access to fresh, local food is to join a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group.  A CSA is when a a group of people pledge to support a nearby farm in an economic partnership in return for shares of the farm's harvest.

What would happen if you experienced high-level wellness most of the time?  Imagine what your life would be like if strength, flexibility, endurance and clear thinking were part of your everyday life.  Sadly, most people are missing it.  They eat the "Standard American Diet" (SAD), eat out most of the time and graze on packaged, chemically laden snack foods throughout the day.  When you switch to a natural foods diet and lifestyle, your life will begin to change in very good ways.  You become clearer, calmer and more aware.  As a heath conscious person, you have the added potential to step out and create positive change in the world.  The more you live in balance, respecting nature and yourself, the more likely you will be in the right place at the right time, all of the time.  When you have that balance, you're one with nature and more connected to the whole system of life.

         An excerpt from Institute for Integrative Nutrition - Joshua Rosenthal

Below is a list of controversial ingredients that you want to avoid.  Remember, if a food label has a list of things you can't pronounce, chances are you shouldn't be ingesting them. 

Being healthy is the new "cool".
  We have a responsibility and an obligation to take care of ourselves.


Quick and portable foods are now the norm in modern society. Whether it's a toaster pastry, a tube of yogurt, a can of cola, or an individually -wrapped slice of cheese-chances are that the product is heavily processed and contains various additives and chemicals to preserve its shelf life.

Controversial Ingredients
Did you know that these convenient foods, which commonly come with unpronounceable ingredients, may come at a dangerous price? Various food additives and chemicals have shown side effects which range from nausea and headaches to more serious conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis. Be sure to read ingredient labels carefully, and consume more whole foods!

Below is a list of the 12 most pervasive and detrimental additives and substances commonly found in processed foods.

Artificial Sweeteners:
Artificial sweeteners are a combination of chemicals that exist to make our foods sweeter without the calories of sugar. Artificial sweeteners have been exposed in the media as having a long list of related side effects, such as headaches, nausea, anxiety, depression, dementia, skin rashes and more.

Refined Sugar:
People in the U.S. consume 130 to 160 pounds of sugar each year. In other words, we are consuming half a cup of sugar a day and most of us aren't even aware of it. High consumption of sugar and the corresponding elevated insulin levels can cause weight gain, bloating, fatigue, arthritis, migraines, lowered immune function, obesity, cavities, and cardiovascular disease. It can also disrupt absorption of nutrients, possibly leading to osteoporosis, depression, PMS symptoms, and stress.

Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG):
MSG, also known as natural flavoring, is a common food additive used to enhance flavor in a variety of foods. Canned vegetables, frozen entrees, fast foods, and soups are just a few products that contain MSG. Many people have experienced a variety of side effects which range from headaches, itchy skin, and dizziness to respiratory, digestive, circulatory, and coronary issues.

Artificial Colors:
The blues, reds, yellows, and greens you commonly see in yogurts, cereals, and juices don't normally come from natural sources. In fact, food coloring is usually a synthetic chemical produced by scientists to color foods and increase a product's visual appeal. Many colorings are derived from coal tar and can contain up to 10 parts per million of lead and arsenic, but still be generally recognized as safe by the FDA! Artificial colors can cause allergic reactions and increase hyperactivity in children with ADD.

Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT):
BHA and BHT are two food additives commonly used in the food industry to prevent oils from going rancid. Studies have shown that BHA has caused stomach-focused carcinogens in trials involving mice, hamsters, and rats. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has deemed "BHT as slightly less harmful than BHA, but should still be replaced with safer alternatives."

Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite: Sodium nitrate and nitrite are preservatives that are added to processed meat products to enhance red color and flavor. These compounds transform into cancer-causing agents called nitrosamines in the stomach. Noticeable side effects include headaches, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Olestra (Brand Name Olean): Olestra is a synthetic fat created by Proctor & Gamble that does not get absorbed in the digestive tract.  Side effects commonly caused by Olestra include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Olestra inhibits the absorption of some vitamins and minerals.

Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO): Brominated vegetable oil is used to keep flavor oils in soft drinks in suspension. When consumed, it is stored in fat and over time can accumulate. This additive can lead to reproductive interference and birth defects. It has been banned in 100 countries. This additive is less used in modern food applications.

Caffeine: Caffeine is an addictive stimulant found in soft drinks, gum, diet pills, and pain relievers; it naturally occurs in coffee, cocoa and tea. Caffeine causes calcium to be excreted from the bones, which can lead to osteoporosis and increased infertility.

Partially Hydrogenated Oils: Partially hydrogenated oils are made by the interacting of different varieties of oil with hydrogen. When this occurs, the level of poly-unsaturated oils (good fat) is reduced and trans fats are created. These oils are added to products to enhance appearance and prevent spoiling. They are associated with heart disease, breast and colon cancer, atherosclerosis, and elevated cholesterol.

Pesticides: Every year more than two billion pounds of pesticides are added to our food supply. That's about 10 pounds per person every year. Many of the pesticides used throughout the world are carcinogenic. Pesticide consumption has been linked to birth defects, nerve damage, cancer and other effects that might occur over a long period of time.

Genetically Modified Organisms: GMOs are plants or animals that have had their DNA modified. In the U.S., the majority of the corn, soybean, cotton and canola crops are now genetically modified, and one or more of these can be found in nearly every processed food. GMOs have not been proven safe and some studies show GMOs may decrease immunity to diseases in plants as well as humans. They may also cause resistance to antibiotics and could have a negative impact on genetic function. Plants that are genetically modified to be resistant to disease, pesticides, and insecticides could diminish the need to use these strong chemicals. Conversely, they may build up a resistance and therefore require even larger amounts of chemicals than before.

Here is a chart with the clean fifteen fruits and vegetables and
the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables

The Clean Fifteen:
Asparagus, Avocado, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Grapefruit, Sweet Potatoes, Mangoes, Onions, Papayas, Pineapple, Sweet Corn,
Sweet Peas (frozen), and Kiwi.

The Dirty Fourteen:
Apples, Celery, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Strawberries, Nectarines,
 Hot Peppers,  Peaches, Potatoes, Snap Peas, Spinach, Grapes, Sweet Bell Peppers and Kale /Collard Greens.


Organic Farms in Our Area:

Dimeo Organic Blueberry Farm
3101 Nesco Road
Hammonton, NJ 08037

Downright Fresh
2096 Springdale Road
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003

Shady Brook Farm
931 Stony Hill Road
Yardley, PA  19067

Many thanks to Ann McCloud Sneath for an informative and thought provoking webinar.  You can find the archive of the webinar on the webinar page of our website Thanks to all who joined us; we hope you enjoyed it.

Please join us on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 @ 7 p.m. for our next webinar with Dr. Elizabeth Boyle.
Dr. Elizabeth Boyle is a Board Certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist along with a Master of Science in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine from the University of South Florida. After several years of delivering babies and because of training in Osteopathy (a holistic approach that suggests that the body has a capacity to heal itself), she decided to expand her horizons by training in medical acupuncture. Her medical acupuncture training was done through New York Medical College.

Dr. Boyle will be discussing Food Sensitivities/Allergies and their relation to Chronic Disease. Do you ever have a "gut feeling" about something? Or, when you get anxious do you feel that in your gut? That may be because the gut plays a very important part in sending messages back and forth to our brain. Those messages then determine how we feel, both physically and mentally.  Seventy percent of the immune system is located in the gut, and ninety percent of serotonin (one of the anti-anxiety, anti-depression neurotransmitters) is made in the gut!  In this webinar, we will explore how the health of the gut can influence the health of our mind, body and spirit. If the gut is "unhealthy", it may predispose us to illness and chronic dis-ease. We will also explore how to heal the gut so as to optimize your health and longevity!


 If you are interested in having a Holistic Health Counseling Session to guide you in proper dietary and lifestyle choices, please contact me at

Health Through Awareness.  




Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions and research of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.



Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC



100 Brick Road, Suite 206

Marlton, NJ 08053

[email protected] 





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