Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging
Health Through Awareness
May 2015 Newsletter
Hands and plate with weighing scale on the table
"For years I exercised to be thinner, and I never got the results I wanted.  When I finally started working out to be healthier, I saw a transformation.  I've even quit weighing myself so I don't obsess about the numbers."
Judy Reyes, American Actress

Fad diets don't work!  Anybody that has ever been on a diet knows that they are not sustainable.  Eventually you fall off the wagon and end up gaining twice as much weight as you lost.  What works is eating for health, not eating for weight loss.  Weight loss becomes a natural byproduct of proper eating habits.

Joshua Rosenthal, the founder for the Institute of Integrative Nutrition says, "Diet books are best sellers.  News programs feature stories about America's growing health crisis or the new wonder drug.  Cooking shows are more popular than ever, while more and more families are eating out."

Just last month a statistic was released that for the first time ever more money is being spent in restaurants than in supermarkets. 

Rosenthal goes on to say: "Being healthy is really not that complicated.  The body knows what to eat, it's the brain that makes mistakes. You don't have to read nutrition books to know what to eat.  Instead, you can foster a deep relationship with your body in which it naturally tells you what it needs to function at its highest potential."

In this high tech, low touch 24/7 society, many people are completely out of touch with their bodies relying on outside sources to tell them what they should instinctively know: what to eat. People used to gather with their families and friends in the heart of the home, the kitchen, and enjoy not only a meal but quality time spent with each other.  Eating or dining, once a pleasure, is now work, having been replaced with calorie counting, restrictions, good and bad foods, magic weight loss pills and an obsession with the numbers on the scale. 

"It's about finding what works best for you, then creating your own nutrition theory based on your individual desires and needs.  Find what's right for you. This task is far more challenging than getting swept away by the latest media-hyped fad and jumping on already-rolling bandwagon. In the end, however, it will be far more rewarding because you will have come to understand your own nutritional needs and you will arrive at a place of lasting health and physical well-being."  (Joshua Rosenthal) 

The surest way not to lose weight is to become fixated on your scale.  Step away from the scale!  
Top 10 Weight Loss Tips
  1. Drink Water- Hunger is often confused with dehydration. Next time you feel like a snack, have a glass of water. Even mild dehydration can alter our body's metabolism, so aim to drink eight glasses a day and limit soda, caffeine, and alcohol. It is also agreed that drinking water before meals can help promote weight loss. Studies show people who drink two glasses of water before meals feel fuller and eat less.
  2. Eat carbs-REAL carbs!- Replace refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, bagels, cereal and pretzels with complex carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber which slows digestion and promotes stable blood sugar levels. They're also packed with antioxidants which help reduce inflammation in the body. Whole grain carbohydrates should always be chosen over refined varieties. Think about eating them as you would find them in nature- breads made from wheat that's milled, brown rice simply taken straight from the plant complete with fiber and phytonutrients the way Mother Nature intended they be eaten!
  3. Choose healthy fats- A common misconception is that fats should be completely eliminated. In reality, we could not live without fat. The body utilizes dietary fat for energy, health of hair, skin and nails, vitamin absorption and normal everyday bodily functions. Good fats promote several health benefits such as protection against heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, and depression, as well as reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Choose sources such as nuts, seeds, fish, avocado, organic virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil.
  4. Emphasize lean protein- Our bodies require protein to continuously renew and replenish our cells, stabilize our blood sugar, and give us energy. Our bodies are literally made out of the amino acids that make up protein in our food. Many foods contain protein, but the richest sources include animal products like meat, dairy, eggs and fish, as well as plant sources like beans, nuts, and seeds. When choosing animal protein sources, be conscious of the way the animal was raised and what it ate. Grass fed beef and free range chicken are healthier and more ethically sound choices than feedlot meats. Organic yogurt and cage-free eggs are great for vegetarians, while tofu, tempeh, and nut butters are good vegan protein sources.
  5. Eat breakfast- By eating a hearty breakfast, you'll give your metabolism a jump start and be in better control of your cravings. When we miss our first fuel of the day, by mid morning we are hungry and more likely to engage in mindless nibbling, snacking, overeating, and over compensating for any calories "saved" by skipping breakfast. Studies repeatedly show daily breakfast consumption is associated with maintaining a healthy weight. But if you're not ready for breakfast early in the morning, listen to your body and eat when you feel it's best for you.
  6. Eat more frequently- It's important to balance your food intake throughout the day to help maintain normal blood sugar and decrease the chances of binging when hunger strikes. Try to keep track of your meal choices and balance caloric intake. Feeding your body on a regular basis lets it know food is available and it's okay to burn energy rather than conserve and store it as fat.
  7. Exercise your body and mind- Exercise has enormous benefits for your mind and body with research boasting decreased body weight, smaller waist circumference, lower resting heart rate and blood pressure, and it boosts your mood! Strive to be active at least 30 minutes every day to help keep your body strong and lean. It doesn't have to be expensive- any movement is better than none. Try these tips to get moving:
    1. Get off the subway or bus one stop earlier.
    2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    3. Go on daily jogs or walks.

         Even playing with your children in the park or trying a hand at             gardening will keep your body active. It's also just as important to keep your mind active. Boost brainpower by spending time thinking positively, meditating, or practicing activities that require deep thought like reading or playing Sudoku.

       8. Catch some ZZZZ's- Research suggests that those who sleep five   hours or less weigh five pounds more than those getting at least seven hours of shut eye per night. Over time, weight gain can increase more rapidly in those who get five hours of sleep when compared to those getting seven hours. Lack of sleep disrupts circadian rhythms and can lead to inefficient body regulation of energy balance, metabolism, and appetite. Abnormal leptin and ghrelin levels- hormones that tell your body "I'm full, stop eating"- can go awry with too little sleep. Said simply- sleep more, eat and weigh less! Strive for seven to eight hours of sleep each night.      

9. Learn to cook- Cooking meals at home allows you to control portion sizes and quality of ingredients, and it cuts your intake of sodium, fat and calories. Avoid frying foods by learning to roast or bake, and eat more raw foods to boost flavor and cut calories. Use herbs and spices to reduce salt intake.  

10.Keep track of what you eat- Be a food detective and investigate what you choose to put in your body. Check labels and avoid ingredients such as sugar, trans-fat, high fructose corn syrup, and long "chemical names" that are hard to pronounce. The healthiest foods are those that sound just as nature intended- whole and unprocessed. When was the last time you saw an ingredient list on a stalk of broccoli or a fresh fillet of salmon?    

Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Core Principles of a Healthy Diet
I presented Dr. Price's work in my newsletter on sugar, but I thought his work was pertinent to this topic as well.

In the 1930's, a Cleveland dentist named Weston A. Price, DDS, traveled to isolated parts of the world to study dental health of people unaffected by Western civilization. His studies revealed that dental caries and deformed dental arches, which resulted in crooked teeth, were the result of nutritional deficiencies and not genetically inherited as previously believed.

Dr. Price studied sequestered villages in Switzerland, Gaelic communities in the Outer Hebrides, indigenous peoples of North and South America, Melanesian and Polynesian South Sea Islanders, African tribes, Australian Aborigines, and the Maori people of New Zealand. He found that beautiful straight teeth, freedom from decay, good physiques, and resistance to disease were typical of native groups who consumed traditional diets rich in essential nutrients.

The isolated people Dr. Price photographed- with their fine bodies, ease of reproduction, emotional stability, and freedom from degenerative ills- stand in sharp contrast to civilized modern people subsisting on the "displacing foods of modern commerce," which includes sugar, white flour, pasteurized milk, low-fat foods, vegetable oils, and chemical and additive filled items.

Compared to the average diet at this time, the indigenous diet provided at least 4 times the water-soluble vitamins, calcium and other mineral, and 10 times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins from foods such as butter, fish eggs, shellfish, organ meats, eggs, and animal fats. These cholesterol-rich foods are the very same foods now shunned by the public today.

These healthy traditional people knew instinctively what scientists of Dr. Price's day had recently discovered, that fat-soluble vitamins were vital to health because they acted as catalysts to mineral absorption and protein utilization. Without them, we cannot absorb minerals, no matter how abundant they may be in our food. Dr. Price discovered an additional fat-soluble nutrient, which he labeled Activator X, to be present in fish livers, shellfish, organ meats, and butter from cows eating rapidly growing green grass in the spring and fall. All primitive groups had a source of Activator X, now thought to be Vitamin K, in their diets.

Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Thanks to all who attended April's webinar and to Elsie for a fun and informative Webinar on Stress Reduction for Health and Vitality. We got to see her using the tools firsthand. To watch the replay and a video of the movements Elsie was talking about, follow the link below to our webinar page under the heading of Webinars & Events.  
Join us Wednesday, May 27 @ 7p.m. with Ann McCloud Sneath, MSN, CRNP.  Ann Practices all aspects of women's healthcare, including gynecology.  She specializes in holistic health using nutrition, blood work, saliva tests, bio-identical hormones, exercise plans, herbs, herbal remedies and natural supplements for wellness. 
Ann will be discussing "Women's Hormones and the Environment."  She will explain the relationship between environmental hormone disruptors (such as plastic, pesticides and consumer products) and naturally produced hormones by the ovaries as well as bio-identical hormones from a compounding pharmacy.  This discussion will focus on the impact of environmental hormones on the breasts, ovaries and weight in every age group of women.

To register for this webinar click here

Wishing all the mothers, mothers-to-be or women in the role of mothering, a beautiful, blessed Mother's Day.  Let us reflect on the unconditional love a mother has for her children and send that high vibration out into the world 

which so desperately needs a mother's love.



  Mother's Day Special:  Give your mom the gift of health with a gift certificate for the "POD", Health Through Awareness infrared detox sauna that combines infrared heat, aromatherapy, vibratory massage, oxygen therapy and music therapy.

  Buy one POD session valued at $30.00, get one free.



Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this newsletter is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions and research of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Liesha Getson and Health Through Awareness. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.



Liesha Getson, BCTT, HHC


100 Brick Road, Suite 206

Marlton, NJ 08053

[email protected]

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