CPI - We're Not Just Modules!
Did you know that CPI:
- Supports many different groups of learners? These include practitioners and their supervisors, care managers and their supervisors, agency leaders, managed care organization staff, consumers and family members.
- Helps learners to develop knowledge, skills and competencies?
- Assists programs and agencies with implementation of practices as well as training of staff?
Our methods include:
- Leading webinars and online meetings focusing on a variety of topics. Recent topics include Supported Employment Fidelity Assessment, Drugs and Alcohol 101, and Group Supervision Skills: How to motivate your team to perform at their best.
- Offering agency-specific consultation (calls and visits) for teams involved in our various initiatives.
- Providing tools that can be used in real time such as the Employment Resource Book and Wellness Self-Management workbooks.
- Organizing learning collaboratives where agencies and programs learn from one another as well as from experts in the field.
Stay tuned for more details in future NewsBriefs
Center for Practice Innovations - We're not just modules!